Art Inspiration Level Contest - Results!

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Art Inspiration Level Contest - Results!

Postby Sux » Tue Jun 20, 2023 6:50 pm


Welcome to AILC! This event consists of you creating a level based on an image art.

The contest will start on Saturday, July 1st 3:00 AM UTC
The contest will end on Saturday, August 5th 3:00 PM UTC

How it works?
- After you sign up, you will receive a PM by me with 3 images art (with credit given to author). You have to choose one and make your level using this art as your inspiration.
- To join this contest, you can simply post in this thread that you want to participate
- You can sign up at any time before the deadline, but keep in mind that you will be at a disadvantage compared to those who signed up during the announcement period, as they will receive their arts as soon as the contest starts
- After the results release the levels will be compiled on a contest episode

- Isomorphism (40): Determines how well the level captured the essence of the chosen image art, how clear is the inspiration and similarity with the prompt
- Structure (30): Determines how well the level is designed, the challenges are developed and how the level flows and works at general (e.g. lenght, difficulty, progression, funcionality)
- Criativity (20): Determines how creative your ideas are and how the gimmicks were applied and explored
- Fun (10): Subjective score from each judge, includes attributes like replay value

- Levels must be completable
- Levels must work on SMBX2 Beta 4
- Levels must be submitted on time
- Download link must work
- Joke levels won't be accepted
- You are allowed to send up to the 3 submissions (one per image art)
- Team levels will be allowed, but in this case it will be necessary to choose an image for each team member (among the options that each one will receive individually by PM)

To submit a level, just send me a PM. As there is no anonymity rule you can post it here in this thread, but for organization reasons I prefer you send me a PM so I can forward it to the judges
Your submission should include your level file (.lvlx), a folder (for custom assets, lua scripts, musics), a .txt file (if you wish leave some "readme" note) and your chosen image. Please put the same name on all files to make it easier to organize.

- Petraheim
- krakin
- DrMekar
- 55jedat555

- Shinbison-Kof
- Alagirez
- wyldstrykr
- Murphmario
- Jur1121
- SuperAlex
- MarioChallengerX2
- deice
- AirShip
- MaxFlower
- DinoDragon
- Radiance
- Ness-Wednesday
- litchh
Spoiler: show
Any questions, suggestion or criticism feel free to post
Added in 4 minutes 47 seconds:
Since the original thread was archived, I was told by the moderators to create another one, and I was allowed to make this tournament using real artwork with proper credits. I was asked in the first topic about examples of an image. Well, here is an example:
Spoiler: show
Starry Night by Vincent van GoghImage
I used an example from a very famous work. So practically the goal would be to create a level inspired by the options you will receive privately.

8- A Level With No Design by wyldstrykr (28/100)
Spoiler: show
Petraheim wrote:Isomorphism (38/40)
Structure (0/30)
Criativity (10/20)
Fun (0/10)

It really got me when Yoshi went "GWAAAAAAAA"

Total (48/100)
DrMekar wrote:Isomorphism ( 0/40)
Structure ( 0/30)
Criativity ( 5/20)
Fun ( 2/10)
The Title fits the level quite well as despite the Yoshi Feature being a funny gimmick, the level
offers nothing besides that. The choosen image has pretty much nothing to do with what the
level offers, which aside from upper mentioned feature is unfortunatly not much more then
enemy spam and a oddly constructed time challenge, for which the Player, if they intend
beat the level, needs to spend way too much time at the levels beginning eating fruits to
increase the timer.

All in all, the Yoshi feature is a neat idea, though sadly the image and level design simpley
have nothing in common.

