The SMBX Assets Archive

Share and discuss custom SMBX graphics.
Squishy Rex
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The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby Squishy Rex » Sat Jan 30, 2021 4:53 pm


Welcome to the SMBX Assets Archive!

Over the past several years the SMBX community has created customized content to be shared and used by thousands of other like-minded individuals. Of course over that lengthy span many of these assets have been forgotten, misplaced or even lost to time, and this Assets Archive is here to help change that.

Older users will be very familiar with a Community GFX Pack developed by Red Yoshi and supermarioman, with a goal to collect and store all of SMBX's custom content (which at the time was 99% custom GFX) for other users as a sort of repository. Now the last update to that particular pack was about 10 years ago and since then nothing has really developed any further. Attempts were made by both myself and others to move this massive project forward, however, they all penultimately failed due to a number of reasons.

Since around 2012, this has been my passion project, to save as much of SMBX's content as possible and continue this Archive, and now through some trial and error, boat loads of help from other members of the community (credits down below), I am happy to announce the brand new Assets Archive for SMBX!


OnerDrive Archive (Old) ... C9678BB8FA

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Image Important Information
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- Updates can occur at all times and do not require any down time to process. There's no more waiting for an update to come and then having to re-download the entire pack over and over each time this happens.

- All graphical content has been converted to PNG format to help save storage space but also because this archive primarily is supportive of SMBX2, however, sections for Legacy SMBX and SMBX38A are available.

- If you are looking for something in particular or are looking for assets made by a particular person, Google Drive also has a proper search function.

- By using the access link above you have the ability to make edits to the Archive. This means you can upload SMBX relative content yourself! There's no need to rely on other people to do it for you, but this also takes the workload off everyone working on this mammoth project.

- Uploading is very simple. Just drag and drop your upload content.
Image Making Uploads & Downloading
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- Place your uploads in the correct folders.

- Make sure each upload comes with creator credits. (eg. Desert Tileset - Squishy Rex). If you are uploading older graphics that you did not create and you do not know who the original creator is please mark the folder as "Unknown Source" (eg. Desert Tileset - Unknown Source) and change the folder's colour to RED. This will act as a flag and hopefully proper credit can be later added if someone figures out or knows the original creator. Also please do not claim someone elses work as your own.

- COLOURED FOLDERS: There is a README file for these folders in the main directory of the Archive, please read it for more information.

- Please make sure all graphics files are uploaded in PNG format. (Convert older GIF files using the GIFs2PNG tool.) This helps save available space.

- To download a folder OR the whole archive* (not recommended) if you so choose, just right click the folder of your choice and hit Download. Do not download the thumbnail images in each folder as they are jpegs not the actual dowloadable files.

* Downloading the whole archive is generally not reccommended as doing so will only download the Archive in that moment and the overall filesize is massive, so please bear that in mind. Once downloaded the Archive does NOT receive updates.

Below is a list of users who over the last 9 years have helped make this project a reality for everyone to enjoy.
Red Yoshi
Last edited by Squishy Rex on Mon Jul 12, 2021 4:38 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby FireyPaperMario » Sat Jan 30, 2021 6:05 pm

I like to see some of the OG custom Super Mario Bros. X from the olden days of the community. BUT, can you give us members that WEREN'T around during 2009 to the birth of this forums some screenshots? No offense

edit: I added a category for this custom GFX archive in the doc for game initials, if that's okay with you, Squishy. The category initials is MD 1536*, and I might put these in the assets, if that's okay.

*It means Mega Drive 1,536 (With GFXs made from the colors from the 1,536 color palette for Mega Drive/Genesis games).

Squishy Rex
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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby Squishy Rex » Sat Jan 30, 2021 7:59 pm

FireyPaperMario wrote:
Sat Jan 30, 2021 6:05 pm
I like to see some of the OG custom Super Mario Bros. X from the olden days of the community. BUT, can you give us members that WEREN'T around during 2009 to the birth of this forums some screenshots? No offense

edit: I added a category for this custom GFX archive in the doc for game initials, if that's okay with you, Squishy. The category initials is MD 1536*, and I might put these in the assets, if that's okay.

