modernbobomb.lua V0.9 - Modern bob-omb properties, now in SMBX!

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Volcano Lotus
Volcano Lotus
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modernbobomb.lua V0.9 - Modern bob-omb properties, now in SMBX!

Postby mariobrigade2018 » Fri Nov 03, 2023 2:43 pm

The title is exactly what this library does: add the NSMB Bomb-omb interactions with player fireballs to the game.


How to use:
Place modernBobomb.lua into your level or episode folder. Then, use this line to activate it:

Code: Select all

The Delightful Adventure Enhanced team for the original code.

Download: ... sp=sharing

Monty Mole
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Re: modernbobomb.lua V0.9 - Modern bob-omb properties, now in SMBX!

Postby KBM-Quine » Sat Nov 04, 2023 6:37 pm

i don't really mind in this particular case but i implore people please ask before taking code from DAE. we don't mind sharing code really. we just don't want sloppy code out and about, thus why alot of tech i've released takes as long as it does.

Volcano Lotus
Volcano Lotus
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Re: modernbobomb.lua V0.9 - Modern bob-omb properties, now in SMBX!

Postby mariobrigade2018 » Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:59 pm

KBM-Quine wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2023 6:37 pm
i don't really mind in this particular case but i implore people please ask before taking code from DAE. we don't mind sharing code really. we just don't want sloppy code out and about, thus why alot of tech i've released takes as long as it does.
Whoops! I actually sent out a DM to Darkonius Mavakar before posting this, thinking that he made this, but it looks like I sent it out to the wrong person.

Darkonius Mavakar
Torpedo Ted
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Re: modernbobomb.lua V0.9 - Modern bob-omb properties, now in SMBX!

Postby Darkonius Mavakar » Tue Nov 07, 2023 6:35 am

I mean i noticed the message only now, so even then you never got an actual approval from any of the people involved to post this?
Like it's no big deal but yeah please do actually get a proper confirmation before posting other's content/update someone else's stuff

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