Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

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Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby snoruntpyro » Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:15 pm

At the suggestion of Quill...

Have any basic/cool LunaLua code you want to share? Post it here! Let everyone know that you made something cool with Lua and stuff. Feel free to give small advice to other posters in this thread if their code is inefficent, or they could make their code more easily configurable, etc., as well.

To kick this thread off, here's some simple, configurable, commented code for a multi jump:

Code: Select all

-- Configuration
local numberOfJumps = 2;
local jumpHeight = -11;

-- Setup
local jumpCounter = numberOfJumps;

-- Reset jump counter upon touching the floor
function onTick()
	if player:mem(0x146,FIELD_WORD) == 2 then
		jumpCounter = numberOfJumps;

-- Actual double jump
function onKeyDown(keycode)
	if keycode == KEY_JUMP and jumpCounter > 0 then
		-- Subtract jump counter
		jumpCounter = jumpCounter - 1;
		-- Launch player
		player.speedY = jumpHeight;
		-- Play sound effect and do dust effect
		if player:mem(0x146,FIELD_WORD) == 0 then
			for i=-3,3,6 do
				local smoke = Animation.spawn(74,player.x+(player.width/2),player.y+player.height)
				smoke.speedX = i;
				smoke.speedY = 4;
There's even a sound effect and a fancy little boost effect and everything. You can change numberOfJumps to however many jumps you want your player to have, and you can change jump height to whatever you want.

Boom Boom
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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby Alagirez » Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:25 pm

Yes now i not need to type ahippinandahoppin again, thank you for the code :)

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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby Quantumenace » Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:21 am

Function to draw an image for a single frame that can be scaled and rotated. Best used with onCameraUpdate().

If screenpos = true it takes x and y as screen coordinates, otherwise they are world coordinates. The coordinates are for the center of the rectangle.

Edit: Now supports either a table of named arguments or the regular list of arguments. Combined r,g,b,a into the table rgbacolor (also accepts the name "color").

Edit 2: Added math.ceil to coordinates, which reduces wobbling against other sprites and objects. (Edit 3: made this a proper rounding.)
Edit 4: Ugh, it appears that other objects with non-integer positions (especially around 0.5 off) actually do wobble when the camera moves. Reverted changes so it syncs with them.
If your sprites wobble in a way you don't like, modify the coordinates you enter with math.floor(x+0.5) or something.

Edit 5: Uses triangle strip primitive. Included an additive blend option (thanks Hoeloe).

Code: Select all

function DrawRotatedSprite(x,y,angle,texture,width,height,rgbacolor,priority,flipX,flipY,numframesY,frameY,numframesX,frameX,screenpos,additive)
	if type(x) == "table" then
		angle = x.angle; texture = x.texture; width = x.width; height = x.height; 
		rgbacolor = x.rgbacolor or x.color; priority = x.priority; flipX = x.flipX; flipY = x.flipY; screenpos = x.screenpos
		numframesX = x.numframesX; frameX = x.frameX; numframesY = x.numframesY; frameY = x.frameY;
		y = x.y; x = x.x
	if screenpos ~= true then local cam = Camera.get()[1]; x=x-cam.x;y=y-cam.y end
	priority = priority or 1;frameX=frameX or 0 ;frameY=frameY or 0 --frames start at 0
	if numframesX == nil or numframesX < 1 then numframesX = 1 end
	if numframesY == nil or numframesY < 1 then numframesY = 1 end
	if width == nil and texture ~= nil then width = texture.width/numframesX end
	if height == nil and texture ~= nil then height = texture.height/numframesY end
	if width == nil then width = 32 end; if height == nil then height = 32 end
	angle = angle or 0; local s = math.sin(angle); local c = math.cos(angle)
	local wc = 0.5*width*c; local ws = 0.5*width*s; local hc = 0.5*height*c; local hs = 0.5*height*s
	local tris = {x-wc-hs,y+hc-ws,x-wc+hs,y-hc-ws,x+wc-hs,y+hc+ws,x+wc+hs,y-hc+ws}
	local txs = {0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0}
	local cols
	if additive then local r=rgbacolor[1]*rgbacolor[4];local g=rgbacolor[2]*rgbacolor[4];local b=rgbacolor[3]*rgbacolor[4];
	if flipX then for i=1,7,2 do txs[i]=1-txs[i] end end
	if flipY then for i=2,8,2 do txs[i]=1-txs[i] end end
	if numframesX>1 then for i = 1,7,2 do txs[i]=(txs[i]+frameX)/numframesX end end
	if numframesY>1 then for i = 2,8,2 do txs[i]=(txs[i]+frameY)/numframesY end end
	Graphics.glDraw{texture=texture, textureCoords=txs,color = rgbacolor, vertexColors=cols,vertexCoords=tris, priority=priority, primitive = Graphics.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP}
Apologies if something like this is already in the API libraries, I didn't see one.
Last edited by Quantumenace on Tue May 31, 2016 6:35 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby underFlo » Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:03 am

