Super Mario Zeal (Looking for Level Designers and Etc.)

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Super Mario Zeal (Looking for Level Designers and Etc.)

Postby FireSeraphim » Fri May 29, 2020 3:08 am


It's been some time since I was last active in making levels in SMBX (If anyone is wondering about TSRP-X, it is currently on Hiatus until both MAGLX3 and SLAM are done due to both projects attracting more interest and talent, if anyone is wondering yes we would like to have more people join the TSRP-X devteam but we haven't had any luck attracting talent or interest).

This Project is something I have been working on since early March and what inspired it was twofold; I have recently turned thirty this year and I have been in the midst of rediscovering myself and reflecting back on my origins and original inspirations. I have been involving in creating and modding video games for at least sixteen years of my entire life and in that time I have been with many creative communities and have seen them grow and change over time. As of late I have been feeling nostalgic for the SMW Hacking scene of the late aughts since I was part of that scene.

The Ambition era (2008-2015) of SMW Hacking was an amazing time to be in the scene, back then we had bold and amazing hacks like
Super Mario TKO, both The Second Reality Project Reloaded 1 and 2, Super Mario Odyssey (yeah Nintendo game name isn't as original as people would think. A Demo of SMO was released back in 2004), Super Mario - The Cookie Crisis, Dr. Mario World Redrawn; Hacks with strong stories equal to the Mario RPGs in quality like Super Mario 2+3: The Essence Star and Super Mario Infinity 1 and 2; Hacks that challenged conventional level design wisdom like Mario's Keytasrophe (All the level exits are key exits and the goal in each level is to solve the puzzle of how to get the key to the keyhole and did I mention the level design is puzzle orientated?), Super Mario Bros. - The Castle (Imagine a gigantic castle level with a huge variety of different paths you could take to reach the boss at the top of the castle, thus giving it a huge amount of replayability), Every Level Iggy! (The premise of this one is that every level ends in a boss fight against Iggy Koopa), F-Mario (This was hack where Mario's goal was to race to the end of the levels and the level design iterates on itself like a race track); Hacks that refined the concept of difficult Mario levels without being Kaizo like the Luigi's Adventure Trilogy; and even amazing total conversions like Azure Chaotic, A Variety of Chance and the Kid's Adventure series. Back then I followed many interesting and ambitious SMW hacks from that era; many of which never saw completion and my goal with this SMBX episode is to recapture the very things I liked about the Ambition Era of SMW Hacking in a playable episode and somehow bring the magic back as it were. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll inspire a few people among the way!

But enough sentimental blathering, Let's get on with it!
King Bowser has team up with King Wart and King K. Rool in a new alliance known simply as "The Rotten Regents". Together these Kingly Konquerers have stolen and scattered the power stars for their own (as of yet unknown) diabolical ends. It it now up to Mario and his friends to recollect the scattered Powers Stars, discover what the Rotten Regents are up and put a end to their sinister scheme!

older screenshots: show



older videos: show

Expect a downloadable demo soon and consistent changelog updates for every demo released from here on out, the version in eclipsed's video is 0.7 "Epitaph" which is slightly out of date. As for the curious end at the name of the version, it's a version's tag name. It makes it easier to keep track of which version of a file it is and the tag name scheme I'm running with right now is song names from Castlevania 3 - Dracula's Curse
Last edited by FireSeraphim on Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:22 pm, edited 46 times in total.

