Community Contest 11 - WE HAVE RESULTS! (TOPIC 1)

Official community level contests.
Van De Graf
Van De Graf
Posts: 2150
Joined: Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:16 pm

Community Contest 11 - WE HAVE RESULTS! (TOPIC 1)

Postby Valtteri » Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:46 am


June 25th
You may have noticed that I've returned from duty! I didn't like it much if someone asks. But the positive thing is that the much waited 11th Community Contest is about to launch! It's gonna roll the way you know and love. I pretty much just copied the below information from the previous contest. Sign up as normally. Read the instructions below if you're new. It's pretty simple; Post in this topic that you want to participate and send me a level in private due 25th of July. Let the best level designer win, and most importantly, have fun!

July 25th
The deadline is here, with 85 entries! You can no longer enter. Judging will begin soon.

July 26th
The judging has begun! The judging deadline is 9th of August. Expect results on 10th of August!

August 10th
Finally, we have results. Expect a couple of tiers worth of results revealed a day until I reveal the mighty winner. Get excited!


Tier 1 Places 78-85
Spoiler: show
85. 8flight - A Very Short Puzzle Level the Sequel (0.1267484/10)
  • Bomber57 (0.0/10)
    • u pres da p swith an den u win.
    bossedit8 (0.0/10)
    • Too short for me to beat in like 1-2 seconds. Thanks. Also you can easily screw up if you throw the P-Switch out of the boundary so there's that.
    Chad (0.5/10)
    • It's a single room with a P-switch, SMW blocks, a star, and the smallest possible effort one could put into that task. Needless to say it is the single best level ever made and I am obviously using golf logic when giving it this score.
    Quill (0.133742/10)
    • This blew my mind. I was so confused at first, until I realized that jumping on the switch made these brown blocks turn into coins! The path to the star was open and I greedily claimed my reward. It was a glorious day.
    Valtteri (0.0/10)
    • Funny.
84. meowflash - Switchcraft (1.51/10)
  • Bomber57 (0.25/10)
    • Impossible level. I didn't think it would ever happen but apparently people don't know to test their levels nowadays.
    bossedit8 (0.1/10)
    • I can't call it a level if it's unfinished. SMB3 themed wood level with P switches that you have to deal with... which seems interesting so far. We have a key later on and then a door that's only accessable if the P switch effect is off. Seems nice. Then at the halfway point you pretty much are done for because there's nothing you can do about it and after you pick up the halfway point and then die you immediadly die at the goomba once you respawn because the goomba is right at the checkpoint as of where you usually spawn. There's no end goal or anything which means this level is unbeatable with any means.
    Chad (1.5/10)
    • Not a good level, frankly. It's an ordinary and simplistic SMB3 overworld with a short P-switch run, and... that's it. You reach a midpoint, there's another switch there, and nothing else. You can't go back through the door, there aren't any warps anywhere else, it's a dead end and the player has to die. It's be one thing if you didn't have enough time to finish the level, but putting a star where the midpoint is would have been just as easy. The P-switch run isn't that fun either because it requires more than the player might anticipate, since you can't see what's ahead until you press it.
    Quill (2.7/10)
    • Unbeatable level and what's present isn't that enjoyable.
    Valtteri (3.0/10)
    • This is a really short Mario 3 level that ends at a Checkpoint. It makes me think you've submitted an incomplete level. The P-switch runs make the level different in an interesting way, but still, it's incomplete.
83. SuperMario12345 - The Enemy's Castle (1.6832/10)
  • Bomber57 (0.5/10)
    • Oh my god, I am so glad I didn't attempt this level legitimately. This level is 16 THOUSAND blocks, 21 sections of utter hell. The difficulty is too high, simply unwarranted. The length and the difficulty is too much together, and dying before or after the checkpoint is probably really disappointing. The bosses move at light speed (their speed multipliers are like 3 or 4, talk about artificial difficulty) and like to despawn if they go too far off your screen. The room where you have to get 4 keys is full of stupid challenges, like finding a key in 30 seconds or else you die. I decided to see what would happen if you didn't get it in 30 seconds only to be greeted by like 50 bomb generators, which lagged the hell out of my computer. This level would probably take a few hours to do legitimately, and its simply not worth it.
    bossedit8 (3.25/10)
    • This level was incredible big and it was so dragged out that it was just repetitive on certain cases. I kinda had fun while I was playing for the first time but then it gets boring and also pretty annoying like some of the jumps are just streched out and you need momentum in order to manage. There's a lot you can do in this level aswell but even if you provide a lot of playability, most of them are forced in order to finish your level anyway like with all of those keys and such. At the beginning you're not even at the castle, you're at the outside lavaland and after a long walk and jump you get to one of the midbosses in this level, Birdo. Birdo in this level is a lot faster than any regular Birdos so watch out... but the stupid part is that once you let Birdo off the screen for too long it will despawn and also it resets it's health. After that you earn the halfway and then there is a very long corridor for you to take care. Climbing, walking, jumping, dodging, waiting and it repeats. This is where it gets repetitive. After that long corridor including a single room with a key you get to another midboss which is Scarlet Shy Guy and just like Birdo he's incredible fast. After that you get to the main room with 4 doors to choose and you have to compete all of them in order to proceed. One is the red donut platforming with podoboos, one is the ceiling and floor lava and you have to slowly follow it, one is a single room where you have to be very fast in order to get to the door or else you have to hit the switch in order to reset the timing which was kinda clever and the last room is pretty stupid because you have to be very fast until you found the key and you even have to be very fast to get out of this room because once the timer hits zero on that room you get spammed with shooting bombs everywhere and you're pretty much done for. After that you fight Shadow Link with unfair appearing hazards at the beginning. Then you get to simplified platforming area with enemies and then to a little maze with doors. The biggest problem with this level is that after I hit the P-Switch 2 times you get a run-time error 6 - overflow because coins turning into blocks will count as blocks and since this level has a lot of blocks involved it will overexceed the limit of blocks. After the maze you fight the boo with a lot of Bowser Statues, multiple switches that you have to press and then throwblock generator appears. After that you get to the secondary halfway point which is a SMW star but only if you go to the left first where the pipe is. After multiple jumpings again you get to the maze part which is just boring because no enemies what so ever and there's even one area that you can be stuck on because any character other than Luigi can't jump this high in a relatively small area so you have to forcefully quit and restart. After the maze part you finally get to the main boss in this castle, buzzy beetle. He replaces Ludwig von Koopa but again just like nearly any other bosses, he's super fast. After you defeat him you get to another buzzy beetle boss which is replacing SMB2 wart and there's also a lot of Bowser Statues on your way, results in spam and you won't gain a power up during the fight. After this monster you finally beat the level with a star.
    Chad (0.5/10)
    • This is honestly one of the longest and most unreasonable levels I've ever seen. While the first "half" of the level is mainly a few sections of standard progression ending with a hyperfast Birdo, once you hit the midpoint at the entrance to Section 4, you still have to go through 17 entire additional sections before you reach the end. Most of them are extremely long and convoluted by themselves, and contain several more hyperfast bosses along the way, a few of which are even accompanied with projectile spam or other complex difficulties. There is a SMW star checkpoint, but it's close enough to the end that it doesn't really help the sections before it much. Also in the mix are a very slow and tedious lava tunnel, a luck-or-die/time-based/find-the-key-in-one-of-63-identical-blocks room, very minimal but long platforming sections, a door maze solved by trying random doors after pressing a P-switch generator to see if any changes are noticed (one switch actually crashed SMBX via overflow, likely due to the near-max block count), and an amazingly long switch maze. The outside sections in the beginning aren't bad and I like Section 10's shell timer gimmick, but those really don't compare to everything else, unfortunately.
    Quill (0.666/10) Valtteri (3.5/10)
    • The P Switch causes a crash. Until that I thought it was all right. Overall I feel like this would work better if the level was divided into several shorter levels, though. The bosses are way too fast. I dreaded the key puzzle at first but it proved to be pretty entertaining except for the room where you had less than half a second per block to find a key or you would DIE. After that came the door maze with the Switch that would crash the game with the overflow error.
82. Daemon64 - Flying Beach (2.16/10)
  • Bomber57 (0.75/10)
    • This level contains an Ice Cap Zone remix, featuring 99% less Michael Jackson. Literally 3 or 4 screens long, and gives you free powerups.
    bossedit8 (3.25/10)
    • Well... this level was at least nice with a secret at the floating island and a relatively nice music choice you got there but this level was incredibly short. Literally I beat this level in under a minute without any secrets. I thought this level would of been averagely long at least when I heard that Sonic music in the background but instead it's short... at least you can swim in water and you get a nice reward once you find the secret in this level. Also this beach isn't flying at all except for 2 landmasses at the top of this short level.
    Chad (3.0/10)
    • Honestly, this is barely a level. It's just some chunks of land, some water, a few enemies, a secret powerup area, and an exit. It wasn't even long enough to do anything noteworthy with, although what is there isn't unpleasant. The few enemies aren't bad, and the platforming's nothing to complain about, but as a whole, it amounts to the gameplay of a Toad House level.
    Quill (1.8/10)
    • Well, you gave it a go.
    Valtteri (2.0/10)
    • That was short... The level looks nice and has good enemy placement but ends way too soon.
81. Imaynotbehere4long - Spam Origins (2.23/10)
  • Bomber57 (1.5/10)
    • This level contains Spam. The boss was pretty neat but got too difficult because of Spam spam.
    bossedit8 (3.25/10)
    • This level is just filled with Spam that they're spamming everywhere! This is for sure a strange gimmick you have to utulize with those rinka shooters but for sure it's also relatively difficult since you have to actually jump on those sideways spikes and you have to glide on those rinka-projectiles in order to manage the whole city. After that you get to the boss + checkpoint which is a giant "thing" with 2 eyes and you have to destroy both eyes in order to earn a star but this is where the fight gets ridiculous. Every time you cut one of the block of meat the rinka shooters changes positions and appears somewhere and later on it gets rather too spammy in order to even hit the eyes if you cut the wrong area. At least you get a 1UP everytime you respawn at the checkpoint but that doesn't really help all that much because everything has to be done correctly or else you get spammed up to death by squishy effects to these rinkas.
    Chad (1.0/10)
    • This is built around a silly joke, but isn't something that functions well as an actual level, whether intended or not. The spikes are unreasonable to get past, and the - yes, spam - during the boss is impossible. It keeps negating the weapons, is an omnipresent crushing hazard, and becomes irritating to the point that I eventually just spawned myself a Billy Gun. This level has little value aside from appreciating the joke rather than playing it.
    Quill (3.4/10)
    • Hello, I am currently 15 years old and I want to become a walrus. I know there�s a million people out there just like me, but I promise you I�m different. On December 14th, I�m moving to Antartica; home of the greatest walruses. I�ve already cut off my arms, and now slide on my stomach everywhere I go as training. I may not be a walrus yet, but I promise you if you give me a chance and the support I need, I will become the greatest walrus ever. If you have any questions or maybe advice, just PM me. Thank you all so much ~~
    Valtteri (2.0/10)
    • It's a funny level, if you have cheats on. Otherwise it's pretty much impossible. It's a city level of a kind where solid Rinkas spawn everywhere. You're supposed to use them as platforms and this gimmick would actually work if there was like one spawn in a level and they couldn't crush you, but back to this level. The boss shows cleverness but each time you hit it more spam spawns (although in a manner I cannot figure which adds to the cleverness!) and makes it really unintuitive. Effort was put into several aspects of the level. The graphics look nice, the design is quite beautiful and the cinematic before the boss with the Toad falling on the ground dead was cool. But again, the level is (intentionally) ruined by the spam which is a shame as I believe it would have done well in the contest otherwise.
80. IUndercoverTroll - 1-1 on Cr4Ck (2.53/10)
  • Bomber57 (4.25/10)
    • I was disappointed, for there was no crack to be found. It's really just 1-1 with minor edits (like all the enemies being absent pretty much), I didn't really see anything too outstanding in this level. Not much else to say.
    bossedit8 (1.5/10)
    • OH GEE IT'S SURELY WASN'T LIKE AS OF WHAT SMB W1-1 DID!!! No really, it really is different rather than the original SMB but even then... ehh let's go bramble about the level. For sure this was a wonderful concept just to rip off such a famous 1-1 level like this but to turn into crack mode apparently we get this right here. Goombas secretly loving eachother with a key at the top that's inside in a '?' block and then goomba-generators already as you enter the level. Later on there are enemies that originally hasn't been encountered in SMB and that is a hammer bro and a firebar. Also that one hidden block that usually spawns a 1UP after you hit it, it's a poison mushroom instead... such tricky enviorements but there's more. There's one spot where you can spinjump on a thwomp at the Toad where he's talking about and then at the top of it there is a little secret where you can easily get a Hammer Suit out of it. Of course a Starman is relatively impossible to add in SMBX so what did you do in order to replace it? A green shell. That's one of the weirdest choice you could of made but at the other times it's there for a reason actually once you reach the shell to the end since there is a 1UP where you can only get once you have that specific shell on you. For sure your enemies have gone to sleep because there were rarely any enemies throughout the section. No sceneries... of course you would do that. Also after I went into a gap with invisible coin blocks at the top, there is a invisible warp that leads you suddently to a random castle area with Boom Boom fighting at you. After you defeat it you get a key and then simply went out at the near exact same spot where you firstly enter the room... such as no rewards what so ever aswell. This was incredible time consuming after with that one Boom Boom taken over in a castle area that is out of place.
    Chad (2.0/10)
    • I didn't really enjoy this one. It's a near-exact replica of SMB1 1-1 with minor changes that don't have much of an impact on anything. The Boom-Boom fight felt unnecessary as well, being just the boss NPC in an empty room for the most part. I would have scored this higher if the level had its own unique design and purpose.
    Quill (1.4/10)
    • Greetings, everyone. I am new. (One second � let me get this spork out of the way.) My name is Melia, but you can call me Princess of SMBX (I�m laughing aloud.) As you can plainly see, my actions have no pattern whatsoever. That is why I have come here. To meet similarly patternless individuals, such as myself. I am 13 � mature for my age, however! � and I enjoy watching bossedit8's Let's Plays with my girlfriend, Bomber57. (I am bisexual. Please approach this subject maturely.) It is our favorite youtube channel, as it adequately displays stochastic manners of behavior such as we possess. She behaves without order � of course � but I wish to meet more individuals of her and my kind. As the saying goes, �the more, the merrier.� Ah, it is to laugh. Anyway, I hope to make many friends here, so please comment freely. Switch block hunts!!! That is simply one of many examples of my random actions. Ha, ha. Fare thee well. I wish you much love and waffles. Yours, The Princess and SMBX
    Valtteri (3.5/10)
    • I have to admit I like the general concept. You remade SMB1 1-1 and did small changes. I was surprised that there was use for the Koopa shell. That's an interesting way to replace the Super Star. The Toads all around the level were funny, I guess. There's even a boss fight if you happen to jump in the space between two small staircases. All in all the level is ok; it's functional and even a bit humoristic but nothing special so I believe this is the right score for it.
79. Paradox Master - Archon (2.88/10)
  • Bomber57 (2.5/10)
    • Uh, what was this level even trying to be? I guess the atmosphere was kinda ominous but there wasn't really anything going on in this level but a whole lot of nothing. Not much to say on this one.
    bossedit8 (1.0/10)
    • You're lucky since I didn't scream what so ever in that "not so well designed" spooky type level. Long corridor of almost nothing going on, just the same enemies over and over including spooky elements which is just coloring changes on the enemy sprites. At the end I had a choice to either get a star or die... UNFAIRLY!
    Chad (3.0/10)
    • Eh, this isn't very good to be honest. It does a nice job setting up a creepy atmosphere, especially with the increasing darkness at the start and torches that go out as you pass them, but the actual layout of the level is incredibly barren. The rooms are just flat empty rectangles with enemies placed sporadically, and the Dry Bone bridge is repetitive. I feel that this level was more about demonstrating a creepy surrounding than anything else, but some actual platforming and more interesting room design would have made this level better.
    Quill (3.9/10)
    • Well, that was an interesting experience. The atmosphere is all it really has going for it. The level design is super bland.
    Valtteri (4.0/10)
    • This would be an interesting haunted level if it wasn't so lazily made. The first half had had some effort put into it, with the various friendly NPCs providing a (although very vague) backstory of a sort and building atmosphere. The second half consisted of 20 Big Boos and 20 Dry Bones on a flat surface and a Star and an optional pipe that leads to death.
78. Zonnepoes - Super Boy (3.12/10)
  • Bomber57 (1.5/10)
    • This was basicaly world one of the original Super Mario Bros. except the music is low quality and off pitch. You used the wrong music for the castle, and iirc the castles used firebars, not podoboos. I'll give you props for copying the levels pretty well, but unfortunately this isn't the "Copy Levels Made by Nintendo" contest.
    bossedit8 (4.0/10)
    • This was a level where I can say... it's mostly a remake. Well, remake of world 1 from SMB but some difference. Not much to say if it's just a remake so there's that. Apparently this version of the level has less secrets to discover... or even none of them aswell. Not much to say though... just a generic remake with some changes involved.
    Chad (2.5/10)
    • This is just a replica of SMB1 World 1. The presentation is interesting, but still an exact copy. If someone wanted to play levels with these layouts, people can just play SMB1 or actual Super Boy. It would have been better to make your own designs, it's more fun that way!
    Quill (3.1/10)
    • Why did you remake SMB1 World 1? Why can't I enter warp zone? Creativity is upset at you.