With so many arguments, I'd recommend that you use named arguments. If one wants to modify only angle, x, y and screenpos he'd have to count all the way to the end to give all the arguments.

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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby Quantumenace » Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:49 am

How do you set it up to accept them?

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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby underFlo » Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:39 am

You define the argument as just a table t and call the actual arguments with t.x, t.texture etc. Then you can call it with

Code: Select all

DrawRotatedSprite{x = 1, y = 4, texture = memeImage, screenpos = true}

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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby HenryRichard » Thu Mar 17, 2016 11:50 pm

We need more things here!

Here's the fireball code from my waluigi playable:

Code: Select all

local pNPC = API.load("pnpc");
local tableOfWaluigisFireballs = {};

function onTick()
	for k, v in pairs(NPC.get({13, 265, 291}, -1)) do
		if(v ~= player.holdingNPC) then
			if(not pNPC.getExistingWrapper(v)) then
				local initFireball = pNPC.wrap(v);
				initFireball.ai2 = 1; = 0;
				if(initFireball.speedX > 0) then = 0;
				else = 180;
				end = initFireball.y;
				table.insert(tableOfWaluigisFireballs, initFireball);
	for k, v in pairs(tableOfWaluigisFireballs) do
		if(v.isValid) then = + 4*(math.sin(; = ( + 0.5) % 360
			v.x = v.x + 4*math.sin(; = ( + 0.1) % 360
			v.y =;
			table.remove(tableOfWaluigisFireballs, k);
It's just fun to watch.

EDIT: Somehow I left out loading pNPC. It's fixed now.

Raccoon Mario
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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby PixelPest » Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:21 pm

Here's a little something cool, that could be helpful: using tags in level names to implement common features for levels (such as timers with the same time limit) more efficiently through your lunaworld.lua in an episode.

For example:
If we have five levels we want to set timers for, three are the same and the other two are the same as well. Let's say they are named the following:

Grassy Greens (Timer 300)
Desert Scramble (Timer 300)
Awful Gultch (Timer 300)
Dismal Cave (Timer 600)
Creaky Mansion (Timer 600)

We could then add a tag to the front, such as "A" for the ones with a timer of 300 and "B" for the ones with a timer of 600:

A_Grassy Greens
A_Desert Scramble
A_Awful Gultch
B_Dismal Cave
B_Creaky Mansion

Now, to read these values and set the timers accordingly, we can do the following:

Code: Select all

timer = API.load("leveltimer")

function onStart()
    if string.byte(Level.filename(), 1) == 65 then
    elseif string.byte(Level.filename(), 1) == 66 then
We can use string.byte(string name, digit, ASCII value of digit) to read the name of any string, retrive one of its digits, and then find the ASCII value of that digit (A = 65, B = 66,...), in this case the name of a .lvl file using Level.filename() and the first digit of that file's name. You could also add in more tags and end up with something like:

ABAF_Grassy Greens

You can also read other strings like "hello". Also, since "hello" has five digits, if we try to read the sixth digit, string.byte will return nil.