Posts: 83
Joined: Wed Apr 16, 2014 4:21 pm
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Re: Super Mario Zeal (1.7.2 "Nightmare")

Postby FireSeraphim » Fri May 29, 2020 3:22 am

v1.7.2 "Nightmare": show
[*]fix the missing foreground and backgrounds for the Wario's Island to Lake Shroomperior transit cutscene
[*]added two cutscenes to 6-Fort: Wario's Castle
[*]implemented Marioman2007's quickpipe API
[*]tweaked the player physics to be more SMW-ish.
[*]updated the intro credits in the prologue (still slightly out of date, though)
[*]replaced the recoloured boots with actual smw styled boots by SuperSledgeBro
[*]implemented MrDoubleA's jump buffer API
[*]implemented MasterofDisaster's JumpinWater and Inertia APIs
[*]the final part of H1-Fort: Shroomperior Starfort has been tweaked to be slightly less difficult
[*]three new level has been added to world four, 4-10: For a few Barrels more, 4-11 Kuribo's Boothill, 4-12 Crazy Claw.
[*]four new levels has been added to world six, 6-A: Wah-renzen Soil, 6-Fort 2: Toy Block Tower,
6-3: Tricky Train Trek and The Blue Switch Palace
[*]one new level has been added to the Lake Shroomperior hub world: H1-A: Artillery Ascent.
It can be accessed from the secret exit to 5-GH1: Deceitful Dwelling
v1.6.7 "Stream+": show
[*]fixed a bug with the black Klobbers is in 5-A: Ghost Rope Gauntlet (Thank you MegaDood for providing the updated effects code needed to fix that)
[*]reduced the rotodisc's hitbox down to an 8x8 in SMBX pixels (16x16 in real pixels)
[*]finish reworking and remaking 2-5: Explosive Elevation
[*]fixed a handful of unfair setups in a few levels
[*]updated Spencer Everly's extrasounds api as needed
v1.6.5 "Stream": show
[*]fixed a minor map issue within World 4
[*]fixed a visual glitch in 2-1: Jungle Hijinxs
[*]increased the music volune in H1-2: Condor Crossing and the bonus room in 1-Castle: Seaboard Station
[*]fixed a very bizarre glitch where 2-A: Lava Tubular was missing one of it's background elements
[*]further optimized sound file calls by reducing the remaining bit of excess dulplicate sounds
[*]added some minor aesthetic and layout improvements in 2-Temple: Temple Turmoil
[*]added some minor aesthetic and layout improvements in the second half of 2-1: Jungle Hijinxs
[*]added seven new levels, mostly in worlds 4 and 5 and the first level of World 6
[*]updated all instances of Klobbers with MegaDood's updated Klobbers