    Valtteri (4.5/10)
    • I get this is a remake of some cheap port of Super Mario Bros. and I appreciate the effort put into the authenticity but submitting a level like this to a contest probably isn't the best idea as we know you didn't design any of it, just minimally arranged some other company's work and hence we can't really give you a very high score. I also don't understand why you would remake THIS particular game. It's like a downgraded Mario 1. I admit it's interesting but you could have done something more creative, like make a new level using these pastel graphics.
Tier 2 Places 70-77
Spoiler: show
77. MECHDRAGON777 - Sanctuary Fortress 2 (3.26/10)
  • Bomber57 (4.0/10)
    • I thought that I would eventually complete this level. I told myself I would, but I lied. I couldn't. I spent an hour wandering around this hellish maze and didn't get any results. This is true madness, knowing that there might have been some minuscule detail you overlooked. Trapped forever. No seriously this level has two maps, and then a dark world with another two maps. Your first goal is to get the morph ball so you can climb around and get lost some more. So when I finally found it I felt I was in the home stretch, but that was only the beginning. You then have to go all over the level and get items (bombs I guess) that destroy walls. You don't know what destroys what wall and where, so it's a huge toss up. You also gotta find the missile so you can go into these red doors, but I got what I believe was the missile and none of the red doors seemed to let me in. I went down paths expecting progress and instead got useless collectibles (and not the good kind). I just, went in circles forever, and when I finally found a new zone it said "collect the 3 dark keys to enter the dark temple". I groaned, weary from my journey, ready to collapse and give in. So I explored for another 10 minutes. Finally, in a desperate attempt to get some progress, I went through the door at the very start of the level, which ended the level. I stared at the screen in disbelief of what had just happened. An hour of my life, wasted. I'm going to imagine that Mario walked in the level, took one look at the maps, said "A-fuck this a-bullshit." and then turned around and left through the door. At least that gives me some securing thoughts. Other things to note: This level was crowded with enemies, and had a lot of low ceilings around spikes. And by low ceilings I mean LOW.
    bossedit8 (3.0/10)
    • Ufff... this level drives into the limits! For sure it was well designed like the atmospheric part of the whole level but as for the rest like gameplay wise, some enemy placement and such is just overkill. On top of that, it's a maze where you easily can get lost in this area... and no, the map in this level doesn't really help all that much even though it's kinda cool that you went through the effort to make one for both the light and the dark sections for each outside and inside of it. Enemy choicements were ok but sometimes they're getting kinda cluttered with it like some of them are just hard to avoid on a small area, some of them you have to be quick to realize after you exit from a warping position or else you gain a hit and there's even enemies that are offplaced and others looks like that they're walking in the air inside the floors... what's up with the spammy enemies inside the walls anyway? I do know for the fact that they're here for solely eyecandy but sometimes they're also so strangely placed that leads me to questions as of how they even survive inside these blocks... oh well. Coin placements were ok but sometimes they're relatively difficult to collect them all. Your midboss, although it's nice how it was done, this entire midboss section can be laggy at times and there's even areas where you can glitch through the wall if done correctly. During the 3rd phrase of the midboss, this is the point where everything gets incredible laggy like even for having a high powered PC like me, my SMBX lags just because of looping events throughout the rest of the level until I die just once and then it doesn't lag again. That's tecnically a bad sign right there. Gimmicks were ok. The boss as the level calls is unfinished but also this overexceeds the limit of SMBX if you put the boss right there and even you can jump over the wall without hitting the switch and then you can get stuck at the bottom of the area. After that you have to evacuate this place, basically and then the whole level is done with some rewards on your place to get. Overall, this level was nicely designed with the whole atmosphere but the gameplay, some enemy placements, the lag and the length was just incredible overkill!
    Chad (1.5/10)
    • I really have to admire the effort and massive amounts of complexity and detail that went into this level, but... it's beyond unreasonable. I spent a good hour and a half on a single attempt, aimlessly going from door to door (in slow-mo due to lag), grabbing the three keys of unexplained purpose, before I finally gave up because I couldn't figure out where the end was. I'd beaten the miniboss (which is largely a waiting game) and enabled myself to climb the spider ball tracks fairly early into my experience, but every area looked very much the same and every door practically felt random, so finding my way around seemed useless. There is a map (which, if you ask me, should never be needed in a Mario level), but I had such a difficult time memorizing all of the different areas in the level and how they connected that it was basically meaningless to me, especially with so few places to access it from. The switch-like events were unhelpful as well, because they triggered things that were completely unindicated and I wouldn't even have noticed what changed when I reached the relevant areas. The only thing I can really appreciate is how it looks visually, which is fantastic but doesn't make the experience fun at all.
    Quill (3.8/10)
    • Oh boy... I'd like to start by saying that I can really see the amount of love you put into this level. It's obvious how much work went into the design and aesthetics of the level. I have to give you major props for that. That's where most of the praise ends though. This level is too big. It's ridiculously easy to get lost and there's even a map to help you, which I only found vaguely useful in finding the Dark Temple Keys, which you aren't actually told to get at all until you happen to come across the area where they are slotted in. I've played Metroid Prime 2 and didn't even notice which might have been bad play on my part, but I'm sure a lot of people playing your level haven't played Metroid Prime 2, so some indication that there are keys to collect would have been nice. The portals were a great idea, I liked the variety between the light and dark sections, but one thing that was super frustrating was that when you entered a portal, you weren't able to go back if you happened to be warped to an area you had already been in. The missile and green missile features were also annoying, as you had very little indication to what they opened up. It wasn't fun running around in circles trying to find which red door had opened, it's complete bullshit. If the boss was finished, that would have been interesting to see, though it just would have added to the level's frustration. The SMW Star that lets the player no longer need to find the keys is useless as you get it literally at the end anyway. The escape sequence was pretty poor and seemingly rushed as it was over very quickly. But boy was I happy when this level finally ended. It took me about an hour to complete this level. Half of that was spent backtracking. This did help familiarize myself with the level so I had a rough idea what led where, but it was still pretty confusing. Overall, your idea was awesome but executed poorly.
    Valtteri (4.0/10)
    • The level is based on Metroid Prime 2 where the planet Aether is divided into two dimensions, Light Aether and Dark Aether, that the player has to constantly switch between during the game. This gimmick opens interesting gameplay mechanics but can also make the level extremely confusing. This level unfortunately did the latter. I could not for the life of me find my way out of the level. This is a type of level that REQUIRES constant hints as to where the player should GO. The level meritoriously tells the player what to DO, but where to GO, the player has to figure by themselves. Exploration works in Metroid Prime 2 as the different areas are highly distinctive making navigating a lot easier. In this level though, the different rooms are too similar and telling them from each other is tough. The level also has BGOs that look like blocks and that's confusing, too. I do like the graphics, though. And the fact that the level is compatible with all five players.
76. DerpMcSkerp20 - Star Ship Galaxy (3.28/10)
  • Bomber57 (1.5/10)
    • "i don't get it why do my checkpoints not work." I'll explain it to you: it's because you put like 7 checkpoints in your level. SMBX doesn't support multiple checkpoints. As a result of there being 7 checkpoints this level is fucking long. Also, just because its a "Galaxy" doesn't give you the excuse to make big square floating blocks of material. The design is boring and flat. Enemy placement is inconsistent, you either have no enemies or huge clusters of them. The Bowser fight should have been the end (or long before that) but then the level went on for another 3 checkpoints worth of stuff after you killed him.
    bossedit8 (3.0/10)
    • Ufufufuuu... what kind of star ship level is this? Simple design, spammy enemies on some areas and also skippable areas aswell. There's one secret area that's just cluttering my face with random objects. Also multiple checkpoints in a single level is a very bad idea since they tend to break once you grab multiple ones and no, there's no excuse to put a message box at the beginning of the checkpoint markers since you know that multiple checkpoints in a level just doesn't work very well. This level was on some cases frustration and others just boring.
    Chad (5.0/10)
    • This level certainly offers a lot of variety. Pretty much every moment introduces a different set of enemies, style of platforming or other means of progression, different design, and a series of gimmicks. The actual look of the level is mostly barren and empty looking, but it does have a lot to keep the player engaged. There isn't a lot of consistency though, as the theme of the level isn't very well defined. There are a few sections which have a more complicated and mechanical feeling to them though, which was interesting to go through, but there are also a few places that are just a flat run forward on some airships with no enemies for a bit. As a whole, it's a rather on-and-off experience, although none of it is particularly unpleasant. One major issue that the level suffers from though is having a rather large number of midpoints. SMBX does not support more than one proper midpoint per level, and dying after any additional one will just put you back at the first one. It wasn't that you couldn't get it to work, it just plain doesn't work, and that makes dying late in the level extremely costly. It's well within possibility to go from the first midpoint to the end without dying, but if you knew you couldn't make multiple midpoints work, it would have been best not to do it.
    Quill (4.9/10)
    • I dunno, man. It had lots of ideas, but most of them felt poorly implemented or they just didn't have enough. That's really all I can say about the level itself. Try working on just polishing up everything. You can only have one checkpoint per level, which is why your multiple checkpoints don't work.
    Valtteri (2.0/10)
    • This level has several issues. The enemy placement is hardly consistent. There are parts where you placed way too many enemies close to each other, like an area close to where the intruder alert begins, and other parts have nothing in them, the small water maze in the sky being a good example. It feels like it's there just to make the progress slower. The level is overly long for its really simple nature. There are several spots where you need to crouch slide if you're Super Mario and that's not good. The Checkpoints don't work because you can only have one per level. If you find something not working, try to find out why instead of just adding a sign that says you don't know why they don't work and not even trying to fix it. The blocks and enemies you used seldom fit together with each other or the area you put them in. Thwomps in airships, castles in the sky. At one point in the end you as a joke (or you gave up) made a purposely corrupted-looking segment. I liked the waterfall warp, it was somewhat creative.
75. DAT LUIGI FAN - Super Short Adventure for Daisy (3.32/10)
  • Bomber57 (2.0/10)
    • Super short indeed. Flat level design and abundance/lack of enemies. You know, all the works. Ends with a brief Bowser fight and you get a TOB10 reference or something.
    bossedit8 (3.0/10)
    • Daisy! What have you done?!? Anyway, this was a rather... strange simplified level that this area has been provided. Your design was like putting invisible blocks at the beginning to get invisible power ups that way after there was a Koopa just shown at the bottom of the grass area... ok? Then multiple random enemies even a Kamikaze shell attached with a wooden platform which is different. Then after a long 1UP farming spot with the kamikaze koopa if you're doing this correctly (hard to mess up) you get to the castle (instant halfway point included) which is just very few obstacles, multiple paths to choose and then after that you get to dark Bowser. After that the level ends with a star with Luigi and Daisy but if you are any further below the area after the fight ends you can get stuck and you have to do the whole level again.
    Chad (3.5/10)
    • I didn't care much for this one. The design and obstacles come off as being minimal and thoughtless, because it's a series of random events with no real coherency to them. The attach-to-layer rainbow shell is interesting, but it doesn't really do much besides give you tons of lives and require little input from the player once you're standing on the right side of the platform. The instant warp room just feels tedious, and SMB3 Bowser is both ordinary and will get you stuck in the floor unable to escape if you aren't on the highest set of blocks at the moment of his death.
    Quill (4.1/10)
    • Super basic design, although those blocks attached to the disco shell was weird, but kinda neat. The maze didn't really give much indicaiton to what you had to do and was really unneeded.
    Valtteri (4.0/10)
    • This wasn't very good. The Rainbow Shell platform is actually pretty interesting but there's a lot of flat ground and before the castle it's just a bunch of Hammer Brothers. The castle is two instances where you have to guess the correct path. After that there's a boss and it's over. It's too short.
74. Friendly Dictator - ROBOTS BEEP BOOP (3.39/10)
  • Bomber57 (2.0/10)
    • /r/gonewildtanks
    bossedit8 (3.75/10)
    • Let me think one more time as of what is all about the machinery aspects in this area. Apparently we have tank-wheels coming out from those drilling spikes and then later shooting tank-wheels out of thin air. Ok. We humans apparently learned how to affect the future in a quick pace! This level was just riding on those tank-wheels for the most time and then avoiding enemies and some projectiles that are kinda fast to react at times once it gets on your way and also this projectile has a missing death effect... means once I kill it with another NPC or so it will turn into a fish bone effect rather than a "drill" NPC. The level was pretty short with no secrets involved but at least the obstacles were different even though it's just riding on some tank-wheels and then almost nothing happens during the ride. Music was promising though.
    Chad (3.5/10)
    • A really neat idea, but not particularly a nicely-executed one. It's interesting to have generating tank wheels on spikes to jump across, and the moving drill cannons are cool, but that's about the entire level. The design is very minimal and does not much more than support that gimmick, and the generating wheels become highly unstable in the second half. Having overlapping generators and NPCs make a bridge for one another is highly imaginative, but whether or not that functions properly comes down to luck. This would have been a lot cooler if more effort was put into the design and stability. It's really short though, so at least whatever deaths do occur aren't the end of the world.
    Quill (5.7/10)
    • The idea presented here is pretty creative! It's a little short and the cannons are repeated a little, but it was pretty fun. That large block that spawns wheels that fall on your head was a questionable move though.
    Valtteri (2.0/10)
    • That is definitely a new way to use the tank wheels... I can't take this seriously, which I probably shouldn't anyway. I'm sure the level is theoretically possible but the part with the stacked tank wheel launchers is too random. I kept dying and quit. Overall the level comes out as a mess and the background just doesn't fit with the Super Metroid blocks used throughout the level, even with the technical-looking beams added to it.
73. DarkWolf658 - The Desert Night (3.57/10)
  • Bomber57 (2.0/10)
    • Pretty decent I guess, but the level felt square and flat. The really tall vine section full of paratroopas was pointless and frustrating, same goes for the spike section with the leaves. I don't know how you are supposed to get around those spikes without getting hurt, even with the leaf.
    bossedit8 (3.75/10)
    • I don't mean that wrong that it was a desert themed level in the night... it's just that I find this level's design not too great for a SMW based level. There were no sceneries what so ever and there are places that you can take a pipe which simply takes you backwards incase if you get stuck at the bottom of the area but there's one area where you can get stuck once you destroyed certain amount of turn blocks and defeated all of the enemies aswell. If you're not Luigi you're stuck down there so you have to restart the level. Afterwords you get to a vertical section with a lot of para-koopas hovering left and right. If done right you can get a lot of 1UPs during that since they're basically stacked up vertically on each side. Then you get a forced leaf power up gliding through spikes and platforms and then there are 2 ways to get the star. One is by simply gliding further ahead to get to the star where you can easily die by your momentum since the platform is small or you can take the key and the locked door to the cave where multiple enemies lies ahead and there's your secret star.
    Chad (3.0/10)
    • This isn't very good, honestly. It's mostly a barren set of hills (although the warps back to the start to try again for certain obstacles are nice), followed by a long fall and monotonous vine climb, then you have a series of platforms and spikes that the player has to take a hit on for no reason, then the level ends. There didn't seem to be a plan for this level really, just a handful of very minimal executions.
    Quill (5.1/10)
    • I did like how this level tried to be a little like SMW, but it had several notable flaws. For example, that second star was completley unneeded as it's not hidden in the slightest and it's just an excuse to play the level over again. Falling at the start leads to a cave section which will return you to the start of the level to redo your jumps. Why not just have the pipes take you directly there?
    Valtteri (4.0/10)
    • In this level you jump from platform to platform and then you need to do a pretty difficult trick with the Super Leaf. The level lacks variety, and also decoration. There isn't a single background object in the level making it look empty.
72. Nien - Aquatic Nights (3.64/10)
  • Bomber57 (2.0/10)
    • This level wasn't too terrible at first, just very bland and kinda flat. The background was very nice though, as was the music. The last section killed that though when I got the pleasure of fighting 4 Mousers one by one with increasingly difficult placements, and then 4 or 5 Mousers at once before the star. There's also a toad in the middle of the path advertising some website, so yeah.
    bossedit8 (3.0/10)
    • I detect spies with bombs and rodents! Ok, about the level itself, it was pretty nice as of how the design goes but adventuly it falls down into the abyss. I do like the whole atmosphere of the level though. Dragon coins in this level are useless since there are only 2 scattered around in this level. At the end where the design dropped, you earn a lot of Mousers with a strange music playing in this area and you have to fight multiple Mousers till the end where the star is but at least you don't have to kill them all just to get to the end. One problem is that once you get to the star while a lot of NPCs are on the screen you get a lot of 1UPs, resulting in life farming.