Total: 7/100
55jedat555 wrote:Isomorphism (21 / 40)
Structure (3 / 30)
Creativity (4 / 20)
Fun (1 / 10)
Review: Well, this was surely a surreal experience. It begins with horse cloning, which was somehow the most mundane occurence
in all of this, and ends with the demolition of what appear to be the headquarters of Rinkas Inc.; the takeaway is,
presumably, that we should move on from the past. The "level" actually captured the feeling of the artwork surprisingly
well: it had the Windows XP wallpaper, the tanks (albeit less meaty and grotesque), the screams of agony and a whole
bunch of other scattered nonsense to help drive the point home (I haven't noticed any Soviets, but maybe I just missed
them amidst the chaos). Unfortunately, this was quite unpleasant to play, with the unavoidable hits constantly launching
you upwards and slowing you down to a walking pace, and the incessant screaming that also didn't help. Nonetheless, I
appreciate what you were going for with this one, there's just not much here for me to evaluate.
Total: (29 / 100)
7- Organic Monitoring System by litchh(47.3/100)
Spoiler: show
Petraheim wrote:Isomorphism (28/40)
Structure (27/30)
Creativity (12/20)
Fun (8/10)

I don't know if that was exactly the intention, but I felt playing a Sonic level with a Mario gameplay. That could be due to the music and springboards, but I felt it with the way the level was designed and the gimmicks were applied a little too. Because of that, I had a lot of fun with this level. On the other side, I wasn't very pleased with the presentation in comparasion with the inspiration. The original art had a lot of nature/mechanical integration that is completely missing from the level other than that background, not to speak of an astonishingly beautiful orange background that was also not utilized. This level, even though has also a very simple gameplay, might be the only one in this contest in which I have much more to criticize in the visuals instead of the gameplay.

Total (75/100)
DrMekar wrote:Isomorphism ( 2/40)
Structure ( 15/30)
Criativity ( 10/20)
Fun ( 7/10)
It's not easy to review this as the image wasn't used at all pretty much. So the level in itself is
decent and seemingly achieves what it sets out to. That being said, the image would make
me expect a futuristic-grassland setting, maybe even with the river included, so unfortunatly,
the level sets on the factory setting and never loses that.

So, while I had fun alltogether, it misses the mark of art inspiration.

Total: 34/100
55jedat555 wrote:Isomorphism (7 / 40)
Structure (10 / 30)
Creativity (11 / 20)
Fun (5 / 10)
Review: I can't help but be left with a bitter taste in my mouth after playing this one, and I'm not entirely sure why. A big part
of it is probably due to my suspicion that this is a recycled, refurbished level from an older, unfinished project, given
away by the frequent use of deprecated elements, the presence of two collectable stars that only serve to pad the level out
further, the appearance of several one-off gimmicks that are abandoned as quickly as they're introduced, and just the
general structure of the level making me seriously question if I somehow got caught in a time machine that sent me back to
2014. The main gimmick of the contest was effectively ignored entirely, with only very vague allusions to the chosen
artwork through the background and tileset choice. I guess the water was kinda there too, but that's just about as generous
as I can afford to be with my interpretation. Now, I don't think the level is bad at all - it has its ideas and moments,
even if it doesn't particularly elaborate or iterate upon them - but ultimately it still ends up feeling too bland,
unfocused and structurally lackluster for me to rate it more favourably.
Total: (33 / 100)
6- Lost Ninji City by MaxFlower (52.6/100)
Spoiler: show
Petraheim wrote:Isomorphism (33/40)
Structure (22/30)
Creativity (9/20)
Fun (5/10)

This is one of the levels that translated the painting in an interesting and unique way, but didn't bring as much of my attention to the gameplay aspect. It wasn't anything that made it terrible to play, it was just a very simple application. The gimmicks of the level don't have too much relation to the level's aesthetic or to the original painting. However, the gameplay feels well structured enough and fair, with a little bit of cool exploration and a fun boss. More audacity for this level could have gone a long way.

