This forum is for projects that are a work in progress.
- Volcano Lotus

- Posts: 580
- Joined: Fri Dec 20, 2013 2:16 pm
Postby Sednaiur » Thu Jan 02, 2014 3:10 pm

Welcome to my little project, that aims to be something different while having also some of my strange and crazy ideas put into.
It features a plot that plays on a group of islands which are just called the "Eastsun Islands", that lie far to the east of the Mushroom Kingdom.
These islands are known for their beautiful landscapes and are also very favourized as a vacation spot by a lot of girls from around the "Animeverse" (referred to as "Bishoujo"). But now these islands are terrorized by a tortoise that seems to be the infamous twinbrother of Bowser. Lowser, so the name of that tortoise of terror, is conquering the eastsun islands because of their natural resources, that he wants to use for his army.
But a girl named "Yūki" already knows a duo of brave plumbers, that are sure able to help the inhabitants of the eastsun islands out in this dark hour. So she sends a pipe mail the the plumber bros. to ask them for aid. The Mario Bros. themselves are surprised about getting a pipe mail from a faraway place like this, and so they decide to have their vacation on the eastsun islands, where the sun shines and the fun awaits. But what will await the plumber bros. aside Lowser and his army? There sure is more than just that - will you find out about it?
This project is in the making since the beginning of 2013 and will be finished somewhere in the second thirdfourth end of 2016 or the beginning of 2017. It may be one of the most expansive episodes out there, that will have around 130 full levels (there is no toad house, transition pipe, or other places like this counted in that number), 9 worlds plus much hidden stuff and levels, optional paths all around the way, custom bosses, and more.
It also will bring to you a lot of new custom graphics (it will contain around 60.000 GFX where no recolors or mask files are counted), that are all handmade by me, to have something fresh graphic-wise.
Design-wise this project is mainly SMB3-styled while having also many other flavours in terms of levels, like flying through the space as an octopus, beating giant chansaws up, swim through an ocean that makes everything transparent, climbing around in giant brambles, travelling through a place where everything could be inhaled by you, crawl around in titanic wasphives, or dodge huge cycloptic sawballs while riding up an elevator. And you will see much more than that ;-).
So, if you like that so far, then be my guest to play the full episode, when it comes out. I try my best to give you a quality, fun, unique, and eye-appealing SMBX-experience. Promised. ^^
Here is the download of a demo (Demo version 2.1) as a .zip-File :-):
The demo covers the first four worlds and some extra-levels (50 levels and 55 stars in total), but is way outdated by now (from janurary 2014), but you could still like it :-)
Note: Please refrain from using any GFX from this project or it's demos, as I do not like them to be used, before my project turns into a full episode. Thank you.
Here is a playthrough of the demo v2.0 by "as303298" aka "Wraith Adamnknight": (thank you very much for doing this :-D )
Also, here is a playthrough of the version 2.1 by "MECHDRAGON777" with several co-commentators involved: (tanks a lot for doing all this :-) )
A lil PAQ (possibly asked questions) to the project itself:
How many levels will it have ?: I aim for around 130 levels but it could become a little bit longer. At least the project is meant to be finished someday xD
Are 130 levels not too much? They may get rushed then.:I will not rush any level I do - I promise that. I want to do a decent episode without any rushed content. I take that serious.
Are there many secrets? And for what do you need the stars you can collect?: There will be many hidden areas in most of the levels, beside the places where the Bishoujo-pics are hidden. If you like to explore levels, you may really like my project then. Also, the stars you can collect are needed to play optional worlds and follow optional paths. They also can get you an different ending, but if you do not like star-hunting, that is fine, since you do not necessarily need them to finish the game :-).
How difficult will the episode be exactly?: Even though it may be long, the episode dosn't aims for a frustrating difficulty. If you are an experienced player, you will not have much difficulty overall. But do not fear that it will be too easy all along - it will provide a fair challenge in the end ^^.