    Chad (5.0/10)
    • Welp, found the Mouser spam level. Getting around them was actually mildly interesting though, even if that probably wasn't the intention. At least the first section was pretty and nicely built, even if to a shortlived extent.
    Quill (4.2/10)
    • god damnit nien
    Valtteri (4.0/10)
    • Aw, you should have finished it. It started out as a pretty atmospheric level, although it could have used a lot more scenery. Then you gave up and put 10 Mousers in the following section and the level was over. Well I kind of liked what you started.
71. Ness-Wednesday - A Dangerous Diner (3.66/10)
  • Bomber57 (3.0/10)
    • This is pretty much a joke level. Though, it was, surprisingly, actually a bit funny in just how unexpected parts of it were. I thought the Barney fight was funny just because of the animations. The Ninten fight was also cool because you used changing BGO to represent his facial expressions as he talked, sorta like an RPG. Besides some neat or kinda funny things, the level wasn't really serious, so I don't think it deserves a really serious score.
    bossedit8 (3.5/10)
    • Run-Time Error '9' - Subscript out of Range! After I saved this level once over PGE I can play this level apparently in SMBX. This level was based mostly at the lava area with some strange enemies involved. Some gimmicks were ok on this level. There's a lot of things that I just say... what were you thinking? I mean we get some random bosses from those childish TV series and others video games and then there's even random POW blocks shooting out of a green hill background object that's partially floating aka creating cutoff at the bottom. There's one place that is physically impossible to get over the giant gap of lave because the skull raft is stuck at the one edge piece at the lava tile. This seems to be a hint that this hasn't even been tested well enough and because of that I have to bring myself a red shor just so I can get further on in this untested level after the halfway point. I do like what you did with the face-images during the dialog while you're at the Ness boss fight which is SMB Bowser replaced. After you defeated Ness you'd think it's all over but once you try to grab the SMB3 roulette exit you met to a secret boss which is a SMB3 Bowser but replaced with a different graphic... maybe it's a Villager or something that I don't really know all that much of that graphic. After you used up 20 hits on that boss the level ends.
    Chad (2.0/10)
    • This one's honestly rather bad, and many aspects of the level imply this was not a serious effort. Starts out seemingly normal with a little bit of basic platforming and enemy evasion, but then you get to the next area and deal with jokey minibosses in which Barney (yes, I said Barney) spawns on top of you, then there are nonsensical enemies and random POW-block generators that make traversing the next areas a needless nuisance. After that is a midpoint, followed by a skull raft that literally does not go anywhere, making the level unfinishable. The remainder is just a few more weird minibosses and having to kill a SMB3 Bowser NPC with bombs, which at that point I was not motivated to do. Everything else about the level's basic design and gameplay are rather unremarkable too, so I can't say I enjoyed much about it.
    Quill (4.8/10)
    • I'm not sure what this level tried to be, but it was unique to say the least. You had some 'interesting' ideas I suppose. Nothing's really too bad about this level, aside from the untested skull raft ride, but there's nothing too great either.
    Valtteri (5.0/10)
    • You could have tested this a bit better. You get stuck at the Skull Raft ride. That aside, this is a pretty decent overword level with very strange sprite choices such as the villager sprites, Barney, Randall from "Monsters, Inc", some of these not correctly scaled. I have to admit the Barney sprite swap for Boom Boom is pretty funny with the dumb stop mark indicating the spike form.
70. Marionette The Puppet - Above Under Cave (3.82/10)
  • Bomber57 (1.0/10)
    • Plain, boring, and orange. I actually had to turn off my volume because the music gave me a literal headache. Also when you enter the boss room to fight Larry he spawns on top of you. Oh joy.
    bossedit8 (3.0/10)
    • Up going down into a cave filled with water, castle blocks and apparently... a boss of course. For sure this was an interesting level at the beginning but then it gets to the point where I would say... it's pretty short. Areas were cramped where you have to avoid simplified enemies like that. You gave me surprisements by your enemy placements that are close to my warping positions so please give me a favour... DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!!!
    Chad (5.5/10)
    • This is a fun, pretty little cave level. The design is simple yet enjoyable, with reasonable enemy placements and modest visuals that look nice. I enjoyed the mix of swimming and platforming, and how it transitions into a castle area. It ends somewhat quickly, but I enjoyed what I played. However, the last two sections feel lazy, as they're mostly just rectangle rooms with little else. Also, Larry's just an ordinary fight with the exit warp placed too close to him. Everything else was decent, though.
    Quill (4.6/10)
    • Pretty short level. It looked kinda neat, but it just needed to be extended with more ideas to excite the player.
    Valtteri (5.0/10)
    • That is a weird name. This level is decent, although very short. The custom Goombas look horrifying. I'm not saying the artist failed, but that the Goomba looks frightening. :P I like the orange SMW tileset mishmash. Even if it's short, the level is functional, with the successful enemy and coin placement, looks neat and is pretty fun to play. Please place the exit warp in Larry's room farther from Larry so the player doesn't get surprised and hit unfairly.
Tier 3 Places 62-69
Spoiler: show
69. alti0204tri - Jungle Rhythm (3.82/10)
  • Bomber57 (3.0/10)
    • Alright, this level was way more difficult than it should've been. I think it's real nice that you decide to fuck the player over at the start by putting an unexpected enemy in the first set of item blocks in the level, that was real nice. It was also real nice of you to not indicate that you can't jump on the Fighter Flies without getting hurt. The design was ugly and was mostly big squares of ground in the jungle. The level had many cutoffs, in both BGO, blocks and even in custom npcs. In the area with the rows of spikes that rise and fall the enemies you decided to put on them can glitch out into the blocks. Like mario, this causes them to achieve warp speed and fly off in a direction. In my case, fly into me and cause my death. The worst part of the whole level were the two long line platform sections. Both of them have no powerups, and both of them are extremely hard (in the case of the second, next to impossible). You shouldn't put two volcano lotuses and a venus fire trap near each other on a line platform. You really shouldn't. I could never get past the part where you have to hit the three switch blocks with shells quickly or else Mario wont continue with the line platform and will fall to his death (or be forced to kill himself). Largely unenjoyable due to the difficulty, lack of powerups, and the checkpoint being far into the level considering that difficulty.
    bossedit8 (2.5/10)
    • This level wasn't that enjoyable for me to get over everything as of this level contains. I do like the background placements though but everything else like the enemy placements and that stupid moving layer ruins it for me. If you wait for too long at the earlier areas the moving layers will desyncs by itself and they'll create cutoff at the bottom. This level literally learns how to usulize shells onto unreachable switches like that in order to advance. There are places that you can unfaily stuck in this level. Later on the level gets incredible difficult and unreliable depends of what you're doing and one mistake you have to do the whole level again since this locates near the halfway point. The rest is traveling through spikes with your fairy power and other stuff. There are 2 stars in this level.
    Chad (3.5/10)
    • This was not a fun level. Honestly, it felt very much like you wanted to include a lot of gimmicks, but didn't put enough thought into how those would work for someone other than the designer. The first section is decent, it's standard but has nice enemy placement, platform design, and construction, and I like the switching platform line and spikebars gimmicks (although the P-switch part there was just unnecessary waiting). But after that, I'm afraid it all sort of falls apart and the rest of the level skyrockets in difficulty after initially offering the player something tamer. No checkpoint has been obtained by the time the player enters Section 2, and you're supposed to activate both platforms at once. It's not apparent they're both mandatory and not a choice, but even if you do activate both of them, you have to deal with a Nipper that goes between both platforms frequently while the route is constantly changing, which is rather incredibly difficult because it's highly unpredictable while taking up all of the only safe space you have. After that, you have a split in the road indicated by a coin arrow, which I was already having difficulty trusting by that point, so I went the other way first. The checkpoint only appears on one route, but both desperately need it, because the difficulty climbs even higher from here. The fairy/spike route is the one that warns you about difficulty, but I'm pretty sure the platform route is even harder. For one thing, the Piranha Plant fireballs are extremely effective on any part of the lines, and then you have to focus on Lotuses which are already painful enough, and then immediately adjust to hitting three switches off to the side with perfect speed. Those are at least somewhat generous in letting the platforms come back briefly if you miss, but it's very difficult in this level in general to focus on stuff other than the moving platforms and projectiles constantly coming in, especially when the platform lines are hard to see sometimes and the level only gives you enough time if you already know what's coming from having died to it at least once before. I did enjoy the P-switch run in this area, though. The maze is interestingly crafted and dead-ends are forgiving. The other route isn't very nice either, though. The fairy tunnels are so precise that you have to go extremely slow in the hopes that SMBX's strict hitbox detection won't catch you. This is made more irritating by the fact that when the sign tells you to hit two switches but leave the other two switches alone, you have no way of knowing which one the second one is until you guess and either end up right/wrong and you can either proceed or die, and because this route has no midpoint, that means doing the entire level over. Overall, I admire the creativity and ambition in this level and it has a lot of cool ideas, but they need to be ironed out a lot before they're reasonable to play by those other than the creator.
    Quill (6.1/10)
    • I'm not sure how I feel about this one. I did like the variety, but sometimes it was a little annoying such as with the platform and the On/Off switches which could sometimes glitch out. That whole fairy segment was disappointing as you had to hope you hit the right switches or you had to backtrack a lot to hit the right ones again. More indication there would have been fantastic. The design overall is decent and there were some good and some bad parts. Work on polishing this one up.
    Valtteri (4.0/10)
    • This is an interesting level. I think you went too far with the switches that needed to be hit by carefully aimed shell throws WHEN the moving platform was at the right spot on the track or else you couldn't progress. The hardcore path was interesting, and crazy hard. And you had to guess which switches to hit which isn't as much of a challenge as it is just a thing you must chance. The level is filled with all sorts of plants which fits a jungle so props for that, except for the lazily scaled treetop BGOs which look horrible. The crusher spiked logs and everything attached to them are slowly getting dislocated as they move up and down at different speeds and unfortunately it is impossible to make objects at different speeds move the same exact distance in SMBX.
68. Cosmik - Secret Desert Tar Sands (4.12/10)
  • Bomber57 (5.0/10)
    • Mmhm, this is a desert with sand, and there is some tar about the place. Secret? Not so much. Nothing too spectacular about this one. The graphics were plain but managed to work a little. The last skull raft ride was too hectic, having three podoboos and a thwomp in quick succession. Also, the level ends in a SMW star rather than a SMB3 one, so the level never actually ends, you just get the star and then commit suicide. Was this level trying to say that shiny things don't bring you happiness? Who knows? Maybe that is the true secret of the Secret Desert Tar Sands.
    bossedit8 (1.0/10)
    • Overloaded graphical construction in a small level. This level was kinda messy and highly flawed. Being big is pretty much suicide since your timing has to be overly perfect in order to manage. Secret was strange but at least it kinda works as a secret and this level doesn't even have enough dragon coins in it. Only 3. At the end you get a SMW star, not a SMB3 star which basically means there's no way you can beat the level unless you die which is terrible. No thanks!
    Chad (5.5/10)
    • This is a really interesting level. It's a desert level with a strong mechanical feel to it, and I like the focus on tricky jumps and enemy evasions alongside navigating around moving layers. The tight design has an intriguing effect on this difficulty as well, requiring careful planning from the player to squeeze around the narrow obstacles, which is pretty entertaining. However, it's a little bit overkill in several places. Sometimes the opportunity, time, or space to avoid something just isn't there, and getting through some of it almost comes down to luck. The Spiny generator at the start combined with the moving platform, for example, make the Spinies' movements inconsistent and unpredictable, while the crushers up above leave you with little room to squeeze through considering SMBX's very strict tolerance for that. The skull rafts, which put you on a fixed path in a narrow space, tend to leave the player no choice but to take a Podoboo hit if luck isn't kind to them. The level's at least short, so at least there isn't a massive amount of level to redo, although I'd say the start of the inside section would be a good place for a midpoint. Also, don't use the SMW star as an exit star, because then you force players to manually kill themselves after grabbing it. Don't put every graphic in the game in the level's folder either, because that makes it take several minutes to load for no reason.
    Quill (5.1/10)
    • The SMW star being the exit was weird as it gives the impression that it's just a secret star. But oh man, you have to kill yourself to exit the level! Also, those red blocks at the start move way too slow. As for the rest of the level, it's pretty basic and could do with a little more length too. It was a nice attempt though.
    Valtteri (4.0/10)
    • Yeah, the level ends with a SMW star and therefore can't be escaped by other than committing suicide. It's a pretty out of ordinary desert level with an underground section with thwomps. The level is relatively short. Overall I don't like the messy nature of the level. An illusion of boiling oil coming out of upward pipes was attempted and it turned out blocky.
67. jasonbt - Cold Mansion (4.15/10)
  • Bomber57 (3.75/10)
    • I was expecting a nice icy ghost house level, but I guess I was set up to be disappointed. Its really just a long, difficult series of platforms. Some things were really unfair, like having a pipe with spikes on top that had both a venus fire trap and a jumping pirahna plant coming out of it, so you had to time your jump really well or die. There were several spots with just cruel placement of enemies, most of the offenders being blue beach koopas who would kick shells at you.
    bossedit8 (4.0/10)
    • Good music choice, typical ghost house level with no puzzles involved and then enemy placement has gone insane. SMW ghost house. You sure things are taking it easy in a ghost house but this time, rather than puzzle on nearly any ghost houses, this is just pure enemy and obstacle course right there. There's even enemies that normally aren't shown in a ghost house level in SMW like spinies, lakitus from pipes and even charging chucks. Speaking of those charging chucks, there's one spot where you have to jump through a one block hole at the ceiling in order to get through the area originally. There weren't any coins in this level, only dragon coins and even a random SMB3 green P Switch which can be used to make the level easier which is ok. One NPC which is the sliding blue beach koopa has a wrong death effect. I don't like that I can go through the sizeable blocks since those blocks are supposed to be solid in SMW but in SMBX apparently they aren't. I also don't like how you used those SMB3 spikes like that I mean you could of just used SMW spikes as custom graphics rather than having them originally there like it is... it would of be much for fitting that way if they were SMW. After the halfway point it gets more hectic since there's even more enemies along your way and on top of that there's blue beach koopas with some empty shells on your way... not fun to look at it of all of these kickings. Also I find this mean that you put Lakitus inside those spikes since they're making it even harder to damage that NPC if you want to destroy them. At least this level wasn't too long nor too short but even then, you will gain issues with all of those enemies along the way including kicked shells.
    Chad (4.5/10)
    • This level's... okay. For the most part it's basic platforming and enemies, which are placed to offer some challenge, but you have some interesting ideas regarding the use of narrow passages and Chargin' Chucks. However, the enemies become very numerous in the second half, and putting shell-kickers directly next to their shells is never a good idea because it requires the player to avoid something fast before even knowing it's there. The setup of the ones at the end are creative, but the Munchers are overkill. Otherwise, it's a pretty ordinary level in at its core, but is somewhat intriguing in terms of enemy challenges, even if it's a little much.
    Quill (4.5/10)
    • Some interesting ideas were presented in this level. Just work on polishing up your level and playing through other people's levels so your level design can improve! I liked the dead lakitu. Little easter eggs are great.
    Valtteri (4.0/10)
    • This is a decent Ghost House, although short. I would tone down with the spikes. You put them in places where they didn't look very good. You placed a tad too many Koopas, I would say.
66. blue_kirby - Summer Island (4.16/10)
  • Bomber57 (1.25/10)
    • The level is a real short vanilla level. Sometimes enemies got a little too cluttered, especially in the "cave" area. I don't have too much to say, but those skeletons were pretty spooky.
    bossedit8 (2.75/10)
    • At least we have some nice short levels going on in this area. This level was ok with regular grass, cave and partually water area but it was short in general. Lack of sceneries, cramped cave area and messed up water hitboxes at the surfaces. SMB3 and SMW combined into this level like tiles, enemies and all that such. Secrets were nonexistence except for one at the very end. Not much to say but it's short level design but I did like your music choice though.
    Chad (5.0/10)
    • A short level with rather simple design, but a pleasant run nonetheless. The first half is pretty standard running, jumping, and swimming, while the second half is a little more entertaining due to requiring more precise maneuvering and having more strategic enemy placement. However, the pipes and underwater area are a little too narrow and restrictive when it comes to movement and enemy evasion. Overall, I think the level could have used a bit more to it, as it only took me a couple minutes to get through, but what's here isn't bad.
    Quill (6.3/10)
    • Short and sweet. I thought the transition into the cavern was an interesting idea. Overall, this level while super short, was pleasant to play through. Some interesting ideas were presented here, just extend it!
    Valtteri (5.5/10)