Total (69/100)
DrMekar wrote:Isomorphism ( 15/40)
Structure ( 14/30)
Criativity ( 12/20)
Fun ( 5/10)
Unfortunatly, the level started of rather unfun for me as I was hit upfront by Bullet Bills, in
a place where I unknowingly would jump to get to the Plattform across mine, the only way
to avoid them being a blind jump between the Plattforms. The Level is sadly also rather short
and confusing at times with the Boss being in a random hole instead of the seemingly intended

The image was also not represented too well unfortunatly, the only fittingbeing the
Background and Music, so neither the level design nor enemy variation fits what I would
expect in a place like this.

Total: 46/100
55jedat555 wrote:Isomorphism (26 / 40)
Structure (7 / 30)
Creativity (6 / 20)
Fun (4 / 10)
Review: This is a weird one. Firstly, I commend the effort that went into what appear to be hand-drawn graphics, even if the
visuals altogether only somewhat resemble the chosen artwork; the gist is definitely there, but you've also taken a number
of creative liberties, which is fine. Less fine is your use of foreground elements, which, for how short the level is,
impedes the player's vision on multiple occasions, either concealing an incoming bullet bill or a platform that the player
otherwise has no idea is there - which brings me neatly to the level's design, or lack thereof. A concise description of
the level's structure would be "odd and messy": everything from the seemingly randomly strewn-about enemies, multiple split
paths that don't really go anywhere or do anything of significance, to a sudden boss fight that, despite being the level's
most memorable bit, ultimately doesn't amount to much, just feels hastily thrown together with no particular rhyme or
reason to it. A little bit of extra time and effort could've gone a long way with this one, I think. Also, you owe me at
least half the funds for a new hearing aid after all of those godforsaken ear-piercing bullet bill noises I've had to
endure while playing this.
Total: (43 / 100)
5- Planetary Parallel Gatekeeper by Alargirez(66/100)
Spoiler: show
Petraheim wrote:Isomorphism (30/40)
Structure (26/30)
Creativity (14/20)
Fun (8/10)

This level really reminds me of an older and more classic design in SMBX, with more exploration and switch activation happening. It was, nonetheless, well applied. There were lots of cool and creatives gimmicks, and I like a lot how nicely the checkpoints are placed and how the powerups help a lot too. It also didn't feel like it dragged on too much or overdid the backtracking/exploration like it used to happen at older times sometimes. Talking about some issues, I find it weird to have a harmful block being a gray switch, and the color transformation to signify changing to pass-through was a little too subtle at first, specially because it had no sound effect, so it took me a while to fully understand the situation at first. The fog gimmick is really, really fun, even though it took me some time to get used to it and realize it wasn't just a glorified quicksand. The switches could be interpreted as the gates the player was trying to open, but I really wish it used better the planetary aspect of the level. Even though the appearance of the level overall resembles the original painting, it felt like a little bit of wasted potential here too, when I look at all the cosmic and mystical stuff going on.

Total (78/100)
DrMekar wrote:Isomorphism ( 35/40)
Structure ( 24/30)
Criativity ( 14/20)
Fun ( 8/10)
Planetary Parallel Gatekeeper is certainly a fun level overall that uses quite a few of different
gimmicks, the moving smoke blocks were certainly my favorite and fit well into the mystic
aestic of the level. That being said, the level is still a tad to long in my opnion, which robs
it of a few points aside from the Boss, which sadly was quiet underwelming considering the
whole level was meant to built up to him.

