Super Mario Destiny

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Super Mario Destiny

Postby SBells27 » Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:02 am

An episode announced back in 2020, that was originally going to be a much longer episode with a big story and everything, but I ended up shortening the episode along the way. It was also supposed to come out a lot earlier, but well... procastination, lack of interest and just generally being into other more personal projects have caused me to work on the episode at a snail pace. Still though, I feel like I still managed to compact it into something satisfying.

Super Mario Destiny is an episode that contains 10 big levels, that are generally more open world centered. It also takes place a little bit in the future, a world where Bowser's Kingdom has fallen from grace and is largely abandoned, but still has within a dangerous threat, waiting to be shattered before it's too late.

Another very present gimmick here is FLUDD. Is not on every level but there's a lot of areas that uses FLUDD as a main gimmick.

Just like my previous episodes, constructive criticism is always apreciated! Feel free to point out any present glitch or error too!

Download Link: ... 7flv9&dl=0
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Re: Super Mario Destiny

Postby sarg » Sun Jun 02, 2024 3:29 am

Spoiler: show It's impossible to get back up to the upper layer of this section after hitting the yellow switch without FLUDD, a bit of a problem since this checkpoint area doesn't provide you with one, essentially softlocking you
That aside, I've been enjoying this episode so far, though the length of each level definitely takes the wind out of you

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