*It means Mega Drive 1,536 (With GFXs made from the colors from the 1,536 color palette for Mega Drive/Genesis games).
Done, I grabbed a few of the screenshots out of the Community section. I believe, everything pictured is included. I didn't want to show stuff that's not there for obvious reasons. If you want to add some stuff that's definitely okay. The provided link allows anyone to perform edits/uploads, but of course this will run on a trust system, if anyone decides to abuse that, then it will be changed to view/download access only.

At some point soon, a secure back-up/mirror will be added to Wohlstand's server. This will act as a safe-guard should anyone decide to be a troll or if something were to happen on Google Drive's end.

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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby Rixitic » Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:16 am

So I probably won't be submitting anything directly to this myself, but I'm generally down for any standalone assets/resources I release here on the forum getting added to this archive if someone wants to drop 'em in. I've got some other stuff I'm aiming to finish up and put out at some point this year, but for now it's mainly just the following:

Megan Variety Pack
Overworld Tilekit
textplus font factory thread (including the SMB3 ending font, I checked with Quine to make sure that one was okay to add)

Squishy Rex
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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby Squishy Rex » Wed Feb 03, 2021 2:16 am

rixithechao wrote:
Wed Feb 03, 2021 12:16 am
So I probably won't be submitting anything directly to this myself, but I'm generally down for any standalone assets/resources I release here on the forum getting added to this archive if someone wants to drop 'em in. I've got some other stuff I'm aiming to finish up and put out at some point this year, but for now it's mainly just the following:

Megan Variety Pack
Overworld Tilekit
textplus font factory thread (including the SMB3 ending font, I checked with Quine to make sure that one was okay to add)
No problem at all, though of course if there is anything you specifically don't want added just let me know, otherwise I'll add these tonight sometime.

Also this is directed to to the user who contacted me in regards to not being able to access the Archive. Not sure if this person is a forum member or not as the message was sent via a request through Google Drive. However upon trying to re-issue you with a link, the message in the screenshot provided below appeared. By the looks of this, this is not a problem on my end but in fact yours and unfortunately due to this there is nothing I can do for you. Judging by this you will need to change your admin permissions to be able to access the Archive and this is also the reason why I cannot reply to the request that was sent to me. Reason provided by my email "The user or domain that you are sending to (or from) has a policy that prohibited the mail that you sent."
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The Archive itself has seen quite a bit of traffic in the last few days and no-one else has had an issue with this. As soon as you rectify this you’ll have full access to everything that is available. Also, while I would normally refrain from this, in future if you have any issues it would be generally appreciated if you didn't talk to others like this "if you want people to download your god damn gfx pack, make it public, jesus christ im so tired of this". You'll generally tend to get a bit more help from people if you don't go off half-cocked.

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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby ElTipsta » Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:14 pm

I'm having an issue where I can't download anything. It's saying that the files are zipping, says that it's ready to download but then nothing comes up to start the download and I don't know where I can find the zipped folder. What can I do to fix this?

Squishy Rex
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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby Squishy Rex » Wed Feb 03, 2021 3:35 pm

ElTipsta wrote:
Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:14 pm
I'm having an issue where I can't download anything. It's saying that the files are zipping, says that it's ready to download but then nothing comes up to start the download and I don't know where I can find the zipped folder. What can I do to fix this?
Hopefully this may help you out, there are a few things you can try: ... zip-files/

Alternatively if for whatever reason nothing there helps, if you were previously able to use the OneDrive version, it is still available to be used. ... C9678BB8FA

We are also working on hosting a mirror on Wohlstand’s preservation server as well, which ideally will become the permanent home for the Archive without having to worry about hosting it on other sites.

Squishy Rex
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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby Squishy Rex » Sat Feb 13, 2021 9:17 pm

I have now included a mirror link for Wohlstand's Preservation server. Please note that at this point in time, files are still being transferred to the server, these include the NPCs and Blocks categories. These are the largest categories in the whole archive so they are taking some time to fully transfer, so please be patient. The NPCs category is currently being processed, so you should have full access to those within the next 24 hours. Once completed the Blocks category will follow close behind, everything else is otherwise readily available.

Gold Yoshi Egg
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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby Taycamgame » Sun Feb 14, 2021 10:59 am

Will you be adding everything made in the last year / two? A lot of NPCs have been released that use the 750+ range, and there have been some lua packs as well. I can't see them on there.
I know these are still accessible on the forums easily, but it'd be great to just have everything in one place (especially useful for users who don't visit the forum but make use of this archive already).