Total: 81/100
55jedat555 wrote:Isomorphism (9 / 40)
Structure (12 / 30)
Creativity (14 / 20)
Fun (4 / 10)
Review: Very nifty at first glance, less so upon further inspection - this level leaves a lot to be desired. For starters, the
incorporation of the chosen artwork's themes and elements is fairly minimal: it doesn't really extend beyond a vague, only
half-faithful aesthetic mimicry roughly stretched over the canvas of a typical desert level atmosphere. Many elements of
the picture were omitted entirely, or supposedly morphed into the appearance of standard Mario enemies and stage elements,
which I still can't call 'representation' without massively stretching my definition. Moving on to the design and structure,
the level is composed of two alternating, distinct environments: the external sections with the gravity field gimmick as
their focus, and the more puzzle-oriented internal sections. The shifts between the two are quite abrupt in terms of pacing,
with the former flowing significantly better than the latter; I can mostly excuse this as being a somewhat natural
consequence of more "puzzly" level design, though still, it could've been averted. The puzzles themselves are very
straightforward, and the vast majority of them are also substantially cheesable, either with the assistance of the
ever-respawning magikoopa or by hitting the switches more than once, which in particular felt like an oversight. The gravity
segments I liked better, despite the rather janky and unpleasant to control implementation of the gimmick (at first, I
thought the fog simply allowed me to infinitely jump while intersecting with it; it still felt equally awkward to try to
maintain vertical position even after understanding the controls better though). Minor complaint: the gray '!' blocks really
do not read as hurt blocks - I learned that the hard way on my first time through. Major complaint: the boss fight and the
series of killrooms that precede it - by far the worst parts of the level that seriously made me question whether they were
even properly tested. The killrooms will recklessly spawn-kill you, either with the enemies appearing instantenously with no
warning, or the Mario Land sphynx enemies instantly sniping you with their fireballs upon appearing. The boss fight on the
other hand was not only awkward as all hell to fight (regardless of my method of attacking), it was also barely functional,
with the snifits constantly picking the Big Lion Dudes up and carrying them around freely. This also rendered the boss
unbeatable once, since it got carried far enough offscreen to the left for it to despawn; and with insufficient space to
make it respawn, all I could do was just cry and retry. As it stands, the level would be far more enjoyable without these
two segments.
Total: (39 / 100)
4- Desolate Dunes by DinoDragon(73/100)
Spoiler: show
Petraheim wrote:Isomorphism (35/40)
Structure (10/30)
Criativity (9/20)
Fun (3/10)

I love the effort of trying to use custom assets for everything to try to imitate the original painting which is very beautiful, even though it's not that polished. However, unfortunately, the effort for the aesthetics weren't very well translated into gameplay. First of all, even thought the overall aesthetic is very intersting and eye-catching, the functionality is lacking a lot. Trying to understand what is solid, pass-through or semisolid is near impossible, and some NPCs are too similar looking as well, making it hard to predict at any moment what could happen. The worst thing that hurt my experience, though, are the piranha-plant-likes enemies coming out at random spots with no real indication. Other than memorization, there seemed to be no way of predicting their appearances and at times it was too difficult to avoid them anyway with how fast they were rising. To sum it up, this level had a lot of potential in regards to its atmosphere and aesthetics, but problems in the Level Design due to lack of time and/or experience made the gameplay unpleasurable.

Total (57/100)
DrMekar wrote:Isomorphism ( 38/40)
Structure ( 39/30)
Criativity ( 17/20)
Fun ( 9/10)
From Visuals, Image Usage to Sound, this Level really does all of it right in my book.
Like the Image, the level shrounds itself in mystery starting of in the desert, an omnious
music is playing in the background as the player slowly makes there way forward,
facing more and more threats, while the desert turns more and more into something
looking alot like the black pyramid. The Enemies are introduced one at a time in a save
space, allowing the player to learn it's patterns. Checkpoints and Healing Items also exist
and are placed with fair distance to one another.

The only design grip I have with the level is that the BGOs are same Color as the Blocks,
which someimes make it hard to distinguish one another, especially when being fired at
by a sandworm. The image is used great here, my only nitpick being that the green planet
like structure next to the pyramid wasn't used, but this is really nothing more then a minor
nitpick as mentioned above. Also the level could have been maybe a little bit longer.

