Vanilla SMB3

Levels posted here need a lot of work before they're ready to be played.
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Vanilla SMB3

Postby Ethereality » Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:27 pm

I managed to complete the level, for a short time. Feel free to play.



Download: ...

Please give a review of my level!

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Re: Vanilla SMB3

Postby Olhi » Fri Nov 20, 2015 9:11 am

It was a solid level, but dragged out for too long, which caused the following flaws:

- The visuals get boring after a while.
- You have no Checkpoint and just 1 Power-Up, which shouldn't be a problem for a easy level, but because of it's length, dying can be really tedious.
- There is just 1 secret, and it's very obvious. That, along with the former flaw, makes the level seem lifeless.

The level design was still enjoyable. 7/10
Last edited by Zeldamaster12 on Fri Nov 20, 2015 6:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: removing level ad

Cute Yoshi Egg
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Re: Vanilla SMB3

Postby Emral » Fri Nov 20, 2015 6:28 pm

I can sum this level up in two images, but I'll give it a full-on review anyways.
Spoiler: show
I suppose I should start by complimenting you for what you did good with this level - the atmosphere was solid and the coin placement was decent. The level was of moderate length and not too difficult.

AANYWAYS, since that's out of the way, here are my gripes with the level:

The level felt incredibly rushed. It felt like areas just kept repeating and repeating with nothing interesting added to the mix - except that one time I died to the first Fire Plant because of its weird timer. The area in the first screenshot actually exists twice in this level. The same thing! A poorly placed paratroopa below this unfortunate block formation containing coins. Sloped areas also just kept repeating without really changing. Adding a few more enemies into the mix, such as spinies or nipper plants would have helped the level a great deal. Even the ending was missing!

I've barely even touched on the topics of NPCs, and the two points I mentioned above are minor things. The real issue I have with your NPC placement is that there are way too many for the one powerup you're given at the very start.
One thing I was rather disappointed about was that you only had one secret area, also right at the start. It felt like the more the level dragged on, the less love was put into it, which is just really unfortunate. Another secret area would've been nice. Maybe a pipe leading to a bonus room? An invisible 1-Up block at a relatively harmless location? It would just make the level much more interesting if the player was able to find anything in it apart from the endless barrage of poorly placed enemies.
Half of those enemies - especially in the beginning of the level (there are many pits in the beginning of the level, they were scrapped in favour of slopes later on, which is also kinda sad imo) a lot of the NPCs would serve no purpose other than falling into a pit. The red paratroopa also posed no threat because it just bounced off the pipe into the other direction. Speaking of Paratroopas - don't place them in a narrow area. If they bonk their heads it's really easy for the player to get ambushed. I suggest you playtest your levels more and look at your level from a standpoint of someone else playing it: "Will people find it fair if I put this enemy here, or should I put the enemy two blocks further to the right, or leave it out entirely?" Those are the questions you've gotta ask yourself if you want to place your enemies in a reasonable manner. This wasn't reasonable, it was just spam. (Try to convince me that goombas placed 2 blocks in front of a cliff are solid placement.)

There isn't really much more about this level. It's repetitive, spammy and just straight-up unfinished. Sure, it captures SMB3's blockland atmosphere well, but it falls short in just about every other aspect. Also, gotta love the cramped block formations which are everywhere (no, seriously, why do you place the lower row four blocks off the ground, and the second row three blocks above the first? Make up your mind!)

- The atmosphere was captured well
- The level started out well, with a secret to find and it was going somewhere with a large number of pits

- Poor NPC placement
- Poor powerup placement
- Repetitive design
- Gradually decreasing quality
- Unfinished


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Re: Vanilla SMB3

Postby Zeldamaster12 » Fri Nov 20, 2015 6:42 pm

Olhi: Don't advertise your level(s) in someone else's level thread. If you must, PM a Level Judge and ask for your level to be reviewed.

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Re: Vanilla SMB3

Postby The_Legend_of_Link » Sun Nov 22, 2015 5:31 pm

Unofficial Review
You level is pretty simple and decent, but the level design is repetitive and boring.
I did not understand why you used the SMB3 athletic theme instead the theme of SMB3 Overworld.
I don't have a lot to say, because this is a simple level.
And the Enemies position is a litlle bad.


Volcano Lotus
Volcano Lotus
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Re: Vanilla SMB3

Postby CopyLeft » Tue Nov 24, 2015 3:56 pm

Long and boring.
That is all.

Reiuji Utsuho
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Re: Vanilla SMB3

Postby Reiuji Utsuho » Mon Nov 30, 2015 6:21 pm

Review: Vanilla SMB3 by Izturo Mashiro
{Gameplay: 10Pts | Scenery/Music: 10Pts}

1 out of 10
My feelings are mixed on this. I'm not going to go into whether this was rushed or not, cause it's not important. After all this level is missing it's end goal, gets really repetitive about halfway through and beyond, has what I would describe as a lack of enemy NPCs, and has very little powerups. Let's go over powerups first sine it will be the shortest bit I have to describe.

Through the course of the decently-sized level there are only two power-ups through out: A fire flower (which would be a mushroom since you wouldn't start out as Super Mario anyway), and a 1-Up. Located near the beginning too. There are no other power-ups and there are no areas that have power-ups either. All other Question blocks only contain coins so I would describe power-up placement as bad and very much lacking.

Next we'll move onto enemy NPCs. There are a decent amount, but let's see what we have here: Para-(Goobmas), Para-(Koopas), Fire Piranhas, and Regular Piranhas. Not a bad selection, but I would imagine more variety would also do this level good taking into consideration how long it is. Throwing in some Spinys or Bob-ombs, even a Lakitu would help I think. Also on this topic, they feel very spaced out too. It's consistent like they're all the same distance apart on whatever platform area they are on and it really just adds to the repetition, not to mention you could just jump past them all anyway and not take a hit.

Lastly we'll focus on the general base itself by which I mean platforms and pits. In the beginning I feel it's really good. There is a good use of ramped and curved platforms as well as a decent amount of pits breaking up any repetition, but as you move on further the pits appear less and you spend more time just doing the same jumping over Koopas and Goombas.

The only good thing I can say is the beginning was actually good and I did enjoy it, but that enjoyment dried up bit by bit as I moved on.

3.5 out of 10 {1.5Pts Scenery | 2Pts Music}
If there is anything almost completely positive I can say; this level looks fine, however scenery usage to me would have to be poor. You did use scenery yes, but it feels sparse and spaced too far apart, in fact I would even dare to say it's similar to how you placed the enemy NPCs, it's spaced apart in a consistent manner, and in some areas they look exactly the same distance apart and repetitive.

Music is average, but I have no problems with it either.

4.5 out of 20Pts {2Pts Overall {Rounded from 2.25}}
Like I said, I have mixed feelings. However this level is not ready for playing. It is a decent length, it does have some effort put into it, but in it current state:

~ It's repetitive.
~ It has poor power-up and enemy placements.
~ It has no end goal.
~ It's not enjoyable after the first third of the level.

This needs reworking and time to improve the major flaws and hopefully give the player a better experience.

*Moved to The Trash Can

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