MECHDRAGON777 wrote:
Upon waking up, she would appear to be better, but does not want to head out into the forest for a while or at least not alone right now. She looks at Goomboh and asks her "Where am I again?"
"Stompwood, lady," the Goomba says, looking a bit annoyed. "Look, I'm happy to help you but... What happened, exactly?"
Spinda wrote:Lunaga heads back towards the town in order to tell the others about her discovery. She makes sure to stay off the path that the footsteps that lead here were from in order to lower her risk of being discovered later on. She looks out for landmarks or anything else that'll help her find this place again later.
Lunaga remembers what the trees in the area looked like (mostly large, old pine trees), and heads back to town. She's able to find her way back easily by following the sun. By the time she gets back, it's gotten a little dark.