Total: 95/100
55jedat555 wrote:Isomorphism (38 / 40)
Structure (14 / 30)
Creativity (10 / 20)
Fun (5 / 10)
Review: Behold, a familiar sight! I must admit, when you were showcasing this on the discord server, I didn't realize it was going
to be your submission to this contest; a pleasant surprise for sure. The strongest aspects of this level were undoubtedly
the aesthetics and atmosphere, both of which corresponded to the surrealism of the artwork quite well. I commend the
effort of drawing your own graphics, and even composing an original piece of music which, despite its simplicity, does
contribute something significant to the environment by solidifying this kind of freaky, alien feeling. I do have one gripe
with the level's visuals, and that is how easy it is to confuse foreground and background objects of the black futuristic
tileset; I feel like a better distinction could've been made there to avoid several instances where I wasn't sure what I
could or couldn't interact with. Where I find this level lacking is in the design department: there are definitely some
ideas at play here with the playerblocktop NPCs and piranha plants, but unfortunately most of them kinda just exist and
can be easily bypassed or ignored entirely. The sparkies are, to an extent, an exception in this regard, and indeed the
most interesting setups the level has to offer revolve around them. I will also note that it wasn't very clear to me what
exactly makes your two custom NPCs turn around, which caught me off-guard a few times. Overall it's a solid, rather rompy
level that just needed a little bit of extra courage and perhaps time.
Total: (67 / 100)
3- Jellyfishing Over It With by AirShip (74.6/100)
Spoiler: show
Petraheim wrote:Isomorphism (40/40)
Structure (24/30)
Creativity (19/20)
Fun (5/10)

Very bold of you to pick the most possible frustrating idea of a level and send it to a contest. I like that, though! The aesthetics are brilliant. It almost felt like the painting was based on the level and not the other way around. Everything in the presetation fits perfectly, from the direction of the filter in all the things in the stage, to the relaxing song, everything fitting perfectly with the original art, paired with the hell you put the player through in this torturous challenge. I don't have an issue with the high difficulty of the level, as I take that as an important part of the whole intent. However, I felt a little of irregular difficulty throughout the level. Some setups feel a lot harder than some others at weird moments, it wasn't a difficulty curve that gradually made the level harder/easier. It also felt to me like the level ended a bit abruptly, seeming like there might have been more planned, but with no time/ideas left. This might be just a feeling though. The use of the jellyfishes to climb on was extremely creative, it makes a perfect twist in this contest for an idea that isn't that novel. Had the design been a little less punitive, I would have honestly and sincerely had a lot of fun. Was that the intent, though? Or was it just to make me slam my head in the wall everytime Mario fell all the way to the bottom of the level?

Total (88/100)
DrMekar wrote:Isomorphism ( 35/40)
Structure ( 20/30)
Criativity ( 20/20)
Fun ( 8/10)
The level starts off using a very distinct and beautiful art style, well in rhyme with the music.
The inspiration for the level (aside from the image), the Game 'Getting Over It' in captured
quite well on an atmospheric kind of level and so is the frustraing side of it, which is not meant
in mean way of course.

The Image also was also used in a good way, even if I wished more would have been done with
the jellyfishes prominent on the image as the biggest hurdles for me personaly were often
the blocks.

Total: 83/100
55jedat555 wrote:Isomorphism (32 / 40)
Structure (11 / 30)
Creativity (10 / 20)
Fun (0 / 10)
Review: Absolutely stunning in terms of visuals, utterly boring and miserable in terms of gameplay experience; truly a world of
contrast. I immediately had high expectations for this level when I first booted it up and saw how gorgeous, unique and
polished it was aesthetically. You can only imagine how low those expectations plummeted when I realized what the level
was actually about. For starters, I think it's necessary I clarify that I'm not a fan of this "genre" of platformer
levels: a level whose entire design is effectively a sequence of somewhat precise jumps that feel bad to execute is not an
interesting level to me, and it's by default not going to bring me much enjoyment. And this level is just that, except it
also frequently throws a bit of climbing into the mix, those parts being disproportionally easier than the rest of the
obstacles. What this level actually shoots itself in the foot with though is the simple decision to include the layer
swayer library. I can kind of understand why it was included; it does enhance the floaty, surreal feeling of the
levitating blocks, but in turn it makes the actual platforming awful. Moving layers are amidst the jankier and less
pleasant things one can platform on: they influence your momentum in weird ways, they force unnecessary waiting when
they're out of alignment, and they cause a single frame of falling when they stop moving, which can and will occasionally
eat your jump and just outright screw you over. How much more enjoyable this level might've been if its platforming were
simply static isn't entirely clear, but I think the difference would be quite substantial. I couldn't bring myself to beat
this level legitimately all the way through; after what felt like hours of attempts, falling down, getting back, missing
jumps I'd cleared many times before due to layer misalignment, falling again and waiting longer, I was just so tired and
bored out of my mind that I couldn't be arsed to keep going. Definitely not my cup of tea, I'm afraid!
Total: (53 / 100)
2- Boneyard Brink by deice (76.3/100)
Spoiler: show
Petraheim wrote:Isomorphism (38/40)
Structure (25/30)
Creativity (17/20)
Fun (5/10)