    • I kind of like the underground section merged with the overworld section. Otherwise it's a very standard overworld level. The design is okay and the visuals, too, although background objects are completely missing from this level and it definitely needs at least some. It's pretty short, too.
65. Luigifan2010 - Chocolate Cereal (4.29/10)
  • Bomber57 (4.25/10)
    • Looked decent at first, but once you go into the negative world it sorta falls apart. Enemies are placed unfairly and, toward the end there is a lot of cutoff and graphics placed in random places. This didn't even happen in other parts of the negative world so I can't consider it a style choice. Also this level has only two powerups and I only found one.
    bossedit8 (3.5/10)
    • You want another chocolate for your health? Too bad this place is so mean that you probably won't have another new chocolate bar in your entire life just because as of how horrible this place is especially after the checkpoint. Anyway, the whole idea of this level was ok but sometimes it seems not too well experimented like at the bonus section where I can easily get stuck at after the enemy despawns at the top while I'm inbetween those 2 different switch block walls. Your idea of having tree branches as platforms was ok but for the beginners they have no idea if you could be able to stand on them or not since usually they're here for background object materials rather than actual standable blocks. Obstacles were ok but sometimes a bit too difficult with all of these enemies on my way. After you order a potion from a pipe that you have to activate via a switch you have to go through the same way back but in a different section including reversal stuff like the background and even the music. Once you are back at the beginning during the reverse there's cutoff at the landmass and there's your star with a coin-formed heart typed via keyboard <3.
    Chad (3.5/10)
    • This level's... sort of a mess, honestly. The first half has some fairly standard design aside from troublesome enemies around a moving pipe you have to wait a while for, but between that and the other dimension doesn't really have a lot going on. There's also a bonus room that I don't understand the point of, because there's no way to get up to the On/Off switch and the Koopa despawns so you could actually get stuck inside the green block wall and be forced to quit. The alternate world, though a really neat idea, is just a section that doesn't feel like there was really a plan to it. You've got a Banzai Bill that sort of traps the player under the blocks, overlapping blocks, haphazardly spammed clouds, and a broken sizable. That's basically all there was to it, and the only noteworthy thing I can really take away from it is the changing of dimensions. The music and background do a good job of establishing the concept, but the execution of everything else doesn't really work as a decent level.
    Quill (4.2/10)
    • What chad said
    Valtteri (6.0/10)
    • This is a pretty great level, although short. It's an overworld level with a few twists. I like how you can jump on the tree branches. Then there's an inverted dimension. There are some Dragon Coins that you can only collect in the other dimension but overall I think a lot more could have been done with the concept. Also, the sizables overlap and cut off badly in the inverted dimension.
64. RudeGuy07 - Cosmic Underwater Tiles (4.36/10)
  • Bomber57 (1.5/10)
    • A really unenjoyable experience. The level is way too difficult, especially in the second half. The first half is an outdoor space area, and the level starts off by having the long stretch of ground you are on sink without warning. You then have to run like hell to the right and hope the ground is still high enough to reach safety. Because there are bullet bills attached to this they fly in an odd manner, which can lead to you getting killed. There are these angry stars that replace firebars that are always placed in the most inconvenient locations and its very hard to avoid them, especially considering all that is going on in this level. The second section has you jumping across jagged asteroids that move to the left, and the sign warns you of a glitch where the right-facing slopes will launch you forward, but that you can also "use it to your advantage" and that it is "not that harmful". They really tended to send me flying into the abyss or hazards more than anything, so yeah, they were really harmful. Once you reach the checkpoint you are inside a mechanical fortress filled to the brim with annoying projectile enemies placed in annoying locations. I mean stuff like having a hammer bro near some sawblades, a jumping blue koopa troopa and some fire, or two rotating spike balls in a narrow corridor where you either barely scrape by or get hit. You have to go a long way to get to the checkpoint, and an equally long way after to get to the end of the level. Given the difficulty and how few powerups you get, this is really unfair. Oh yeah, for some reason the door to the last section with the star has the warp set up as a pipe for some reason, which ends up sticking you in the ground and getting you stuck there. You can't escape, so the level is impossible to complete.
    bossedit8 (3.0/10)
    • Uff... for such an excuse for making a "unwater" based rock formations in space makes me feel that it would of been an interesting level... but no, it's not! It's something I really want to just get to the level editor and then fly threw it entirely instead because the whole level design is just too much for the player to handle and other times they're broken but not as broken as you make such run-time errors at least. Beginning, you earn no warning except for the explosion effect as you hear and then you have to be quick or else you die at the very first rock formation. Some angry stars are so annoyingly placed that you either need a helpful device in order to jump over or other times at the correct timing since some of them they get that cluttered up that it gets too much for the player to handle with all of the other NPCs and blocks to handle especially after the halfway point. Moving slopes is never fun to deal with especially that they cause glitches as where you stand on because standing on a top-right slope while it moves horizontally the player will launch off of the platform and you have no idea what's underneeth so you either are lucky enough to actually stand on another rock formation or other times you simply fall into your death. There are NPCs which do not have a correct death effect and others if a yellow beach koopa enters a yellow shell it will turn into SMW kamikaze shell rather than the SMB3 kamikaze shell. Some dragon coins were super annoying to get. Enemy placements were waayy too much for the player to handle and on top of that, there's even places that are too narrow to avoid these enemies. Seriously, if you're gonna put this many enemies on my way, at least have something to kill them easily to get rid of them all but as of right now, you're kinda spamming on my way including some lack of movement ability with the ceiling at the inside section. Back at the outside section after the halfway point, this is the part where it seems that it has been rush a bit because some layers didn't seem to disappear. Gimmicks were ok but it seems that it gets too much for this one level right here and yes, it's kind of rehashed from one area to another with the same gimmicks involved especially the glitchy parts with the slopes. Also, if you fall just once at the secondary "rehashed" gimmick you basically screwed. Later on after that you gain blocks that are real and fake almost like megaman based blocks and during the same section there's even a massive cutoff at the far right of the section means that this part of the level is literally rushed and on top of that, once you get to the end of that section there is a giant error with the warp. Rather than having that on a door warp, it's a pipe based warp and with that, once you're big you physically get clipped off inside the wall and you have to be small in order to get to the last section where the star is. Terrible! At least the music was alright.
    Chad (2.5/10)
    • I'm sorry, but to get straight to the point and be blunt, this level is completely unreasonable. It is massively long, filled to the brim with excessively difficult gimmicks, and bugs which make the level more of an ordeal than a fun experience. The basic construction and presentation are gorgeous and the gimmicks are impressively imaginative, so I can appreciate that and the amount of effort this level must have taken. However, there are frankly so many things wrong with how it plays that I just couldn't enjoy myself. It starts you off with really long sinking land, which not only doesn't even indicate that it's sinking until it's too late, but also requires full speed from the very start (and not taking a hit for any of it). Then, you have a section full of horizontally moving asteroids with slopes, and although they look pretty cool, if you're actively aware that something's buggy and need to warn the player, don't include it. The gameplay is extremely fragile there on top of the inherent difficulty, and you could have just used corner tiles. Everything else between here and the checkpoint is all right. Very challenging, but possible, and I like how you used the Grinders and line-guided platforms, often together. Hazards are placed really well to make things nice and tricky. However, you bring the buggy asteroids back, then introduce blocks that alternate between solid and not. The gimmick is always a neat idea, but these have only minimal indication and require timed leaps of faith in areas that already have quite enough dangers without them, making them highly unintuitive for this level. And at the very end, the warp is broken. If you're not small, you'll get stuck in the ground, unless the player thinks to re-enter the door and intentionally take a hit to make room for themselves in the warp. Another unfortunate factor is because this level is extremely long and filled with many different events and gimmicks, I dealt with consistent lag through absolutely all of this. Imagine what a 2.5-second delay must be like in slowdown time. I also didn't care for the hidden boss, because you can break it just by staying on the cannon to the right, the entrance requires a hit (and can only be found in the editor), and beating it makes nothing happen so you actually get stuck there. That's before the midpoint, so that means restarting the entire first half. I want to like this level and the work put into it, but it's insane and broken in multiple fundamental ways that I just can't find enjoyment in it.
    Quill (7.3/10)
    • I liked the atmosphere in this level, but found the factory/castle part of this level totally unneeded. It was just an excuse to extend the level's length (which should be shortened) I think it would have been better if you stuck to the theme at the start of the level. The warning about the asteroid was kinda funny as it said that glitching through blocks could sometimes help you, but it actually killed me! Woo.
    Valtteri (7.5/10)
    • You should have some indication at the first part for the collapsing ground. Everyone will be dragged to their death the first time they'll play this. I noticed the ground was moving downwards but didn't realize it would take me into the pit and that I should run fast. I kind of liked the flying asteroid part, even though it was glitchy. The custom Bob-omb is missing the correct death effect. The exit warp can take you inside the floor in the exit section getting you stuck. Overall the level looks nice and besides the few gameplay problems it functions well.
63. as303298 - Level 5-3 (4.39/10)
  • Bomber57 (2.5/10)
    • People keep trying so hard to make rocket barrels work in SMBX, and this one is another that fails. It uses the Airship Pieces as your vehicle (very glitchy) and the difficulty is rather high. It took me a while to figure out how to get past the big Grrrols on platforms at first, which I feel should be a little more obvious. The level ends in a SMB3 Roulette rather than a star. The level does have a star but its impossible to reach, so yeah.
    bossedit8 (6.75/10)
    • Autoscrolling Barrel-ride type of level! Getting a power up at the very beginning needs to be done quickly or else you miss it entirely. Now for the barrel ride itself. It's actually rare to find something like that in this kind of level but one little issue as of what I have with this NPC is that any enemy can ride on that NPC which can end off rather bad if it happens. You have to be very careful in this level to get accross spikes, enemies and projectiles or else you're done for. The level has veriety of obstacles and enemies you have to deal with. At least this level wasn't long to get through it all but apparently there's a SMB3 roulette exit rather than a SMB3 star exit. Also, it seems that there are some unused sections that over there there is a hidden layer that usually appears the SMB3 star but since the section is so unused it's physically impossible to get.
    Chad (3.0/10)
    • Sorry, but this isn't enjoyable. It revolves completely around the buggy airship piece, this one has an ambiguous hitbox, and the level's full of tight spiky passages, projectiles, awkwardly-synced generators, and a rather fast auto-scroll all at once. At least it's really short, and the amount of thought you put into each set of obstacles is interesting, but it's asking a lot.
    Quill (5.2/10)
    • The Barrel thing (basically the ridable cloud) is a glitchy mess, so a whole level based around it was not such a good idea in my opinion. The level is thankfully short though, so if you manage to be extra careful and not glitch yourself to your death, it's over fairly quickly. I do appreciate the attempt, but the clown car would have been much better here.
    Valtteri (4.5/10)
    • This level is a rocket ship ride. The downfall of the level would be the rocket ship's ridiculous brokenness. You can't touch ANYTHING solid with it or you're bound to fall off and die. This makes the level extremely frustrating with the numerous cramped passageways. It doesn't help either that the level would be difficult even without the glitchy nature of the ship. Luckily the level is mercifully short. It looks nice, too.
62. Sinem - Rodanja (4.39/10)
  • Bomber57 (3.0/10)
    • Welcome to the big boring flat castle. This level has those jumps where you can just barely reach the platform above you, and makes me feel like I should have played with Luigi instead. If this is what the author intended then they should have informed the player. Hey, did you want to leave the level even though you are almost at the end? Here's this door that is here for some unexplicable reason. Entering the door ends the level. What the heck.
    bossedit8 (3.25/10)
    • Outside castle area. I find this level decently designed with enemies and obstacles included. Some jumps were pretty difficult to manage. Some enemy placements were kinda mean like that shell from a generator that's coming towards me. This level has a probek checkpoint which means once you grab it and then die, you immediadly die and you can't process the level any further at the halfway point just because there is a sizeable that goes off the screen and the game thinks that you're in the different section but clearly you aren't. There's a door that exits the level entirely, is that even necessary? The boss was ok but sometimes it gets way too much for the player to handle.
    Chad (5.5/10)
    • A decently-designed castle level offering a fairly standard range of hazards. The generated bombs, fences, and pillars to help you get higher do offer somewhat of a variety, but the second half doesn't really offer much aside from being a pathway to the boss. The pillars are a bit too demanding in terms of precise jumps, and the shell generator on the way to the boss door is extremely sudden and nearly impossible to anticipate. The boss is cleverly made, by offering multiple phases and giving you other things to avoid from the sidelines, but the statue/shell spam was unnecessary and the switch/bombs are a useless distraction that only serves to give the player even more to avoid. The boss could have ended after the first clone phase and it would have been fine. It's still doable, just not fun past that point. Overall, this level's somewhat average, but with a few things that could be ironed out a bit, which would also include a broken midpoint.
    Quill (5.2/10)
    • It's pretty simple to play through which is alright. Work on polishing up the level. The boss battle sucks a lot because you have to kill him a grand total of 4 times before he gives up and the boss can get pretty messy with projectiles too.
    Valtteri (5.0/10)
    • I like how the signs first rudely tell you to get out and then give you tips on how to progress in the level. :P Overall I think it's a pretty decent castle level. It's pretty well designed. The boss drags maybe a bit too long. You kill the axe brother like 10 times.
Tier 4 Places 54-61
Spoiler: show
61. Phazon1111 - Skyward Slopes (4.39/10)
  • Bomber57 (4.5/10)
    • Not too bad of a level, but its really flat in a lot of areas. The actual level layout never got interesting, and instead would be mostly flat areas. The Boom Boom boss was unexpected but still easy because its Boom Boom. The effect where the mushrooms rise out of the ground after you beat him was pretty cool actually. I would've liked to see more effects like that in the level, but that was the only instance where it happened. Also, for whatever reason the Pirahna Plant is glitched as its animation is very broken.
    bossedit8 (2.75/10)
    • This was kinda short and there were no sceneries what so ever which makes this level bland aswell. Some enemy placements were not that great like at the beginning the goomba just fells down the cliff... what a horrible way to become a goomba today. Next are those piranha plants that looks like that they don't really come out straight from the pipes, they're like floating a little bit over it. Thankfully there's only 2 of those but still you need a working piranha plant and not a broken one like that. Some effects are missing aswell like the hammer brothers like that they aren't correct. There were no secrets to discover throughout the level. There was one block missing inside the tiles results in cutoff. At the near end you have to fight Boom Boom and after that sizeable mushroom blocks appear from the ground which was quite nice what you did there. After that some further obstacles and then there's your star.
    Chad (5.0/10)
    • This isn't a bad level, but it's not the most interesting. It's mainly standard jumps and enemy placements with not a lot to liven it up, especially since you can get a blue shell halfway through the level with Yoshi and fly over most of the remainder. There is a basic Boom Boom fight and I like the platform events that occur afterwards, but other than that it's a pretty ordinary level.
    Quill (4.7/10)
    • You probably should have playtested your level some more. Some enemy graphics are broken, either completely or have some weird mask issues. I would have liked to see more creativity in the design as I see elements of SMB1's 1-1 here. The rising mushrooms after you beat Boom Boom was pretty neat though.
    Valtteri (5.0/10)
    • This is a decent overworld level. The Goombas spawning out of a pit was funny but they kept killing themselves.
60. Ace - Catch That Star! (4.54/10)
  • Bomber57 (3.0/10)
    • Oh hey it's that thing from Rayman. I really wanted to like this level for what it does but it's simply too difficult. I don't think the concept translates well into SMBX because of how different the physics are. I would keep falling behind whenever I had to jump up steps or slopes and, if I didn't die before, would get to the part with the bubbles of water and die because I would get crushed by the moving layer. So yeah, great concept, not so great execution.
    bossedit8 (6.0/10)
    • CATCH! THAT! STAR! This level was surely unique since you basically have to run behind a star and you have to do this quickly aswell. This is also one of the levels which you have to memorize everything as of what's happening since one tiny slip off and then you're done for. The whole design was just multithemed of grass, vulcano, castle, airship and further on combined into one. At least this level wasn't too long to actually finish it off but for the whole memory tasking and quickly realize what's going on in this area screams like "Kaizo"... also the music seems pretty weird but oh well. Overall, this level was pretty unique but everything has to be done quickly or else you die and it's all about memory in order to complete it.
    Chad (3.5/10)