Overall, I find this very helpful, since you can use it to quickly group together levels without having to put them into a giant table. It can also help minimize repetition throughout lunadll.lua files

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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby S1eth » Thu May 12, 2016 9:08 am

I should have posted this a long time ago, but here:

Code to simulate the behavior of SMB3 parabeetles when riding one. (fluttering faster, flying upwards)
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

local pNPC = API.load("pnpc");

--Created by S1eth, 2015
local parabeetleAI = {}

function parabeetleAI.onInitAPI()
  --register event handler
  registerEvent(parabeetleAI, "onTick", "onTick", true) --Register the loop event

--                                                                                                  *
--              CONSTANTS                                                                           *
--                                                                                                  *

parabeetleAI.NPCID = 19;

--                                                                                                  *
--              PARABEETLE AI                                                                       *
--                                                                                                  *

parabeetleAI.enabled = true;

function parabeetleAI.Enable()
  parabeetleAI.enabled = true;

function parabeetleAI.Disable()
  parabeetleAI.enabled = false;

function parabeetleAI.onTick()
  if (not parabeetleAI.enabled) then return end
  --find the NPC the player is standing on
  local riddenNPCIndex = player:mem(0x176, FIELD_WORD); 
  local riddenNPC = nil;
  if (riddenNPCIndex ~= 0) then
    riddenNPC = pNPC.wrap(NPC(riddenNPCIndex-1));
  --execute AI logic for each parabeetle
  for _,npc in pairs(NPC.get(parabeetleAI.NPCID, player.section)) do  
    local parabeetle = pNPC.wrap(npc);
    if ( == nil) then = 0;
    if (riddenNPC ~= nil and riddenNPC.uid == parabeetle.uid) then
      --player rides on the parabeetle
      --make the parabeetle flutter faster
      parabeetle.animationTimer = parabeetle.animationTimer + 1;
      --make the parabeetle lose altitude, then fly back up
      if ( == 0 and parabeetle.speedY == 0) then
        parabeetle.speedY = 2;
        parabeetle.speedY = math.max(-1.6, parabeetle.speedY - 0.08);
      end = + 1;
      --player does not ride on the parabeetle
      --reset the parabeetle's speedY back to 0 = 0;
      if (parabeetle.speedY > 0) then
        parabeetle.speedY = math.max(0, parabeetle.speedY - 0.2);
      elseif (parabeetle.speedY < 0) then
        parabeetle.speedY = math.min(0, parabeetle.speedY + 0.2);

return parabeetleAI;

Circle Guy
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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby Circle Guy » Tue May 24, 2016 6:09 pm

S1eth wrote:I should have posted this a long time ago, but here:

Code to simulate the behavior of SMB3 parabeetles when riding one. (fluttering faster, flying upwards)
Spoiler: show

Code: Select all

local pNPC = API.load("pnpc");

--Created by S1eth, 2015
local parabeetleAI = {}

function parabeetleAI.onInitAPI()
  --register event handler
  registerEvent(parabeetleAI, "onTick", "onTick", true) --Register the loop event

--                                                                                                  *
--              CONSTANTS                                                                           *
--                                                                                                  *

parabeetleAI.NPCID = 19;

--                                                                                                  *
--              PARABEETLE AI                                                                       *
--                                                                                                  *

parabeetleAI.enabled = true;

function parabeetleAI.Enable()
  parabeetleAI.enabled = true;

function parabeetleAI.Disable()
  parabeetleAI.enabled = false;

function parabeetleAI.onTick()
  if (not parabeetleAI.enabled) then return end
  --find the NPC the player is standing on
  local riddenNPCIndex = player:mem(0x176, FIELD_WORD); 
  local riddenNPC = nil;
  if (riddenNPCIndex ~= 0) then
    riddenNPC = pNPC.wrap(NPC(riddenNPCIndex-1));
  --execute AI logic for each parabeetle
  for _,npc in pairs(NPC.get(parabeetleAI.NPCID, player.section)) do  
    local parabeetle = pNPC.wrap(npc);
    if ( == nil) then = 0;
    if (riddenNPC ~= nil and riddenNPC.uid == parabeetle.uid) then
      --player rides on the parabeetle
      --make the parabeetle flutter faster
      parabeetle.animationTimer = parabeetle.animationTimer + 1;
      --make the parabeetle lose altitude, then fly back up
      if ( == 0 and parabeetle.speedY == 0) then
        parabeetle.speedY = 2;
        parabeetle.speedY = math.max(-1.6, parabeetle.speedY - 0.08);
      end = + 1;
      --player does not ride on the parabeetle
      --reset the parabeetle's speedY back to 0 = 0;
      if (parabeetle.speedY > 0) then
        parabeetle.speedY = math.max(0, parabeetle.speedY - 0.2);
      elseif (parabeetle.speedY < 0) then
        parabeetle.speedY = math.min(0, parabeetle.speedY + 0.2);

return parabeetleAI;
Does anyone know why this doen't work for me? I put the lua file in the folder...