I simply loved the way you used a Yoshi to represent the bony horse, it was honestly very funny and creative. I kind of wish there were clouds in the level to represent them walking in the fog, but this is honestly the way adaptations and inspirations should be made. Other than that, this is a nice and clever Kaizo level design with Yoshi, but I missed some more setups and progression with the spiny gimmick, which I felt would make the level a lot more unique and interesting. Sadly, I'm not a kaizo guy, so it was very hard for me to extract all the fun that level could bring. Still, I tried, to the best of my ability, to enjoy the inventiveness of all the setups (the video was essential too lmao).

Total (84/100)
DrMekar wrote:Isomorphism ( 25/40)
Structure ( 10/30)
Criativity ( 14/20)
Fun ( 5/10)
Honestly upfront, I couldn't beat the level, so I'll have to judge it based on the video;
which is a good inclusion, though onto judging as despite being a Kaizo like level, the
visuals of this level are not bad and so is the Music Choice.

The chosen Image Art was included in a alright manner, even so I would've thought more
of a mysterious level seing the Image Art, the concept the level was going for was executed
well enough.

Total: 54/100
55jedat555 wrote:Isomorphism (38 / 40)
Structure (24 / 30)
Creativity (20 / 20)
Fun (9 / 10)
Review: Splendid level with very well-constructed and thought-out obstacles, good overall flow and a badass ending. I'm always a
fan of levels that incorporate glitch abuse into their design, and this is no exception - the dismount glitch setups fit
in organically and feel good to execute. You've also nailed the atmosphere pretty much spot-on; the only thing present in
the artwork that I had hoped the level would include, but ultimately didn't, was some form of massive Kraid's Lair-esque
skull the player would walk into (or out of) at the very end. Sadly, the level has a few drawbacks that quite
substantially affected my gameplay experience: firstly, some rather unfortunate jankiness with the very first dismount
glitch setup (the one with the spiny egg - it has a tendency to just break occasionally, due to what I assume is rooms.lua
collision jank (the spiny morphs out into its regular form and doesn't neatly land in the bucket, often resulting in an
unbeatable scenario)); and secondly, a couple spots here and there that feel needlessly tight (namely: the first jump onto
the munchers that could've been lowered by one block, the jump onto the second yoshi that could've been 16 pixels shorter,
the exposed muncher at the part with the three gray platforms and the shell could've just not been there, and the same is
also true for the passthrough death blocks in the part that follows). Still, this was a wonderful experience and I'll be
looking forward to whatever you make next. Also, obligatory shoutouts to that accidental(?) coin snake!
Total: (91 / 100)
1- Hard Hands by Shinbison (89/100)
Spoiler: show
Petraheim wrote:Isomorphism (35/40)
Structure (27/30)
Creativity (17/20)
Fun (8/10)