May I use any graphics from your demo or project?: Umm nope;-P I will release them in the future, but for now please refrain from using any graphic from demos of my project or from any screenshots. I make all these graphics for this project, so I want them to be released with it, not with any other project before that. I am sure you understand my point :-).
Why are only Mario and Luigi playable?: Because of two main reasons:
1) I like the gameplay to be mainly SMB3-based and styled, so Toad, Peach or even Link would destroy that feeling and break many of the mechanics used in this project, in my opinion.
2) There is a side story for Toad and Peach, that is meant to be told in a SMB2-styled episode. I do not know if I ever make that project, but the story for it stands already. Let's see in the future.
But maybe I make them to unlockables (at least Toad and Peach), since when one has finished everything, he or she should be allowed to screw everything out if the game xD.
When do you think you can release the full episode?:I highly assume that I can finish it in the first second half of 2016, since there are (officialy) only 2 worlds left to do. If I can finish a world each two months, this is a reasonable timeframe, isn't it ^^? At least I try my best for it to be released as fast as possible, without rushing anything.
What will you use luna.lua for? Mainly to improve the performance and the convenience of the player, like having a customized HUD for showing which and how many of the "Bishoujo pics" are collected, possibly having an indicator on the worldmap which shows you if you have collected all the stars in the level you're standing on, etc. I may also use a shop-system, where you buy power-ups, 1-ups, or other things in toad houses. Also planned is to use an API to allow background-parallaxing. But nothing more serious, like changing gravity, or something.
These islands can be explored in "Lowsers Conquest":
Wooden Islands - containing 5 normal levels, a fortress, a toad house and a castle
Beach Bay Islands - containing 7 normal levels, a fortress, three toad houses and a Navy
Desert Hills Islands - containing 7 normal levels, one fortress, two toad houses and a airship
Forest Valley Islands - containing 7 normal levels, a fortress, 2 toad houses, a boo house and a castle (not really a Castle, but a boss resembled by one ;-P )
Giant Islands - containing 6 normal levels, a fortress, a toad house, a boo house and a castle (which resembles just a boss without a level)
Cloudy Islands - containing 8 normal levels, two fortresses, two toad houses, and an airship.
Icy Glacier Islands
Rocky Plains Islands
Magma Depths
Every world also contains at least one hidden level and is connected in more than just one or two ways. Also there are hidden worlds, that you have to find on your own ;-)
Some screenshots of my work so far:
A little artwork of Yūki-chan (the girl that started this adventure for the Mario Bros) made by me:
My progress so far:
World 1 - 100% done
World 2 - 100% done
World 3 - 100% done
World 4 - 100% done
World 5 - 100% done
World 6 - 100% done
World 8 and higher: World 8? Is that edible? ^^
Worldmap - 100% done
Misc. credits
SML2 Enemies: Ripped by A.J. Nitro - revamped and restyled by me (Sednaiur)
Sonic-Sprites: Ripped by Ren "Fox" Ramos - revamped and restyled by me (Sednaiur)
Knuckles-Sprites: Ripped by zmk30 - revamped and restyled by me (Sednaiur)
Kirby-Sprites: Ripped by Kevin Huff - revamped and restyled by me (Sednaiur)
Miles-Sprites: Unknown - revamped and restyled by me (Sednaiur)
Whispy Woods-Sprites: Unknown - revamped by me (Sednaiur)
Sonic Palmtrees: Unknown - revamped and restyled by me (Sednaiur)
Wario Sprites: Unknown - revamped by me (Sednaiur)
Yoko Belnadez: Unknown - revamped by me (Sednaiur)
All bishoujo-artworks in toadhouses and on "bishoujo-pic":unknown - BGs and NPCs with them made by me (Sednaiur)
Rydia art used in W-4 Toadhouse: made by Yukihiro
All other used GFX are made by me - if I forgot to give credit for something you made, just tell me and I put your name up here :-)
Music is taken from several Mario-games, Rareware-games, Squaresoft-games, and other games.
I didn't made any of the music used in this project. I just edited and cutted them!
Music used in "Bottomless Pit" is ripped by me, from the game "Battle Arena Toshinden - Subaru".
Level Design:
Me alias Sednaiur
Beta Tester:
Me again alias Sednaiur
Nobody else more than me alias Sednaiur :-P
If you like, you can support my project, by putting this into your signature:
Code: Select all [url=][img][/img][/url]
Thanks to all supporters of my project :-)
Last edited by Sednaiur on Mon Jul 04, 2016 6:11 pm, edited 62 times in total.
- Nipper