Previous Changelogs: show
v1.6 "Rising": show
[*]global script organization has been overhauled
[*]minor file size reduction due to optimizations with some npc's sound effects, namely where
they're being called from.
[*]the fog in the first section of 2-9: Enigmatic Excavation has been restored.
[*]some levels now have more unique themed koopas and para-koopas
[*]nine new levels have been added; four in W4: Relic Ravine, four in W5: Cursed Cryptlands
and one in Lake Shroomperior
[*]Cranky Kong's star hints has been updated
[*]Cranky Kong's textboxes in 2-Castle: Gangplank Galleon have been made consistant with his
textboxes from Kongo Jungle Village
[*]2-10: Aquatic Adventure's Birdo boss fight has been fixed.
[*]The Palm Trees all over World 2 - DK Island have been resprited to be more faithful to the classic
Donkey Kong Country 1 Palm Trees, courtesy of ElectroSpriteMaker
[*]on a similair note, all the golden banana level exits in world 2 has had their graphics updated to
be more in line with SMW's look, again courtesy of Electro-Kun
[*]a critical bug in 2-Factory: Fireball Furnace where the Neckies cause the level to crash has been fixed.
[*]fixed the broken Buster Beetle puzzles in 3-4 and 3-5
[*]fixed a minor oversight that could have led to a softlock in 4-GH: Streets of Ghost Town
[*]Spencer Everly's new(ish) pause menu API and his new extrasounds api have been implemented into this project.
v1.5 "Anxiety": show
[*]Boothoven, the world 3 boss has been polished up a bit presentation-wise.
[*]a new achievement has been added for defeating Boothoven
[*]the Renzor fight in 3-Fort: Garrison Gauntlet has been fixed and overhauled a little
[*]fixed a lingering bug where the achievement for beating the Reznor boss in
3-Fort: Garrison Gauntlet fails to register
[*]a new level has been created since C3. 4-3: High Plains Twister.
[*]a nerf bat has been taken to H1-Fort: Shoomperior Starfort final segment.
Getting that secret exit should be slightly easier now.
v1.4.3 "Mad Forest +3": show
[*]fixed a serious bug in 2-1: Jungle Hijinx where ending the "collect the coins" bonus game
while in a barrel cannon would cause the barrel cannons in the rest of the level to stop working
[*]fixed a minor oversight in 2-1: Jungle Hijinx where the first "reach the goal" challenge room doesn't
block itself off correctly when completed
[*]slighty nerfed the upper path of 2-11: Ship Deck Trek
[*]fixed a glitch in 2-D: Birdo's Bog where you are send right back into the first "reach the goal"
challenge room if you fail the challenge room
[*]slightly nerfed the end section of 2-D: Birdo's Bog
[*]speaking of which, I've added a secret easter near the end of world 2. See if you can find it.
v1.4.2 "Mad Forest++": show
[*] fixed glitch/issue in 2-Castle: Gangplank Galleon where you can get out of bounds in
the beginning of the lower path past the third checkpoint barrel
[*] in 2-Castle: Gangplank Galleon, the sole Black Klobber in the Phanto room has been replaced
with a Yellow Klobber instead
[*] fixed a minor worldmap music issue in World 3: Ship-Breaker Slough.
[*] fixed a visual bug in 2-Factory: Fireball Furnace.
v1.4.1 "Mad Forest+": show
[*] fixed a minor softlock issue in 1-4: Mint Island Mainstay
[*] fixed an oversight with 1-A: Midnight Memories second bonus room
[*] fixed a minor cutoff issue in 1-Castle: Seaboard Station
[*] hopefully fixed a minor glitch preventing players from getting the achievement for
beating World 1's boss
v1.4 "Mad Forest": show
[*]three new levels have been created since the previous C3. They are H1-GH: Spectral Station,
4-2: Riders of the Purple Train and 5-1: Boos 'n' Bones
[*]applied the nerf bat to 2-9: Platform Perils Returns, 2-10: Aquatic Adventure,
2-A: Lava Tubular, 2-C: Cobrat's Crawlway, and 3-A: Swamp Romp.
[*]fixed a visual inconsistency with the cheep-cheeps and star coins in 3-B: Alternate Antiquity
[*]a new town has been added to the Lake Shroomperior hubworld, fitting named Hub-Ville
[*]a new, abeit condensed minigame based on Mario Bros. (the original arcade game)
has been added to Hub-Ville