Super Mario Channel
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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby Super Mario Channel » Tue May 24, 2016 6:57 pm

Circle Guy wrote:Does anyone know why this doen't work for me? I put the lua file in the folder...
Do you have LunaLUA installed? Okay, if you do you have to put the code in a .lua file. Copy the code and paste it somewhere like on Notepad.
I recommend using Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code to paste the code.
Then save as a .lua file in the LuaScriptsLib folder.
Make a lunaworld.lua (to put in your episode) or lunadll.lua (place it in a folder named after the level you wanna use it in) file and I guess you would put:

Code: Select all

_parabeetleAI = loadAPI(parabeetleAI);
If you already tried that then I guess the coding is wrong, the lunaworld/dll file needs some specific settings, or you might not be using LunaLUA.
Hope it helps!

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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby S1eth » Tue May 24, 2016 7:45 pm

Circle Guy wrote: Does anyone know why this doen't work for me? I put the lua file in the folder...
Could you explain in more detail what part of the script "doesn't work"? Are you getting an error message?

How does your folder hierarchy look like? Are you using a Lua-compatible SMBX version? What does your lunadll.lua file look like?
You need this line in your lunadll.lua file, assuming you extracted the files into your level folder:

Code: Select all

local parabeetleAI = API.load("parabeetleAI");

Circle Guy
Rocky Wrench
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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby Circle Guy » Tue May 24, 2016 8:31 pm

i forgot to change the name of the file

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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby Rixitic » Sat May 28, 2016 5:01 pm

To simplify setting up default values for named arguments, I whipped up a quick little function that goes through an array and grabs the first non-nil value.

Code: Select all

local function defaultChain (args)
	local returnval
	i = 1;
	while  i <= #args  do
		if  args[i] ~= nil  then
			returnval = args[i]
			i = i+1
	return returnval;

-- Example
local function doAThing (props)
	local name = defaultChain {, globalName, "Dave"}
	windowDebug (name)

function onStart ()
	doAThing {}
	doAThing {name="Harold"}
	globalName = "Walter"
	doAThing {}
	doAThing {name="Paul"}
	-- Will output "Dave", then "Harold", "Walter" and finally "Paul"

Raccoon Mario
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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby PixelPest » Thu Jun 23, 2016 9:12 pm

Here's a fun thing that I might turn into an API: Sniper Snifits and Homing Snifits. With much help from S1eth as well as others, I've created two simple scripts that turn all Snifits into a special type. Both scripts require pnpc.lua to differentiate between bullets. Working on a system that will allow both types and modifications of speeds, etc. in the same level, however right now this is what's going on:

Sniper Snifit--The Snifit fires each of its projectiles towards Mario's position at the time of fire. Code:

Code: Select all

local pnpc = API.load("pnpc);

local bulletSpeed = 1;
local bulletAccel = 1;

local function getAngleToPlayer(sourceX, sourceY)
	local deltaX = player.x + (player.Width/2) - sourceX;
	local deltaY = player.y + (player.Height/2) - sourceY;
	return math.atan2(deltaY, deltaX);

function onTick()	
	for _, v in pairs(NPC.get(133, -1)) do 
		local bullet = pnpc.wrap(v);
		if == nil then = getAngleToPlayer(bullet.x + bullet.width/2, bullet.y + bullet.height/2); = 0;

		bullet.speedX = bulletSpeed*math.cos(*(bulletAccel^;
		bullet.speedY = bulletSpeed*math.sin(*(bulletAccel^; = + 1;
Homing Snifit--Each of the Snifit's projectiles will follow the player until the player leaves the section, dies, or forces them to run into a block, etc. Code:

Code: Select all

local bulletSpeed = 1;
local bulletAccel = 1;

local function getAngleToPlayer(sourceX, sourceY)
	local deltaX = player.x + (player.Width/2) - sourceX;
	local deltaY = player.y + (player.Height/2) - sourceY;
	return math.atan2(deltaY, deltaX);

function onTick()	
	for _, v in pairs(NPC.get(133, -1)) do 
		local bullet = pnpc.wrap(v); = getAngleToPlayer(bullet.x + bullet.width/2, bullet.y + bullet.height/2);

		if == nil then = 0;

		bullet.speedX = bulletSpeed*math.cos(*(bulletAccel^;
		bullet.speedY = bulletSpeed*math.sin(*(bulletAccel^; = + 1;
Warning! Setting bulletAccel to values greater than around 1.3 or less than 1 can cause unwanted results including crashes of SMBX. 4 is the default speed in SMBX for bulletSpeed. Enjoy!

