Modern Battle Mode system: BUG REPORTS

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Modern Battle Mode system: BUG REPORTS

Postby kimoxq » Mon May 06, 2024 2:51 am

project that started in early 2021 and was finished with quite some bugs in late 2023, mostly for for testing purposes, i released something that the developers didn't in SMBX2 beta 4 and 5; Battle Mode. i decided not to make it basic like in legacy versions such as v1.3.0.1 and started working on a Modern Version of it. this was really time consuming as i did not know any lua coding whatsoever back then.

with just a tiny bit of my knowledge of lua as of today, i am willing to fix the bugs, whether it requires me to use lua or not. to make this system bugless as possible, i decided to make this topic purely for testing my project to hunt for either minor or major bugs. if you want to provide help, that would be really appreciated.

types of bugs you can encounter:

1. not showing lives after death on certain maps - this means that the standard 3 lives in this system (0 lives remaining while still being alive does not work in this system) isnt registered and that the player actually has 4 lives, which must not be the case. note that not every map is affected by this issue for some unknown reason.
2. broken events - some events just may not work properly for some reason. if you see unusual activities in the system, please specify the exact problem. its on me to figure out whats causing the problem in the first place.
3. configuration problems - while configurating how you want to battle with your opponent, its possible that some events are not matched properly and is on me to fix it. again, if you find something unusual about this as well, please specify exactly whats the issue.

bugs on my to-do list (known bugs for now):

1. failed lives detection on certain maps - the maps i 100% know that this issue is caused are: zero deaths, crystal mine and smw arena.
2. bug on spooky central map - "Winner!" text display can either be shown early or late depending on the lives of any player. this map also doesnt register lives properly.
3. fix the issue for invasion-spacehammer map - the plan is to implement another textplus lua code, to tell if a tank is active or not, instead of placing all the green and red blocks on the map. this map also doesnt register lives properly like all the previous maps.

if you find other bugs, or maybe a whole other category of them, do not hesitate to specify everything you know. the more details you provide, the easier it is for me to fix all the bugs that you or i find.

link to another topic to download my project: viewtopic.php?t=29329

reading most replies i can that i get in this topic.

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