[*]The intro has been redone to allow for a faster start to the adventure
[*]removed an unintentional life-farming opportunity in 1-A: Seaboard Station
[*]fixed a minor visual glitch in 3-A: Swamp Romp
[*]reworked some questionable design elements in a bonus room in 3-6: Snakey Skies
[*]fixed visual errors in H1-Fort: Shoomperior Starfort and 2-11: Ship Deck Trek
[*]fixed the missing music error in 3-Castle: Keytashropic Keep
[*]3-Castle: Keytashropic Keep finally has a fitting boss
[*]fixed a minor pathing issue on world 2's map
[*]implemented MrDoubleA's new KindaHurtBlock.lua API
[*]custom KindaHurtBlock.lua fixes have been added to both 2-12: Stickerbush Saga
and 3-7: Prickly Passage to greatly improve the hitboxes of the brambles.
[*]implemented a new DKC Trilogy styled bonus room API that was coded by MrDoubleA for this project.
[*]updated bonus rooms in previous levels to take advantage of the new bonus room API
[*]reskinned the Player only and NPC only blocks to be a hybrid of both their SMBX2 appearance
and their JUMP series appearance.
v1.3 "Encounter": show
  • 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3 had their dragon coin prizes improved and their final star coins relocated
  • 1-1 and 1-2 are now slightly longer
  • 2-A and 2-C's power star are no longer tied to the level Dragon coins and are now hidden elsewhere,
    Cranky Kong's hint for 2-A's and 2-C's Power Star has been rewritten to account for this
  • A few new levels have been finished (H1-Fort: Shoomperior Starfort, H1-3: Cretaceous Canyon,
    4-1: Dances with Lakitus)
  • Implemented an experimental tweak to the underlying platforming physics
  • Replaced the stock time-switch/stop-watch theme with the P-Switch theme from the NSMB series
  • Replaced the pre-existing veggie sprites with AwesomeZack's SMW Styled SMB2 Veggie Sprites
  • The New Worldmap border system is now fully completed
v1.2 "Clock Tower": show
  • Increase the BGM volume in levels where it was too silent.
  • fixed a minor glitch near the end of 2-11: Ship Deck Trek.
  • Also includes all the bugfixes from the hotfix patch.
  • The Star Warp back to Mint Island from the Lost World now places you back to the Mint Island Star Warp
    like it's supposed to.
  • The transition animation for the pipe from Lake Shroomperior to Ship-Breaker Slough has been corrected.
  • The difficulty of the world 1 boss has been slightly toned down via the addition of a few throw blocks.
  • The pathing issue in world 3 has been addressed.
  • A few graphical glitches on the Lake Shroomperior map have been quashed.
  • A new (but still WIP) Worldmap border has been implemented by Lusho. I owe him big time.
v1.1 "Destiny": show
  • Fixed all Yoshi's arms colour
  • Change the Black, Pink, Orange and Cyan's Yoshi's colours to use actual SMW Colours
  • Finally made a unique animated loading screen icon
  • Fixed a rather embarrassing glitch where 2-C: Cobrat's Crawlway was missing it's backgrounds, configs and AI files
  • Implemented MrDoubleA's Accurate Koopas API for the SMW Koopas
  • Implemented MrDoubleA's updated accurate SMW Costumes for Mario, Luigi and Toad
  • Greatly improved the classic Goomba's appearance and colouration
  • Fixed a minor visual oversight where the Snifit's bullets death effect was missing
  • A new fancy map transition system for worldmap pipes, barrel cannon, and regular cannons has been
    coded and implemented by MrDoubleA. Now going between worlds is faster while still being immersive
    and interconnected!
  • Created P-Balloon sprites for Toad and improved Mario and Luigi's P-Balloon sprites
  • Power Stars now rotate like in Super Mario 64. Level ending power stars have black outlines,
    non-level ending power stars have coloured outlines instead.
  • Which means that Toad is once again playable!
  • deprecated powerup_guard.lua and Implemented anotherPowerDown.lua
  • Fixed the missing unique sound effects in 3-B: Alternate Antiquity
  • Fixed the somewhat amusing "fade out" bug in 3-A: Swamp Romp, but at the expense of losing the
    water's enemy concealment