    • I love what this level tried to do, and the events and presentation do a fantastic job of introducing it, as well as changing the background as it went along. However, the design is too complex for the speed that is demanded of the player. You insist on only using Mario or Luigi, but eventually I did try it with Toad and I still couldn't finish it as him. The farthest I could get were the flying fish, which require some minor slowing down and planning to avoid when the scrolling won't allow you a moment's hesitation. The bubbles are intensely difficult to get through as well (and as far as I could get with Mario), and that's assuming the lowering pipes beforehand didn't bug your jump and kill you that way. It looks like I got almost to the end, and the level isn't that long, but as it stands it's a bit unreasonable. It appears to still be in the realm of possibility and it's a great effort to do something really interesting, but it's definitely overkill.
    Quill (7.2/10)
    • This was a really interesting concept! The level is pretty difficult, but that's a little more managable with the relatively short length. The scrolling is a little too fast in my opinion, especially with a slower character, but it was still pretty fun.
    Valtteri (3.0/10)
    • Nice concept and all but I can't beat this. It's too fast. Other judges made it further in the level to my knowledge (I get stuck at the pipes before the water bubble part). It isn't very beautiful to look at for the most part either. It focuses on the chase.
59. ShyGuy37 - Spike Woods (4.56/10)
  • Bomber57 (2.25/10)
    • This is probably one of the easiest levels I have ever played. There are only about 12 enemies in the entire level. The rest of the NPC space is taken up by 465 coins. There are also two stars, and which one you get depends on whether you go in the upward or downward pipe after hitting the P-switch. Not much to say, but this one was short and boring because there was pretty much nothing in my way.
    bossedit8 (6.25/10)
    • Simple forest level that I really like because it was easy compared to some other annoying levels. Not much to say on this level though since there are areas that are lacking enemy placements and others a lot of coins for you to collect. Long corridor of coins in a cave area! Secrets were kinda hard to find at first since for the most part they're hidden. There are 2 stars in this level depends of which way you're going after you press the P switch. One is the cave area which is short and the sky area which is short aswell but overall I do like this level even for being simplistic and easy but it was nice.
    Chad (4.5/10)
    • A decent SMW overworld level. Gameplay is pretty standard fare, jumping over hazards and sizable blocks, exploring a cave, going through pipes, swimming a bit, normal stuff. The platforms are nicely arranged, but you can sort of just breeze through everything, which makes the level come off like it's supposed to be more complicated than it really is. I feel a little bit like the pipes leading you to the P-switch are unnecessary padding, because you don't do anything except run left through closed-off parts of areas you've already seen. Something more puzzling would have provided more entertainment. I also would have liked for the spikes to play a bigger role considering they're clearly the theme of the level, but you can pretty much ignore them mostly. It's not an unpleasant level nor is it stressful by any means, but the end result is purely average to me. It seems to want to accomplish more than it does, and most of what it offers can be bypassed almost effortlessly.
    Quill (4.8/10)
    • It's a cute little level, but it doesn't really have much to it, you know? It's just your average SMW level. Add something that'll make it stand out from the crowd.
    Valtteri (5.0/10)
    • This is an okay grass level. I kind of liked the crossing paths where you would be taken back to an early part of the level with the P-Switch to reach an area you were previous only able to walk by. You could tone down with the coins. Coins are good but you shouldn't give them to the player for free in such high amounts.
58. Suckerman7 GM - Shiverstone Mountains (4.63/10)
  • Bomber57 (5.0/10)
    • The slow autoscroll was peaceful at first, but then it decided to go on for 5 minutes with little variation in the level. It's pretty much a SMB3 snow overworld, flat section, pit, slightly higher flat section, some pipes, then another flat section. Repeat. I was surprised there was a checkpoint and a bunch more level after the 5 minute autoscroll. It really goes on for too long. Also, after the checkpoint there is a pipe that is impossible to jump over unless you are Luigi. There is nothing that informs the player you need to be Luigi, so I don't even know.
    bossedit8 (6.25/10)
    • Autoscroll at the first segment, Manualscroll at the second segment. The first section was ok but it gets boring eventually as the autoscroll progresses since it's just the samething over and over. At the halfway point there are now Snifits attacking you like regular Snifits but now there's one part where you need at least an enemy to jump over a 6 block tall pipe or else you need Luigi in order to make it. Without any boost you forcefully have to die and there's no invisible blocks nor any indication for that tall pipe. The rest is just the same type of thing you have to do so there's nothing special but at least the background objects as of where it has been played was enjoyable to look at except for a few background objects missing at the snowy atmosphere but oh well.
    Chad (4.0/10)
    • A simple SMB3 overworld autoscroller. It has a pleasant atmosphere, considering the music, falling snow, and scenery. The design's pretty basic as well, with a seldomly-changing landscape and sporadic enemy placements, making the difficulty comfortably easy. However, the autoscrolling is very slow. So much so that I spent half my time in the level just waiting for new parts to appear. It went on for long enough that I was ready for the level to end even before the midpoint, and not much new is introduced after that except for the neat Snifit graphic and a pipe that only Luigi can jump over. Sorry, but while the level's nice to look at, it isn't very engaging to play.
    Quill (4.4/10)
    • That first half absolutely kills the level. The auto scroll is painfully slow and the level is super bland. The second half is much better, but it's still pretty basic. Work on adding some variety and remove the auto scroll.
    Valtteri (3.5/10)
    • The first section does not need to autoscroll. That was so boring. It's a standard snow overworld area. Besides this issue I thought this was an okay level. The enemy placement is good and the design is neat. There's nice decoration, too.
57. Dollarluigi - Find Your Happy Place so You Will Not Die (4.67/10)
  • Bomber57 (2.75/10)
    • I don't think this level knew what it even wanted to be. First it was a boring, flat SMB3 overworld, then it was SMW lava underground, then it was a SMB1 overworld hellscape, then it was a forest, and then it was a castle. Like, it'd be fine if you made the themes fit together (even then it'd be a stretch) but christ this level was all over the place. Not much to say, but it has probably the worst switch puzzle I have ever seen in my entire life. That section was technically impossible too because a crucial jump was simply too high for Mario. Might've been fine for Luigi but technically a general level should be built for all the characters (save Link in most cases). Kinda neat you used the Koopa Clown Car. Nobody uses that, though for good reason since you used it pretty badly. Want to hold right for 1 minute while completely decimating all the chasing paratroopas because you can just fly across the top of the screen? Then this level is for you.
    bossedit8 (4.0/10)
    • Huhuu... let me just walk through multiple themed based areas which is just grass, cave filled with lava, outside dark area with mushrooms and then castle cave area... messy! At least this level has some variety going on but at the beginning you won't earn any power ups for a while which means going through small it's for sure more difficult to proceed. At the near end of section 1 there's some invisible blocks next to a pit filled with water that's barely visible at the bottom of the screen. The secret star is located at the top right at the first section where the clouds are but to get to it you have to discover hidden blocks which are located very near at the giant pit of fake SMB3 water. You can easily die after you collect the SMB3 star at a great momentum. At the second section where you have to press switches in order to proceed, how to even jump up there to get to the top is for sure difficult because Mario is unable to jump a 5 block tall water fountain so you have to jump from the red switch towards to the water fountain at a great speed or if you're lucky enough, fly with a leaf power up or greater. There were some cutoffs at the water fountain though. At the cave area it gets difficult just because of a Lakitu throwing SMB3 green spiny eggs while riding on a skull raft and even Blarggs on my way. After this you get to the halfway point with some note blocks above, multiple pipes further ahead and also some mushroom platforms and breakable bricks as a bridge. Hammer Bros... don't forget about those. There's even a Yoshi in this section which I quite like since they're incredible rare for whatever reason in levels. At the castle part you're also in a cave with multiple enemies on your way and after this section you get a clown car riding till the end destroying chasing koopas. After that there's your regular star. Overall this level was ok but it could of done way better than that especially with those annoying jumps at the second section, some specific enemy placements and also that you don't die after you collect the secret star due to your momentum.
    Chad (5.5/10)
    • This level is sort of unusual. It's basically a mix of completely different tiny levels rolled into one, which gives the feeling that it isn't sure what it wants to be. You start off with a decently designed grass area, which I admire the enemy placements of because they're rather effective. But then you have a mostly empty switch puzzle consisting of going back and forth a few times, and the skull raft is mostly leisurely and doesn't have a lot going on besides the occasional pipe or Blaarg. I do sort of like the volcanic area where you have to dodge Hammer Bros. and Piranha Plants though, as it requires some careful movement and planning for the player, although the second half of that felt somewhat lazy as it's just a long bridge. The rest of the level from here on just feels like you wanted to get it over with, because the forest section is just a handful of platforms and enemies, then you suddenly enter this empty-looking shadow realm that's just a line of Grinders, cannons, and Thwomps, a Clown Car section with no solid blocks that only requires you to hold run and right while occasionally moving vertically, and then it's over. The level offers variety in terms of hazards, but most of it felt like there was no plan or consistency, and not a lot is done to make the level look lively. Overall, while it's not unpleasant in any of the areas, and I did enjoy the grass and volcanic sections, but it could be more engaging and thoughtful as a whole.
    Quill (5.6/10)
    • Boy, this level dragged on for a while. Each section is pretty minimal and segments like the switch 'hunt' and the castle are really bare. You had some nice ideas, you just need to work on polishing them up.
    Valtteri (5.5/10)
    • This is a really spacious level if you know what I mean. There's a lot of room around you, the level is big like that and I think that's a good thing in a sense. It's a very simple level where you work your way past enemies and one very easy switch puzzle and go through a large variety of different areas. There is no gimmick. The level is maybe a bit too long for what it is.
56. Ghostly_Guy - Kamek's Ghost House (4.84/10)
  • Bomber57 (2.5/10)
    • Eh, semi-boring ghost house with a really frustrating part. Yeah, nice that you have a water room with like 10 torpedo ted spawners. Real neat. Also when Kamek went into phase 2 one of the clones spawned on top of me, which was in no way fair to the player.
    bossedit8 (4.0/10)
    • Well yeah, I do kinda like this ghost house which is Kamek relative but it wasn't puzzle like unlike the regular SMW ghost house. The water section with Torpedo Teds everywhere, that was kinda spammy to dodge all and also there's even cutoff at the right side. Also there's one door that once you enter you can't go back anymore at the spikes and shoe area which is kinda stupid because once you reenter that area once you've earned the key after you fought Kamek you're basically screwed. Also I can just simply take my shoe to the next area even if there's a sign telling me to not have it beyond this point so yeah, that's that. Kamek himself was actually an interesting boss in this level since later you have to guess which one is real and on top of that you use Toad's boomerang to fight 'em rather than typical bombs or anything. Key earned, go to the place where the locked door is and then there's your exit with a star.
    Chad (7.0/10)
    • A simply-made, but interesting ghost house. You greet the player with a maze of doors that start them off underwater avoiding some Torpedo Teds, which are slightly in excess and end up clumping together awkwardly, but have good placements despite that. The Kuribo Shoe section is intriguing, as it makes the player traverse on and bounce off of a decent variety of things only possible with that, and you even made a proper filter at the end. The miniboss is a somewhat creative explanation for multiple Birdo NPCs, and their placements as well as the arrangement of platforms make the strategy clear, so the fight had a nicely different feeling to it. The underwater section could have something to visually indicate you're actually underwater, but aside from that, this is a short but sweet level. It introduces a lot to the player but gives you the space and time to adjust, which keeps the difficulty consistent and fair.
    Quill (5.7/10)
    • I wish people would stop doing the whole "go through an area, hit a switch and then it says "OH MAN SOMETHING JUST CHANGED SOMEWHERE!!! NOW BACKTRACK... bitch." Okay, I may be exaggerating it a little, but that's not a fun concept unless the backtracking is minimal. For the rest of the level, it was fairly bland. I did like the boss though, using Toad's boomerang was fairly unique and you could get multiple hits at once with it which made the fight less tedious.
    Valtteri (5.0/10)
    • Aside the Thwomps and spikes and waterfalls I thought this was a pretty standard ghost house. The underwater part would have been cooler if it had less Torpedo Teds and the background had a blue tint to indicate the water.
55. RarePairGaming - The Amazon (5.05/10)
  • Bomber57 (1.75/10)
    • This level was way too long. It should've been over at about where the checkpoint was, but in reality the checkpoint was only the halfway mark. The level's design is very repetitive, and there is little variation between sections. Enemy crowding is a huge problem in this level, and it was difficult trying to avoid all the enemies at the same time. This level also commits the design sin of putting shells right in front of the blue beach koopas. If you ever go in the underground bonus area you have no hopes of getting out unless you are Luigi. The vine leading out doesn't have a warp, and the pipe that brought you in is too high to reach as Mario. There is a little required bonus area that is *sigh* pretty much like Crash Bandicoot, even down to the way you enter and exit. Problem is that if you ever hop off those platforms you are screwed. Even though the readme says not to you could probably slip off accidentally. You should have made it so the event ticks the "up" input so Mario can't move for its duration. When you finally get to the end you are greeted by a difficult boss rush. You fight a Boom Boom, then two Birdos, then two Mousers who will end up destroying the majority of the floor. Simply unexcusable considering how far back the checkpoint is.
    bossedit8 (6.0/10)
    • Super long forest level including repetitiveness going on. At least there are secret areas that you can discover and such but that doesn't help for the fact that the whole level is pretty long but at least you put variete like having a vertical section and having also some strange music choice once you hit on the '?' platform and fly away with it... and if you fall off of that while it's transporting you away you can get stuck. Much later there a castle segment with broken parts which you can destroy... hehee. Further ahead there's your boss which is one Boom Boom, then 2 Birdos and lastly 2 Mousers with broken parts at the bottom which is breakable by bombs. After that you earn the star.
    Chad (5.5/10)
    • A rather pretty and decently-built forest level. The gameplay is mostly standard, running and jumping and avoiding enemies, and you do a nice job with that... but it gets somewhat repetitive here. The sections are very long, but don't change very much, and rarely introduce anything new except for the occasional vertical section and climbing vines over Munchers. The level really delivers in the aesthetic department, but needs more imagination in terms of design. I also didn't care much for the Lotus on an isolated platform that's near-impossible to avoid without taking a hit, the sudden difficulty spike in the stone section with Thwomps blending in and Hammer Bros. being too effective, or the fact that you have to actively warn players not to move on the bonus platform when you could have just had axes trigger an event that forces the Up control for several seconds. I like the multi-phase boss, especially when the Mousers tend to destroy certain parts of the ground, but the level gives you a lot to redo if you die to them. Overall, not an awful level, but really long (to the point of nearly using the entire block count) with little variation.
    Quill (5.0/10)
    • Super long and super repetitive. Any noticable variety in the design is repeated later in the level. This isn't really that fun. Shorten the level greatly and reduce how repetitive this level is.
    Valtteri (7.0/10)
    • This is a neat forest level. The design is interesting and nice to look at. The ride on the Cobrat and the flying rock transports were a nice addition. I liked the secrets in the level, they were quite clever.
54. PixelatedBlock93 - Dino Jungle (5.07/10)
  • Bomber57 (4.25/10)
    • Level was nice, but rather bland. There would be parts that were empty, and it seemed like it would be an enemy, then a bit of nothing, and then the next enemy. Not a whole lot going on in this one.
    bossedit8 (5.0/10)
    • Feels like a forest rather than a jungle but that's just me. This level was decently designed. It had enemy variety but the whole design aspect wasn't spectacular since it is jsut mostly the samething what you have to do. I do like the whole background placements surrounding the area but those SMB bushes doesn't seem to be fitting in a fully based SMW themed level. Speaking of nonfully SMW themed level there's even spots that you can get a SMB3 power up like a fire flower formed as SMB3 and some of them SMW power ups... why? You could of just make everything SMW so everything would fit with this kind of level where is just running to the right smashing through enemies and then having a lot of fun with my fire flower power shooting all over the place with fireballs. At least the dragon coins were nicely placed out and also there were some hidden SMB3 1UP mushrooms in a block... again, why SMB3 if we have SMW stuff if those functions just the same as the SMB3 one.
    Chad (6.0/10)
    • Pretty decent SMW forest. It's pretty standard fare, but it has a nice layout, good obstacle and enemy placement, and the gameplay and platforming are pleasant. The difficulty is pretty smooth, too. It doesn't have anything remarkable about it other than being just a purely solid level, but I can't think of anything to complain about either.
    Quill (5.1/10)
    • Pretty simple SMW level. While that's not bad at any means, I would have like to see more creativity with the level. The two main sections are too similar and you can do a lot with the name "Dino Jungle".
    Valtteri (5.0/10)
    • This is a decent overworld level. It's not bad but not too special either. Take out a few pieces of scenery, especially the overlapping ones. They make a mess.
Those who submitted are bolded.
  • bossedit8
    Frozen Boo
    Ludwig von Koopa
    Darkonius Mavakar
    Chip Potato
    Paradox Master
    Vinyl Scratch
    Marionette The Puppet
    Waddle Derp
    Friendly Dictator
    Suckerman7 GM
Will bold those who have submitted their reviews.
  • Bomber57
  • bossedit8
  • Chad
  • Quill
  • Valtteri
  • July 25th, 10:00 PM UTC.
How it will be run

