Coccyx Road

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8lue Storm
Volcano Lotus
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Coccyx Road

Postby 8lue Storm » Thu Jan 12, 2023 12:08 am

Not sure whether I'm gonna submit this or if I'm gonna bet on other mechanics I have in mind. Tell me what you think!
This file is the first section of a Vanilla level I was making for one of the Vanilla contests, and it turns out that it seems to somewhat fit in this contest's premise. ... share_link
Hope you enjoy!

Purple Yoshi Egg
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Re: Coccyx Road

Postby Ness-Wednesday » Thu Jan 12, 2023 1:16 am

Hey, this is a pretty neat level!

Usually, I'm into ice physics, but the level uses it creatively. The setups are challenging, but don't attempt to be challenging either—a good balance that is rare with ice physics. The ending got me a good chuckle, too. Lengthwise, it does a perfect job of staying long enough to feel complete, while also staying short.

I don't really have much more to say about the level. It's fun sliding down Coccyx Road. Whether you should submit this or bet on other mechanics for any other entries... I personally think this level is a cool addition to the contest. I recommend submitting this, but I understand if you're more confident about any other mechanics in mind. It's your choice.

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Re: Coccyx Road

Postby MarioChallengerX2 » Thu Jan 12, 2023 7:59 pm

Holy crap, that was amazing! Nice use of ice physics! Although, at least one checkpoint would have been appreciated. 9/10

Volcano Lotus
Volcano Lotus
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Re: Coccyx Road

Postby cato » Wed Jan 18, 2023 10:38 am

I suggest putting Rope Conveyors (facing whatever the opposite direction you want to go) with ice physics on. It goes so much faster.

8lue Storm
Volcano Lotus
Volcano Lotus
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Re: Coccyx Road

Postby 8lue Storm » Thu Jan 26, 2023 3:18 pm

cato wrote:
Wed Jan 18, 2023 10:38 am
I suggest putting Rope Conveyors (facing whatever the opposite direction you want to go) with ice physics on. It goes so much faster.
In some setups it's kind of intentional that the player has to control where in the slope to start sliding, but I'll apply the suggestion to some of the more obnoxious setups (if I ever submit this)

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