  • 1-1: First Step Fields and Mint Island Village's backgrounds have been improved.
  • A new fast travel system between towns has been implemented. Visit your nearest FUNKY Flights
    for more information
  • The secret exit in 2-13: Honey Hive Hop has been tweaked to be appropriately more difficult
  • The Green Switch Palace is now available
  • Almost all of World 2 and all of world 3 (except for it's actual boss fight) is now complete!
  • Bully and Birdo now have new sprites
  • The SMB3 and SMB1 Bowser's sprites have been replaced with my edit of Gambare-Lucifer's Bowser Sprites
  • Both Bowsers can now be spin-jumped on (although there is no level with 'em yet)
  • Super Mario Zeal now has a fancy-ish Launcher Page and Achievements. Gotta catch 'em all!
v1.0 "Boss Fight, Stage Clear": show
  • Replaced the star coin graphic's with Dogemayo's SMW Styled star coin, for further stylistic consistancy
  • Overhauled the designs of all the world maps up to world six
  • included the bugfixes from the previous hotfix patch
  • 2-9 and 2-10 have been given some minor cosmetic improvements
  • A new level has been included: 2-13: Honey Hive Hop
v0.9 "Beginnings": show
  • Fixed a minor bug where Mario and Luigi retain their default SMAS SMB3 sprites apon starting or loading a file
  • The SMB1 Coins, The SMB1 Fire Flower, SMB1 Red Koopas, SMB1 Green Koopas, and SMB1 Bloopers have been replaced
    by the ones from Kinsie's final SMW Hack, a loose collection of levels called Dongs!
  • Finally finished fully replacing the SMB3 Koopas with the SMW Beta Koopas
  • The SMB1 Goomba, SMB1 Big Goomba, SMB1 Giant Goomba and Gloomba has been replaced by KingKoopshi64's Classic Goomba sprites
  • Worldmap travel speed has been increased
  • World 3 and the Hub world has been redesigned
  • The regular level Icons on the Worldmaps have been tweaked to be more like the SMM2 World Map Icons
  • The path layouts of all the Worldmaps have been overhauled
  • The internal file structure of the episode has been tidied up
  • The HUD has been recoded to be more SMW Styled by Lusho
  • KBM-Quine's Modern Reserve Item system has been fully implemented
  • All stock boss themes have been fully replaced
  • Fixed a minor situation where you could unfairly take a hit in First-Step Fields after collecting the second star coin
  • The Final Star coin in Piranha Plant's Pothole is no longer tied to the Dragon Coins, you'll now get a 3-up Moon instead
  • Parts of Piranha Plant's Pothole has been tweaked to be more forgiving
  • The secret exit for Piranha Plant's Pothole has been reworked
  • Parts of Donut Block Dance has been tweaked to be more forgiving
  • Mint Island Mainstay has been rebalanced in a few key areas
  • Tweaked the discoloured bricks in Mint Island Mainstay to be more noticeable
  • The Parallax interior backgrounds on both Mint Island Mainstay and Seaboard Station has been improved with some graphic and
    code tweaks courtesy of Lusho
  • Seaboard Station has been rebalanced in a few key areas
  • Lakiboss (The World 1 Boss) HP has been reduced by 1
  • Mario and Luigi now both do victory poses after hitting the goal tape, like in SMW.
  • Toad has been temporarily disabled until such a time someone creates a complete SMW Toad Costume for Toad that includes Swimming,
    Goal Victories and Yoshi Riding frames
  • Now when you collect all the Dragon Coins in a level, the "All Ace Coins collected" sound from
    Super Mario Advance - Super Mario Bros. 2 will play.
0.8 "Prayer": show
  • fixed a minor OW pathing error where completing "Conifer Crest" would accidentally give you access to "Midnight Memories"
  • Updated all Goal Posts to use Mr.DoubleA's improved SMW Goal Post
  • Drastically overhauled the Hub Worldmap to be more in line with my intended vision for it
  • 1-3 Now has a secret exit to access Mint Isle Village
  • All Pine trees in world 1 and 2 maps are now the same as the ones on the Hub Worldmap for consistency's sake
Last edited by FireSeraphim on Sun Mar 31, 2024 4:36 pm, edited 16 times in total.