- Posts: 822
- Joined: Sat Dec 21, 2013 4:32 am
Postby FallingSnow » Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:57 am
I'm loving your graphical choices, but the HUD really bothers me. I can't really read the text most of the time from these screenshots, and your world map border is really distracting in my opinion.
Squishy Rex
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Postby Squishy Rex » Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:23 am
It's good to see your hard work paying off Sednaiur. I'm downloading it now so expect a detailed review on each level. 
- Panser

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Postby AirShip » Sat Jan 04, 2014 6:47 am
I love the HD style that has this ep, but I'd rather wait for the ep, do not like playing demos.
Some levels seem to be very interesting, for example the level with the bees...
Keep up the good work.
- Cheep-Cheep

- Posts: 11
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Postby smwmegafan3000 » Sat Jan 04, 2014 5:08 pm
Wow bro this episode look´s very awesome, i´m can´t wait for the final version  10/10
- Volcano Lotus

- Posts: 549
- Joined: Sat Jan 04, 2014 7:37 pm
Postby as303298 » Sat Jan 04, 2014 7:52 pm
Now that I have actually tracked down where you went, I can give a reply to this amazing game. I recorded about 8 parts of this game, and I have got to say...great job.
It takes a lot of skill and originality to please me, but this project went beyond that and kept me wanting to play more levels. The only things I got mildly annoyed with are minor issues.
1) You never use checkpoints. This is kind of annoying for people like me with very little time to spend on games, let alone replay once we (I) die in retarded ways.
2) The over-extended use of the graphics creates one unavoidable side-effect. Each level takes a handful of seconds in order to load a new level. While this is a mere patience thing, it can easily deter lazy people. I would try to find a way around this issue.
Aside those two problems, I had an amazing time playing this game. I am just sad I can't take those lovely SMB3 Castle graphics, so much potential..
But subscribe to my channel Sendaiur for my great content. The videos regarding this game are scheduled to go up on 1-7-2014, 3:00pm EST. I do hope you enjoy my content mate, for I enjoyed yours quite a bit.
- Volcano Lotus

