Generic Ruins Level

Levels posted here need a lot of work before they're ready to be played.
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Generic Ruins Level

Postby Jackeea » Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:11 pm

Well, I couldn't come up with a better title.
I actually made this level a few years ago, but never really got around to uploading it anywhere or in general doing anything with it, so, here you go.
Spoiler: show

Van De Graf
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Re: Generic Ruins Level

Postby silent_ » Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:16 pm

Ehh... now this looks kinda bad.

First of all, I know I'm going to get a lot of comments like "omg kep custom graphics don't matter!!!!" and you're right, they don't, but in this case, they're kinda essential to making this level's atmosphere better. Also, I'd recommend toning down the huge variety of game styles. SMB1 and SMB2 clash, and SMB1 and SMB3 clash as well; however, if you just made your level using SMB2 and SMB3 graphics, this level wouldn't clash much.

I would also like to add there is a HUGE spam of enemies in this level just judging by the screenshots. Like, four Snifits in one area? And why all of the Spinies?

I'll give a full review of this another day.


Re: Generic Ruins Level

Postby Yugioer » Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:48 pm

Judging from the screenshots, I'm feeling the same way as Kep. Don't get me wrong, the Level seems very interesting and I'll be sure to try it for myself (so I can give a constructive review :)), but the Level also seems like tiles, objects and enemies have been thrown into it randomly. I really can't wait to try the level, though!

Just letting you know, the first impression is very important! The screenshots are there to give us a first impression.

Monty Mole
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Re: Generic Ruins Level

Postby AxelVoss » Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:18 am

My, oh my...

First of all... HOLY CRAP THE THINGS!
There's things and stuff everywhere! The whole area is crowded with a mishmash of randomly placed blocks and NPCs that are neither pleasing to the eye, nor placed in any sort of logical system. And on top of that, it's one of those "Where Do I Go, What Do I Do?" levels: There's a million things going on at once, and it's very disorienting. And don't even get me started on how badly everything clashes.

All in all, it's a mediocre level that doesn't deliver too much. It's not terrible, but it needs a LOT of polish. And, possibly, some ideas.

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Re: Generic Ruins Level

Postby crusher169 » Fri Nov 14, 2014 1:48 am

im just gonna say, the combination of smb1, smb2 and smb3 things do not work well together. I little tip is if your making a level, try only using blocks and npcs from 1 of the games, not from 3 of them otherwise it looks terrible. also try using custom graphics. you might not understand custom graphics straight away but im sure eventually you'll work it out.

Boomerang Bro
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Re: Generic Ruins Level

Postby Imaynotbehere4long » Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:42 pm

I'm going to copy 8bitmushroom's strategy and reserve this to review myself.

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Re: Generic Ruins Level

Postby Danny » Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:47 pm

Imaynotbehere4long wrote:I'm going to copy 8bitmushroom's strategy and reserve this to review myself.
I only did that because I knew you were judging levels. :P

Boomerang Bro
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Re: Generic Ruins Level

Postby Imaynotbehere4long » Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:29 pm

8bitmushroom wrote:
Imaynotbehere4long wrote:I'm going to copy 8bitmushroom's strategy and reserve this to review myself.
I only did that because I knew you were judging levels. :P
So, does that mean you've stopped for today? I guess so.

And now, my review of Generic Ruins Level:

Wow, this level is a mess. If the player misses the airship NPCs (which is likely to happen since the player won't be able to figure out what's going on quickly), he/she has to lose the mushroom to enter a pipe that has Spinys constantly being generated from it. If the player doesn't miss the airship NPCs, he/she is met with a frequent mushroom generator, but the mushrooms constantly fall into lava, which is prone to a Run-Time error. It is also possible for the player to use the Koopa generator there and the phase-through-walls-while-big bug to skip much of the first section. I'm also going to skip that part of the first section in my review since it's quite empty and boring.

Moving on: if the player goes to the upper-right of the section, there's a Birdo that is there only to guard some 1-ups, which are fairly useless when playing a single level. Where the player really has to go is to the bottom-left by breaking the SMB2 blocks with a Koopa shell. After that, the player gets the midpoint, there are some really boring lava jumps, and then the player has to time a spin-jump from a climbable fence on to Podobos. That might not seem too difficult on paper, but the way the blocks, fence, and Podobos are arranged makes it very difficult to time the jump right, and I got killed when I made it there. That's when I found out that the midpoint is positioned in such a way that it causes the player to get stuck in the wall and be unable to beat the level:
Spoiler: show
After that, I activated shadowstar and skipped the Podobo spin-jumping part. Then the player enters a warp that leads to the second section, and there's an SMB1 Bowser there which the player has to defeat. In order to do that, the player has to get past it, go into a warp to another section, grab a Koopa shell, warp back to Bowser, and hold it against him until he dies. After that, there are some Bowser statues, then a Boom-Boom fight on a flat plane, which is a significant drop in difficulty. Once the Boom-Boom is defeated, a ? sphere pops out, and the level is over.

In conclusion:

There are just way too many things wrong with this level for it to be enjoyable in any way. I'd say this deserves a 0.5/10.

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