I haven't noticed this so far but does this archive already include graphics that have been released within people's gfx packs?

Squishy Rex
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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby Squishy Rex » Sun Feb 14, 2021 4:47 pm

Taycamgame wrote:
Sun Feb 14, 2021 10:59 am
Will you be adding everything made in the last year / two? A lot of NPCs have been released that use the 750+ range, and there have been some lua packs as well. I can't see them on there.
I know these are still accessible on the forums easily, but it'd be great to just have everything in one place (especially useful for users who don't visit the forum but make use of this archive already).

I haven't noticed this so far but does this archive already include graphics that have been released within people's gfx packs?
Yes, everything on the forums will also be added. At the moment, I am playing catch up with a lot of the older GFX Packs and misc stuff from the NSMBX and Knux’s era.Once all of that is complete, I will start gathering stuff from here that I don’t already have/ haven’t already uploaded to the archive.

Also yes, this includes stuff from people’s GFX packs, it has all been separated into respective categories instead of just being uploaded as their pack.

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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby PROX » Mon Feb 15, 2021 6:36 am

I'll submit my stuff on here:

World Map Pack (Old, but useable I guess):

My Graphics Pack (You don't have to add the deprecated stuff; in fact, I heavily recommend that you don't lol):

Squishy Rex
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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby Squishy Rex » Tue Feb 16, 2021 4:50 am

PROX wrote:
Mon Feb 15, 2021 6:36 am
I'll submit my stuff on here:

World Map Pack (Old, but useable I guess):

My Graphics Pack (You don't have to add the deprecated stuff; in fact, I heavily recommend that you don't lol):
No worries can do, or in some cases won't do haha.

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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby MarioLover64 » Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:12 pm

How am I supposed to search for ONE specific tileset in this?

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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby korrima88 » Thu May 13, 2021 12:45 pm

Extream nice

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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby Danny » Thu May 13, 2021 5:47 pm

Hey Squishy Rex, I just saw this thread a couple of months late, and I'm pretty impressed by the archival work done here. I'm pretty busy so I can't check out the full contents of the archive, but how much is archived? I've been going through some pretty old hard drives, flash drives, MediaFire drives, etc. that I've had since at least 2012, and I was wondering if there was anything notable that was missing, desired, or anything like that. Let me know if you're interested, and I can grab and compile what I have. Thanks!

Monty Mole
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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby KBM-Quine » Thu Jul 01, 2021 10:41 am

feel like i should put this here in case the gdrive download ends up going down ... y-changes/

i haven't been able to reach squishy on discord, but it looks like he has recently browsed the forums, so here to hoping he sees this. that all said, this has been invaluable to helping source graphics used in an older episode so that the team i'm on can credit it properly in it's remaster. thank you for maintaining this squishy!

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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby Dynam0 » Sat Jul 03, 2021 11:30 pm

What happened to the Level Assets folder? It appears to have been moved or deleted on friday?

Monty Mole
Monty Mole
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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby KBM-Quine » Sun Jul 04, 2021 12:04 am

Dynam0 wrote:
Sat Jul 03, 2021 11:30 pm
What happened to the Level Assets folder? It appears to have been moved or deleted on friday?
anyone looking for that until squishy can fix it can find it here ... zIOSjciHQk

i don't know who moved it or if uploads to it will work, but you can atleast view/download from there in the meantime.

Squishy Rex
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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby Squishy Rex » Tue Jul 06, 2021 6:30 am

The recent shenanigans with the Level Assets folder and other few little pieces that got moved have been restored. At this point I'm considering making the archive download only to save these things from happening, however, for those who wish to contribute or have been contributing, granting editorial permission by request. Obviously this won't be a snap decision and if it were to take place there would be sufficient notification given for anyone who would like to be able to contribute.

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Re: The SMBX Assets Archive

Postby ElTipsta » Tue Jul 06, 2021 11:01 am

Squishy Rex wrote:
Tue Jul 06, 2021 6:30 am
The recent shenanigans with the Level Assets folder and other few little pieces that got moved have been restored. At this point I'm considering making the archive download only to save these things from happening, however, for those who wish to contribute or have been contributing, granting editorial permission by request. Obviously this won't be a snap decision and if it were to take place there would be sufficient notification given for anyone who would like to be able to contribute.
I think it should be download only for this reason too.

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