The atmosphere and aesthetic work very nicely, even though it is nothing too inventive. I like how a lot of different NPCs could be translated to hands in different ways. Simple, yet very neat. I must say, though, that even though the level design was very smooth and comfortable to play, there were some "clarity" issues. Which hand hurts me when I jump on them? Which of them can I spin-jump on? Which of them do I need to avoid completely? I suspect that the outlines on them might have been a hint towards that, but, unless I missed something, there was no obvious way of knowing without having to test my theories. It's better to be over-redundant sometimes in this kind of situations. The painting was translated in a very creative and gratifying way, but I kinda miss the "The creation of Adam" reference and symbolism present in all of the drawing. The hand was not pointing randomly after all! I do understand that that much adaptation and interpretation of the original material is a more advanced and specific thing. It would be really cool, though.

Total (87/100)
DrMekar wrote:Isomorphism ( 40/40)
Structure ( 29/30)
Criativity ( 20/20)
Fun ( 10/10)
Hard Hands implements it image immensly well into it's the design and that combined
with a unique and beautiful tileset, aswell as enemies that couldn't have been made more
fitting to this level, it certainly accomplishes what it sets out to do.

The only gripe I have with the level, this really being a minor is that the one of the hand
enemies can be defeated with a jump, while none of the others can, even if they have
the same design such as Thwomp or Bullet Bill Hand.

Total: 99/100
55jedat555 wrote:Isomorphism (35 / 40)
Structure (25 / 30)
Creativity (13 / 20)
Fun (8 / 10)
Review: A well put-together level of decent length and flow, but somewhat lacking in aspects that would make it stand out more.
The visuals are pleasant and not too intrusive (apart from the single spot where that's intentional), and they also mimic
those of the artwork pretty well - though I would've liked it more if it leaned even harder into the sort of disjointed
abstractness that characterizes the chosen picture. In terms of its setups, the level remains pretty focused all the way
throughout, with a couple oddballs here and there, such as the occasional boomerang guy or the singular torpedo ted
appearance (which I thought may also hint at the designer's identity, which is by no means a bad thing). The gradual
progression of complexity is also there, though I think it doesn't quite ramp up high enough by the end and instead
remains in the "safe zone" of not too difficult nor confusing setups, when it could've easily afforded to be taken further.
My biggest issue with this level however is just how forgettable it felt, even after having played through it several
times. It's a level that's very much designed in accordance with the current "good mario level" "meta", for lack of a
better expression - and it definitely is a good level, don't get me wrong! - but it also doesn't really do anything
extraordinary, anything that would truly set it apart from other such "good mario levels". I think daring to take a few
steps further in terms of design complexity would be a pretty good start in addressing of that issue.
Total: (81 / 100)
Congratulations to Shinbison for winning the contest



Level Package
Last edited by Sux on Tue Sep 19, 2023 9:02 pm, edited 19 times in total.

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Art Inspiration Level Contest (Looking for Judges)

Postby Petraheim » Tue Jun 20, 2023 7:08 pm

Very nice! I'm interested in judging :)

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Art Inspiration Level Contest (Looking for Judges)

Postby wyldstrykr » Tue Jun 20, 2023 7:30 pm

looking at the sample.... im afraid of the images... the only thing i can think is draw graphics using that style but doesnt have the skills for that

Chargin' Chuck
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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Art Inspiration Level Contest (Looking for Judges)

Postby Murphmario » Tue Jun 20, 2023 7:57 pm

I'd like to join this contest.

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Art Inspiration Level Contest (Looking for Judges)

Postby Jur1121 » Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:57 am

Sounds cool :) I'd join as a contestant.

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Art Inspiration Level Contest (Looking for Judges)

Postby Alagirez » Wed Jun 21, 2023 7:29 am

Was about to re-joining in but apparently I was alreaady listed in the participants.
Seems like signing in at the previous thread still counts.