You'll submit a level (that meets the criteria stated under Rules) before the deadline, and after that the judges will take a week or so reviewing them. Each level will have a score on a scale of 0.00-10.00 and will be given a short review from all the judges.


Violation of the red rules will result in a disqualification.
Violation of the orange rules will result in your final score being reduced by 1 point.
  • The judges mustn't know which level you made. You may not reveal any details about the level to the public before the judges are done judging all the levels. This includes showing screenshots of the level prior to this announcement. You may not submit a level that you've posted screenshots of, or videos for that matter. And you can't say which level you made.
  • You may only submit one level. If it's an accident, we'll just drop the extra level but if you submit a second level under another name, both levels will be disqualified.
  • It has to be made by you and you alone. The level, that is. You can use anyone's graphics/music (unless they haven't permitted it obviously).
  • You must submit the level before the deadline.
  • The level must be complete and completeable.
  • The level cannot end to other than a Star (SMW or SMB3) and it can't have more than two.
  • The level can't end the game.
  • Don't put the .lvl or the music in the graphics folder.
  • Do not use music that goes beyond 6 minutes. And this means a single song, not all the songs combined. I don't care how many songs you use, just make sure none of them as an individual goes beyond 6 minutes.
  • Don't submit levels that require an unbelievable gameplay / puzzle solving skills from the judges. While I want this contest to be as unrestricted as possible, so called Kaizo levels are something we don't want you to submit as they're a waste of our time. We won't disqualify you if you send us a Kaizo level or something comparable to Kaizo, but the judges aren't required to complete an unreasonably difficult level and it will receive a low score. You've been warned.
  • LunaDLL isn't allowed as it's still a bit too complicated to the majority and those who know how it works would be in an advantage. If you use LunaDLL your level will be reviewed with the LunaDLL features stripped.
  • By submitting a level you agree that it will be in Tower of Biased 10.
And yes, as long as the level meets these criteria, you may submit a level that you prepared earlier.