Sonya Sanchez
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Re: Super Mario Zeal (0.8 "Prayer")

Postby Sonya Sanchez » Fri May 29, 2020 4:03 am

Oh I was always wondering what’s up with TSRPX it is one of the few projects that kept me interested.
I do hope that you will finish that one up!

For now, this one looks really interesting so far which might be my interest also into SMW in general.
I will support this project and definitely try out the Demo!

I wish you good luck on hopefully completing this one.

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Re: Super Mario Zeal (0.8 "Prayer")

Postby DoraemonPepe » Sun Jun 14, 2020 8:23 pm

I support this project because it is really cool and very good! A better SMBX project, well done!

And I asks you, what version did this project will run without issues on Super Mario Bros. X?

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Re: Super Mario Zeal (0.8 "Prayer")

Postby Lusho » Sun Jun 14, 2020 9:24 pm

This was made for SMBX2

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Re: Super Mario Zeal (0.8 "Prayer")

Postby FireSeraphim » Mon Jun 22, 2020 9:25 pm

I updated the opening post with another video.

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Re: Super Mario Zeal (0.8 "Prayer")

Postby FireSeraphim » Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:37 pm

I have updated the opening post with a big screenshot of the world maps so far. World 3 will be named "Ship-Breaker Slough"

Ripper II
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Re: Super Mario Zeal (0.8 "Prayer")

Postby LGLMAKING » Tue Jun 30, 2020 11:14 am

This's pretty hot imo

I'll see if I can check out the demo sometime soon

Nooga Productions
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Re: Super Mario Zeal (0.8 "Prayer")

Postby Nooga Productions » Tue Jun 30, 2020 12:27 pm

Don't give up, and keep going with your SMBX project thought!

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Re: Super Mario Zeal (0.8 "Prayer")

Postby Luna » Tue Jun 30, 2020 4:19 pm

That world map looks really good. I'd suggest you add some scenery to the water, though. Maybe some islands or rocks in the water could do the trick.

Blake Izayoi
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Re: Super Mario Zeal (0.8 "Prayer")

Postby Blake Izayoi » Sat Jul 04, 2020 12:56 am

This is looking pretty good. Very excited to see where this goes, keep up the work!

Super Mario World lets fucking gooooooooo

Van De Graf
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Re: Super Mario Zeal (0.8 "Prayer")

Postby Archived » Mon Jul 06, 2020 12:31 pm

Last edited by Archived on Mon Jan 30, 2023 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Super Mario Zeal (0.8 "Prayer")

Postby FireSeraphim » Wed Jul 15, 2020 8:10 am

I posted yet another new video in the opening post, this time showing off a level I recently finished work on.

Van De Graf
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Re: Super Mario Zeal (0.8 "Prayer")

Postby Archived » Mon Jul 27, 2020 1:33 pm

Last edited by Archived on Mon Jan 30, 2023 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Super Mario Zeal (0.8 "Prayer")

Postby FireSeraphim » Sun Aug 30, 2020 4:06 pm

I have once again updated the opening post to include a new-ish video of a new level.

Van De Graf
Van De Graf
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Re: Super Mario Zeal (0.8 "Prayer")

Postby Archived » Tue Sep 08, 2020 12:41 pm

Last edited by Archived on Mon Jan 30, 2023 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Super Mario Zeal (0.8 "Prayer")

Postby FireSeraphim » Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:20 am

I beat eclipsed to the punch, Lava Tubular can be seen in the opening post.

Van De Graf
Van De Graf
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Re: Super Mario Zeal (0.8 "Prayer")

Postby Archived » Mon Nov 09, 2020 3:49 pm

Last edited by Archived on Mon Jan 30, 2023 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Super Mario Zeal (1.0 "Boss Fight, Stage Clear")

Postby FireSeraphim » Tue Feb 23, 2021 1:18 am

I have updated the opening post with a new screenshot and demo download post with the new 1.0 Demo. This 1.0 Demo is merely a slight update and repacking of the C3 Winter 2021 Demo and hotfix with a new level and a handful of improvements, Mostly for the convenience of anyone wishing to download the latest demo.

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Re: Super Mario Zeal (1.0 "Boss Fight, Stage Clear")

Postby FireSeraphim » Thu Mar 25, 2021 6:36 pm

I have updated the opening post with a new video. I am planning on releasing another demo in the upcoming Summer C3, Also TSRP-X may be resuming development soon-ish with the release of both MAGLX3 and SLAM around the corner so that's one to look forward to. Hopefully this time around we'll be more successful in getting much need talent on the team, especially since hopefully MAGLX3 and SLAM won't be occupying people's dev time.

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