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Art Inspiration Level Contest (Looking for Judges)

Postby SuperAlex » Wed Jun 21, 2023 4:26 pm

Ok, I hope if I have time for this... "contestant"

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Art Inspiration Level Contest (Looking for Judges)

Postby krakin » Thu Jun 22, 2023 11:23 am

Interested in judging, this seems like a pretty cool concept

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Art Inspiration Level Contest (Looking for Judges)

Postby DrMekar » Thu Jun 22, 2023 1:49 pm

I'd like to become a judge aswell if it's still aviable.

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Art Inspiration Level Contest (Looking for Judges)

Postby Alagirez » Fri Jun 23, 2023 6:31 am

Question: if we make other than 1 entry, can we use the same image in these entries? Or do we have to select the different one?

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Art Inspiration Level Contest (Sign up period)

Postby Sux » Fri Jun 23, 2023 12:54 pm

Alagirez wrote:
Fri Jun 23, 2023 6:31 am
Question: if we make other than 1 entry, can we use the same image in these entries? Or do we have to select the different one?
You must select a different one. An entry must be made for each image received. That is why the maximum number of submissions allowed is 3
In adiction, elucidating another possible doubt, you can be inspired by 2 or even the 3 images art recieved to make your level, there are no limits to creativity. But remember that the judges will judge following the rubrics of contest, so when you submit your level you should send along that image that you selected as your "main influence" to increse the chance to get the better score

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Art Inspiration Level Contest (Sign up period)

Postby MarioChallengerX2 » Mon Jun 26, 2023 1:25 pm

I would like to join this contest! :) (If I have time to make an entry ofc)

Volcano Lotus
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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Art Inspiration Level Contest (Sign up period)

Postby deice » Tue Jun 27, 2023 8:21 am

put me in

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Art Inspiration Level Contest (Sign up period)

Postby AirShip » Tue Jun 27, 2023 12:44 pm

I want to be a participant, if possible.
Last edited by AirShip on Wed Jun 28, 2023 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

Max Flower
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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Art Inspiration Level Contest (Sign up period)

Postby Max Flower » Wed Jun 28, 2023 2:37 am

only a few days before the contest starts? I want to enter.

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Art Inspiration Level Contest (Sign up period)

Postby DinoDragon » Wed Jun 28, 2023 9:26 am

this sounds interesting. I'm in!

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Art Inspiration Level Contest (Sign up period)

Postby Radiance » Fri Jun 30, 2023 12:14 am

I'll give it a shot ig

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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Art Inspiration Level Contest (Sign up period)

Postby Ness-Wednesday » Fri Jun 30, 2023 7:37 pm

Guess I'll join if I can

Ripper II
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Re: Art Inspiration Level Contest

Postby Sux » Sat Jul 01, 2023 3:10 am

The contest has officially started, the contestants whose signed up have already received their image arts. The contest accepts submissions until the submission deadline, so if you haven't signed up yet and want to participate, feel free to post in this thread.
To others, if you have any questions or problems with receiving images, please contact me
Good Luck to everyone
wyldstrykr wrote:
Tue Jun 20, 2023 7:30 pm
Murphmario wrote:
Tue Jun 20, 2023 7:57 pm
Jur1121 wrote:
Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:57 am
Alagirez wrote:
Wed Jun 21, 2023 7:29 am
SuperAlex wrote:
Wed Jun 21, 2023 4:26 pm
MarioChallengerX2 wrote:
Mon Jun 26, 2023 1:25 pm
deice wrote:
Tue Jun 27, 2023 8:21 am
AirShip wrote:
Tue Jun 27, 2023 12:44 pm
Max Flower wrote:
Wed Jun 28, 2023 2:37 am
DinoDragon wrote:
Wed Jun 28, 2023 9:26 am
Radiance wrote:
Fri Jun 30, 2023 12:14 am
Ness-Wednesday wrote:
Fri Jun 30, 2023 7:37 pm

Max Flower
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Re: Art Inspiration Level Contest

Postby Max Flower » Sat Jul 01, 2023 6:18 am

Are there any rules for which characters I can use, does it have to be Mario or can I use the other ones, like Peach, Link, or Samus etc?

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