Credits to me for making the banner.
Super Mario: Heroes on the Star Quest is my first SMBX project that I'm working on alone. This project has been in development for a loooong time and that's mostly because I'm litteraly the only one who's on it now. I'll share some info with you guys aout this project now ;)Gameplay
One of the project's highlights are the item and objects. I'm actually planning to those items for the project's advantage as they will be interacting with some of the gimmicks in the project. There'll be 60-65 levels in total and 9 worlds in the project. There will be some unusal level types in this project like Mysery Houses, Battle Zones and more. The characters will also play a huge role in the project because some of them are required to get certain Power Stars in some levels. But don't worry, you have noew the ability to switch to any of the four characters (Mario, Luigi, Peach and Blue Toad) when you're halfway through a level. There's another highlight in the project.
The Star System
As you might remember form the World 1 demo, every level in World 1 had 3 Power Stars and 5 Star Coins (except for the Mystery House). Well this will change in the rest of the worlds in the project. The length of the level will now depend of many Stars there are in the levels. Every level will of course have Stars and Star Coins, however the number of them will decrease or increase depending on what level you are playing. The maximum amount of Stars or Star Coins in levels will be 5 and the minimum number will be 3 meaning the total number of Stars and Star Coins is 8. Haven't gotten it? Lemme give ya an example. Let's say 2-1 has 4 Stars. Before you enter the level you will see how many Stars there are in the level. Since it's 4 Stars in the level it means the level must have 4 Star Coins. And there more Stars there in a level there more are required to unlock the next level. And Star Coins will have a much bigger purpose in the levels now. Collect all of them and they can reward you with anything. It can a Fire Flower, an 1-Up Mushroom or even unlock a secret level ;) Who knows.
Items & Objects
These items and object will play a huge role in the project as they will appear in every level.
New items
Challenge Mode works similary to the one in NSMBU. There will be several new challenges in the project. I'm planning to add 40 challenges in the project! There will be 5 challenges each world (expect for world 9). There are 3 different types of challenges.
- Time Attack: You've a certain amount of time to complete a level.
- Coin Coffers: You get any kind of challenges related to Coins!
- Special Challenge: You can get any kind of challenges!
Here's some screens of the current progress of the project!
Big Screenshost! - 09/01/11
These people will be in the credits for helping me out!
Here's some old trailers of the project.

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