krakin wrote: ↑Sat Nov 04, 2023 4:44 pm
(...) episodes with broken links?
There are episodes that cannot be downloaded, for example, 'New Super Mario Adventures' created by BlueMario, link
viewtopic.php?t=4441, seems to be lost forever
krakin wrote: ↑Sat Nov 04, 2023 4:44 pm
Why not just edit the original thread and add the new working link (...)
Yes, that's right, but as not all users will be able to do this (as the user will need be moderator or something like that), I'm creating an alternative solution, I'm creating a spreadsheet with the episodes
krakin wrote: ↑Sat Nov 04, 2023 4:44 pm
and would defeat the purpose of having a "Missing Episodes" subforum.
There are episodes that may never come back
Well, the spreadsheet won't be able to contain all the episodes that have already existed, and the original topic will continue without the download link, unless someone on the team puts a new link.
But if I can create a spreadsheet it will help.
Thank you!