- Posts: 580
- Joined: Fri Dec 20, 2013 2:16 pm
Postby Sednaiur » Mon Jan 06, 2014 3:22 pm
FallingSnow wrote:I'm loving your graphical choices, but the HUD really bothers me. I can't really read the text most of the time from these screenshots, and your world map border is really distracting in my opinion.
Thank you for your Comment ^^. Don't worry about any hardcoded Stuff like the HUD, as i will not include it into the final Version. Also, this is, because the Screenshots are somehow resized by this Forum. In Game you can read and see everything fine :-)
About the Worldmap-Background, to be honest, i have choosen this Backgroud only, because i've tested how it works, but still have to change it, because it is very hard to read any Level's Name on it xD.
Squishy Rex wrote:It's good to see your hard work paying off Sednaiur. I'm downloading it now so expect a detailed review on each level. ;)
Thanks a Bunch :-D.
I will be more than happy to read them, so i can see where the Issues are. I wish you Lots of Fun while playing :-)
AirShip wrote:I love the HD style that has this ep, but I'd rather wait for the ep, do not like playing demos.
Some levels seem to be very interesting, for example the level with the bees...
Keep up the good work.
Thank you :-). I understand you good about not wanting to play the Demo now, as it can ruin a First Time-Experience, when the full Episode is released. First i didn't plan to release a second Demo after the first, but since People asked very much about it, i had decided to release it anyways. But i am still thinking about releasing another Demo, because i would like to release the full Episode next ^^.
smwmegafan3000 wrote:Wow bro this episode look´s very awesome, i´m can´t wait for the final version :D 10/10
Thanks :-D I am happy, that you like it that much. I hope other People, that play or have played the Demo, will also like it that much :-P. For the final Version, i guess ou have to wait about one more Year, as i am about 45% done with it. I try to work faster on it though.
as303298 wrote:Now that I have actually tracked down where you went, I can give a reply to this amazing game. I recorded about 8 parts of this game, and I have got to say...great job.
It takes a lot of skill and originality to please me, but this project went beyond that and kept me wanting to play more levels. The only things I got mildly annoyed with are minor issues.
1) You never use checkpoints. This is kind of annoying for people like me with very little time to spend on games, let alone replay once we (I) die in retarded ways.
2) The over-extended use of the graphics creates one unavoidable side-effect. Each level takes a handful of seconds in order to load a new level. While this is a mere patience thing, it can easily deter lazy people. I would try to find a way around this issue.
Aside those two problems, I had an amazing time playing this game. I am just sad I can't take those lovely SMB3 Castle graphics, so much potential..
But subscribe to my channel Sendaiur for my great content. The videos regarding this game are scheduled to go up on 1-7-2014, 3:00pm EST. I do hope you enjoy my content mate, for I enjoyed yours quite a bit.
Thank you very much, for taking the Time to record some Videos of my little Episode - i am very excited to see them, as i already have watched your TOB5-Videos, and i can say, i enjoyed them very much so far ^^. You are an honest Person, who speaks out his Issues with Games, what sure helps to improve them, and so i am sure i can improve, when i see your Vidos about my Episode. About the two Problems you have mentioned, i already thought about both of them a long Time ago. For the Problem with the Checkpoints, i have made that this Way, because i have read several Times, how SMBX screw up Events, when using them. The second Reason is, that i didn't like to use them, because i liked to keep it as much a SMB3-styled Episode, as possible. So i also try to keep the Levels not too long. I probably will not make them any longer as they are now, because it could get too frustrating for Players then, so do not worry about this. And another important Reason is, when i implement Checkpoints, it becomes tideous to collect the "Bishoujo Pics", when died once in a Level, after you have reached the Levels Checkpoint, what means - you have to complete the Level first, as you cannot turn around in many Cases to get the lost "Bishoujo Pics", because of the Levels Layout, and then play the whole Level again anyways, because of this. So i guess it would be even more frustrating for Players, when they try to get the Stars out of every Level, and they have to replay the whole Level then, because of the Checkpoint. But still, i understand what you mean :-).
About the Problem with the Loading Times because of the Graphics, there is one possible Solution for this, but it will make the Episodes Folder much bigger then, because i have to put the GFX in every Levelfolder, where it is needed, instead of putting it once into the Episodes Folder, so it got loaded even then, when it is not needed, what reduces the Overall Size of the Folder. But i am thinking about putting the GFX in the corresponding Levels Folder, to decrease the long Loadingtimes, as i don't like the exessive Loadingtimes too. In the Future, the Episodes Folder will grow to about 500 to 650 MB anyways, so i can at least reduce the Loadingtime by this ^^.
Again, thank you very much for playing my Episode. It will be very entertaining to see them. I am sure about it ^^
- Red Yoshi Egg

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Postby TLtimelord » Tue Jan 07, 2014 1:51 am
Wow, Sednaiur, I'm amazed you pleased As303298, it's damn near impossible to do that.
Aside the half-joke, and I'm going to sound repeated here, but this project really does look amazing. With your graphic style, nothing you make ever clashes with each other (that's kind of obvious) and the design is perfectly proportioned to fit your beautiful graphics.
- Pink Yoshi Egg

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Postby MECHDRAGON777 » Wed Jan 08, 2014 8:07 pm
I honestly still like this and I have no issue with loading times and @as303298 has a better computer than me as well! [I know since Bandicam lags SMBX and not for him!] I would like the World Map tiles for my project when you release them! Also, I will "Try" to record this if I can, I already beat the first demo and replaying the second demo! I think you could make "some" pictures harder to get, but that is just me! I am liking this more than a few other projects! Question, for a future level, could you make it circuitry themed, like I am doing for my current level? Also, I hope this turns out great and the Ice world even better! The secret exit in 1-0 is quite nicely placed and hope you make even better secrets latter! Maybe you should release your "HUD" graphics latter!
- Eerie

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Postby FutureNyanCat » Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:50 am
You seem to have amazed me and as303298, finally. HD Graphics look good IMO. Great start! I'm now looking forward to this!
- Pink Yoshi Egg

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Postby MECHDRAGON777 » Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:57 pm
I am sorry for the bump, butI was wanting to know how your progress has been over the last three weeks or 20 days! I hope this gets better! sorry for the repeditiveness!
- Volcano Lotus