And don't forget to test your level. You have no idea how many submissions we get with incorrect start positions and warp directions every time! And make sure you don't place the (optional) secret star in the same section as the exit star. One section can only have one star or only the other one will add to the star counter. You may update your submission (send it to me again) until the deadline.

How to submit a level
  • Sign up by posting in this topic that you want to participate!
  • Put your level in a ZIP along with the optional custom graphics folder and custom music.
  • Please don't put the files in another folder before archiving because I will have to move them out afterwards and that's more unnecessary work for me.
  • You may include a readme with tips if you want. But if your readme only has credits for graphics or something, please put it in the graphics folder. I only want critical info regarding playing the level next to the levels themselves.

    • Archive your level as shown above. Don't put the level, music or the possible readme inside the custom graphics folder as I have to move it out and it slows down the process unnecessarily. Make sure the custom graphics folder and the level have the exact same name as otherwise the custom graphics won't display in the level.
    • Give your level a unique name. Don't name it "Level" or "Contest" as that just makes organizing the levels a pain and at worst levels will get overwritten because they have the same names.
    • Name the custom music as shown above. Here's an example. If it's the desert theme from New Super Mario Bros. Wii, don't name it "Desert" or "Custom music" because it could overwrite an existing custom music with the same name when I pack the levels for the judges. Renaming songs and then making sure they still work in the correct levels is extremely time-consuming. So do this instead: name it nsmbw-desert.mp3. That's a great way to prevent overwrites, and if somebody happens to use the same music, the overwrite is actually beneficial as the double song will be eliminated and the package size will be reduced.
    • Don't name your readme just "Readme" either because, again, that'll definitely cause overwrites. Put the name of your level in the beginning of the name as shown above.
    • Please name the .zip after the level, too.
  • Please make sure none of the NPC codes have decimal values. They cause problems and slow down the judging/TOB progress significantly.
  • Send your level to me in a Private Message. I will direct them to the judges.