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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby Creepermon » Tue Jun 28, 2016 11:31 am

snoruntpyro wrote:
Spoiler: show
At the suggestion of Quill...

Have any basic/cool LunaLua code you want to share? Post it here! Let everyone know that you made something cool with Lua and stuff. Feel free to give small advice to other posters in this thread if their code is inefficent, or they could make their code more easily configurable, etc., as well.

To kick this thread off, here's some simple, configurable, commented code for a multi jump:

Code: Select all

-- Configuration
local numberOfJumps = 2;
local jumpHeight = -11;

-- Setup
local jumpCounter = numberOfJumps;

-- Reset jump counter upon touching the floor
function onTick()
	if player:mem(0x146,FIELD_WORD) == 2 then
		jumpCounter = numberOfJumps;

-- Actual double jump
function onKeyDown(keycode)
	if keycode == KEY_JUMP and jumpCounter > 0 then
		-- Subtract jump counter
		jumpCounter = jumpCounter - 1;
		-- Launch player
		player.speedY = jumpHeight;
		-- Play sound effect and do dust effect
		if player:mem(0x146,FIELD_WORD) == 0 then
			for i=-3,3,6 do
				local smoke = Animation.spawn(74,player.x+(player.width/2),player.y+player.height)
				smoke.speedX = i;
				smoke.speedY = 4;
There's even a sound effect and a fancy little boost effect and everything. You can change numberOfJumps to however many jumps you want your player to have, and you can change jump height to whatever you want.
I am having an issue with this script. It does the double-jump, but the counter never resets. I have put the script in my lunaworld.lua file word for word, so I have no idea what is wrong with it.
My lunaworld.lua file:
Spoiler: show
-- Configuration
local numberOfJumps = 2;
local jumpHeight = -11;

-- Setup
local jumpCounter = numberOfJumps;

-- Reset jump counter upon touching the floor
function onTick()
if player:mem(0x146,FIELD_WORD) == 2 then
jumpCounter = numberOfJumps;

-- Actual double jump
function onKeyDown(keycode)
if keycode == KEY_JUMP and jumpCounter > 0 then
-- Subtract jump counter
jumpCounter = jumpCounter - 1;
-- Launch player
player.speedY = jumpHeight;
-- Play sound effect and do dust effect
if player:mem(0x146,FIELD_WORD) == 0 then
for i=-3,3,6 do
local smoke = Animation.spawn(74,player.x+(player.width/2),player.y+player.height)
smoke.speedX = i;
smoke.speedY = 4;
Last edited by Creepermon on Tue Jun 28, 2016 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby snoruntpyro » Tue Jun 28, 2016 11:34 am

Are you trying to hop off solid npcs or slopes? The code doesn't actually account for that because I was a dumb.

Fighter Fly
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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby Creepermon » Tue Jun 28, 2016 11:37 am

snoruntpyro wrote:Are you trying to hop off solid npcs or slopes? The code doesn't actually account for that because I was a dumb.
No, just jump off the floor.

Raccoon Mario
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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby PixelPest » Tue Jun 28, 2016 12:38 pm

Creepermon wrote:
snoruntpyro wrote:Are you trying to hop off solid npcs or slopes? The code doesn't actually account for that because I was a dumb.
No, just jump off the floor.
I wrote this for a double jump a while ago that I thought I would share now anyway that you might want to look at. It's a simple code that also allows for a classy falling jump. I'm pretty sure it works for slopes and NPCs as well since it tests for the player's speed:

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Re: Helpful/Cool LunaLua Codes Thread

Postby KesterTank » Tue Sep 06, 2016 1:07 pm

Works in tea script AKA SMBX 1.4.2?

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