- Posts: 580
- Joined: Fri Dec 20, 2013 2:16 pm
Postby Sednaiur » Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:07 pm
Do not fear to ask things like this :-)
My real life makes me busy at the moment, but i am still working on my project of course. I will release an updated Demo within then next days, which will incude some updated graphics (especially Pipes), bugfixes and reduced loadingtimes as well. After the rerelease of the Demo, i will move on to make World 5 (i already could do a few graphics an the Worldmap for it) and work with a new type of arrangement for the graphics, to keep loadingtimes as small as it is possible.
So i am sorry for not updating very often in the moment. I will be more active again in about one or two weeks ^^
- Pink Yoshi Egg

- Posts: 6422
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Postby MECHDRAGON777 » Mon Jan 27, 2014 7:33 pm
Sednaiur wrote:Do not fear to ask things like this
My real life makes me busy at the moment, but i am still working on my project of course. I will release an updated Demo within then next days, which will incude some updated graphics (especially Pipes), bugfixes and reduced loadingtimes as well. After the rerelease of the Demo, i will move on to make World 5 (i already could do a few graphics an the Worldmap for it) and work with a new type of arrangement for the graphics, to keep loadingtimes as small as it is possible.
So i am sorry for not updating very often in the moment. I will be more active again in about one or two weeks ^^
This is very good to hear, and will the next demo "after the fix one" Contain World Five, Six, and Seven, or just Worlds Five and six?
- Snifit

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Postby Sambo » Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:10 pm
- Mouser

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Postby FanofSMBX » Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:30 pm
Will there be a "Lowser's Conquest Edition" SMBX to make all the hardcoded graphics HD like the rest of the graphics in your episode?
- Volcano Lotus

- Posts: 580
- Joined: Fri Dec 20, 2013 2:16 pm
Postby Sednaiur » Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:53 am
After a rediculous long Time of Inactivity on my Side, due to Events in Real Life, i finally can bring the Update of my Demo, to fix some Errors and also to reduce the Amount of Loadingtime greatly by about 70%. But since i liked to use a new Version of Pipes, i have also updated some GFX like customized Lava, a new Kind of Cloud, new Torches and some more, as visible on these Screens:
I even got the Filesize reduced from 217MB to 188MB, so this Update is an Upgrade in many Aspects ^^.
I also have replaced the old Transition-Pipelevels with new ones, that fit better for an SMB3-Style in my Opinion.
Also, since there is not any single Review around, i highly assume that there are no other Errors, other then the ones i have seen in icez and as303298's Videos (unless there is someone, that likes to write a Review for about 50 Levels or something :-P).
Please enjoy and have Fun :-)
MECHDRAGON777 wrote:This is very good to hear, and will the next demo "after the fix one" Contain World Five, Six, and Seven, or just Worlds Five and six?
It will contain the Worlds 5, 6 and 7, but it also will be the last Demo then ^^. Sambo wrote:How did you make these:
Well this is a long Story, and i cannot explain it good. I have edited the Block-Data in the .lvl-File with an .txt-Editor.
You can search for Skyblue Yoshis Custom Block-Tutorial, from which i have learned about this. Sorry that i cannot help you more about this :-/
FanofSMBX wrote:Will there be a "Lowser's Conquest Edition" SMBX to make all the hardcoded graphics HD like the rest of the graphics in your episode?
I guess yes, since i also like to replace many Sounds, Musics and such, to synchronize it better with my Episode. I think i can release an edited Version of it with the next (and final) Demo of my Episode :-D.
Darkonius Mavakar
- Torpedo Ted

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Postby Darkonius Mavakar » Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:07 am
Glad to see you back! i hope this episode will be completed soon.
Imo THIS as a featured episode
- Volcano Lotus

- Posts: 580
- Joined: Fri Dec 20, 2013 2:16 pm
Postby Sednaiur » Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:24 am
Darkonius Mavakar wrote:Glad to see you back! i hope this episode will be completed soon.
Imo THIS as a featured episode
Thank you so much :-D
I try my Best to post the first Level of World 5 within the next Week. I guess in about two Weeks i will have more free Time again, so i can work more on my Project.
- Buster Beetle

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Postby Kingbowser112 » Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:06 am
Wow! Finally a new version of your episode! Yeah, so, well, anyway good screens and a nice job!
- Pink Yoshi Egg

- Posts: 6422
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Postby MECHDRAGON777 » Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:09 pm
So is 1-S have fixed graphics yet and I can release my fist part of My LP of this if you want it already!
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