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Re: Community Contest 11

Postby glitch4 » Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:49 am

woohoo i'm joining

good luck everyone

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Re: Community Contest 11

Postby Marina » Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:51 am

Nice logo.

... oh yeah I should probably say that I'm in lmao

Cute Yoshi Egg
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Re: Community Contest 11

Postby Emral » Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:52 am


Silver Yoshi Egg
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Re: Community Contest 11

Postby Valentine » Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:53 am

I'm in.

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Re: Community Contest 11

Postby bossedit8 » Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:53 am

I'm joining of course... even though that my progress of my level is slow. I'll try my best though!

Fry Guy
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Re: Community Contest 11

Postby RudeGuy » Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:54 am


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Re: Community Contest 11

Postby Erik » Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:56 am

I am definately going to participate in this!, may the best level win!

Bronze Yoshi Egg
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Re: Community Contest 11

Postby ShadowStarX » Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:56 am

I'm in too!

Lukas Old Account
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Re: Community Contest 11 - Sign up now!

Postby Lukas Old Account » Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:57 am

I wanna join! :)

Buster Beetle
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Re: Community Contest 11 - Sign up now!

Postby Trace » Thu Jun 25, 2015 11:57 am

im definantly in. i hope i can finish my level and make it better than last time :P
Last edited by Trace on Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Darkonius Mavakar
Torpedo Ted
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Re: Community Contest 11 - Sign up now!

Postby Darkonius Mavakar » Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:03 pm


Chargin' Chuck
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Re: Community Contest 11 - Sign up now!

Postby JupiHornet » Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:07 pm

I DID say that I would join the contests, so...

IN >:]
Valtteri wrote:By submitting a level you agree that it will be in Tower of Biased 9.
fix pls
Last edited by JupiHornet on Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Community Contest 11 - Sign up now!

Postby bossedit8 » Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:10 pm

Valtteri wrote:By submitting a level you agree that it will be in Tower of Biased 9.
Apparently ToB9 has been deleted again.

In other words, ToB10 would be better rather than replacing the 9th one.

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Re: Community Contest 11 - Sign up now!

Postby ssumday » Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:10 pm

I am in.

Volcano Lotus
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Re: Community Contest 11 - Sign up now!

Postby Shinbison-Kof » Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:18 pm

I'll participate!

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Re: Community Contest 11 - Sign up now!

Postby zlaker » Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:19 pm

I'll join the contest and try not to place 14th again. This time I promise I won't have a too dark background and I'll make sure that my level is completable. Maybe I'll get 10th or 3rd again :>

Chip Potato
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Re: Community Contest 11 - Sign up now!

Postby Chip Potato » Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:22 pm

you know what, why not. i haven't actually made a level in months, but i'd like to join the contest anyway

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Re: Community Contest 11 - Sign up now!

Postby aero » Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:24 pm

Yeah I'll join.

Volcano Lotus
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Re: Community Contest 11 - Sign up now!

Postby as303298 » Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:25 pm

Count me in. I got a lovely level to show off a gimmick!

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