Mario's Early Years: How to Start a Relationship

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Rocky Wrench
Rocky Wrench
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Mario's Early Years: How to Start a Relationship

Postby GforGoomba » Mon May 28, 2018 7:47 pm

It was an ordinary day at Mushroom Junior High. Mario walks into the building. In the morning, Mr. Miyamoto was taking attendance. When the teacher called on Peach, Mario gazed at her in a way that he has never seen before. Peach waved hi at Mario. He waved back.

At lunch, Mario was talking with his younger bro, Luigi. "Tired of me being a grade below you?" Luigi asked. "I can fix that." "No!" Mario said. "I need help getting a girl." Then Luigi set Mario on his quest.

"Have you tried waving hi to her?" Luigi asked.
"I did" Mario said.
"Did she wave hi back?"
"She made the first move"
"Maybe she likes you!"
"Hecks naw," Mario said, "I don't wanna be in the friend zone after what happened with Samus!"
"You two need to get closer. Have some money for Starblox"

After Mario gained the courage to ask out Peach, Bowser plopped in. "Well well well," he said, "If it isn't my worst enemy hanging out with Peach!" Mario stammered. "She's MINE, Mario!"
"Don't worry Peach," Mario said, "Bowser is just very needy. I'll get you some Starblox to make you feel better."

Mario and Peach went out for some Starblox. "I'll have 2 lattés, please!" Mario said. He gave the waiter his money. After a long drink of coffee, Peach kissed Mario and left. Mario has never felt this good in his life.

"Hey Luigi, I got myself a girl!" Mario bragged.
"Not yet," said Luigi. "Did anyone kiss?"
"Peach kissed me on the cheek."
"Hmm, we got a flirty relationship going on..."

To be continued

Posts: 2577
Joined: Tue Dec 31, 2013 3:43 pm

Re: Mario's Early Years: How to Start a Relationship

Postby glitch4 » Fri Jun 01, 2018 12:38 pm

As a Mario fan, I enjoy this. keep continue it!

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