TSRP-X - The Official Thread (W3-Castle screenshots)

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TSRP-X - The Official Thread (W3-Castle screenshots)

Postby FireSeraphim » Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:33 am


As you may all recall, a few weeks ago I discussed the possibility of working on a TSPR themed SMBX episode with FPI himself as this Gmail
conversation can attest: After that, Wind and Valtteri joined my project team. We were waiting until we had World 1 done before we made a project thread. I have since further discussed and finalized the plot of this SMBX Episode with FPI.

Click here to download our C3 Demo!

It was a fine evening, Luigi had long since went to bed. Toad was staying over at Luigi's for the night on account of him accidentally losing the key to his house. Suddenly a dimensional rift opened, with Zycloboo, a haunt of Boos and Thirlox stepping out of the rift.

Zycloboo: I still say we should go with my plan first, with it the Mushroom Kingdom will most certainly meet it's doom by my hands. Mario would be a much more fitting choice for what we have in store.
Thirlox: Bah. I triple checked this plan and there's no way Luigi could possibily fudge this up. Besides we simply need one of the two plumbers to activate the Power Switch and Luigi is the logical candidate because he isn't as strong willed as Mario, thus being more easily manipulated.
Zycloboo: And all to power up your Glitch Cannon Mark II. Do I need to remind you what happened...
Thirlox: Of-course not, I remember all too well how Mario destroyed our home universe and I made sure to put in a failsafe to prevent it from destroying the Second Reality.
Zycloboo: Good, Then I shall not delay this promising event any longer...

With that Zycloboo cast his Inter-Dimensional magic on Luigi's House and send it to the Second Reality, where our story begins...

Spoiler: show
Screenshots prior to July 31st, 2015
World Maps
[rimg]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/762 ... Submap.png[/rimg][rimg]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/762 ... Submap.png[/rimg]
[rimg]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/762 ... Submap.png[/rimg][rimg]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/762 ... Submap.png[/rimg]
[rimg]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/762 ... Submap.png[/rimg]

World 1-Castle: Rampant Redoubt teaser
[rimg]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/762 ... tion_1.png[/rimg]

New Screenshots (July 31st, 2015)
World 2-2: Lakitu's Fields

New Screenshots (6:23 AM in the Morning, August 5th, 2015)
World 2-C: Slate Lake

New Screenshots (September 10th, 2015)
In clockwise order: W2-3 - Bullet Field by Darkonius, W2-Ghost House - Maniac Mansion by Valtteri
W2-Castle - Eventide Keep by FireSeraphim and W2-4 Switch-Swap Subterrane by Wind


New Screenshots (12:06 at Night, September 16th, 2015)
World S-2: Collision Chaos Zone teaser
[rimg]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/762 ... Teaser.png[/rimg]

New Screenshots (1:50 at Night, November 10th, 2015)
World 2-Fort: Dungeon of Unquestionable Agony teaser
[rimg]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/762 ... review.png[/rimg]

New Screenshots (3:16 AM in the Morning, June 24th, 2016)
World 2-F: Hammer Bros Heights teaser
[rimg]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/762 ... H%20S1.png[/rimg]

New Screenshots (12:40 AM Late at night, July 13th, 2016)
World 3-Ghost House: Spooky Shanty teaser
[rimg]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/762 ... review.png[/rimg]

New Screenshots (11:00 AM in the Morning, August 10th, 2016)
World 3-Castle: Ludwig's Lyrical Littoral Lookout preview
[rimg]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/762 ... review.png[/rimg]
Spoiler: show
New Video!
Spoiler: show
  • Project Leaders
    • FireSeraphim
    • Wind
  • Level Designers
    • FireSeraphim
    • Wind
    • Darkonius
    • Valtteri
  • LunaLua Programmers
    • Wind
    • Zipper
  • Graphical Artist and Rippers
    • Valtteri
    • FireSeraphim
    • Wind
    • SilverDeoxys
W1: Forest of Beginnings
W2: Emerald Plains
W3: Cinnamon Coast
W4: Antipode Caves
W5: Pirate Canyon
W6: Moonbeam Plateau
W7: Abandoned Second Reality Base
W8: Deep Space
W(SR): Super Sonic Speedway (Sonic CD levels)
With that all said and done I await your comments and criticism.
Last edited by FireSeraphim on Wed Aug 10, 2016 11:58 am, edited 24 times in total.

Ripper II
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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby Wind » Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:15 am


All right, let's roll!

Darkonius Mavakar
Torpedo Ted
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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby Darkonius Mavakar » Tue Jul 28, 2015 7:49 am

This looks extremely intresting.
This will look great when finished.

Chargin' Chuck
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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby JupiHornet » Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:35 am

dis is gon' be gud 8)

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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby FanofSMBX » Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:55 am

I get your intent, but I don't think limiting talking NPCs and RPG like talking is very TSRP2R-like. Remember
Spoiler: show
Catgoom Kingdom and Battle of The Mages? In fact, FPI changed the Power Supply activation from the changed Switch Palace message to a custom cutscene, a overdone change if I say so myself but that's the plot ideal for TSRPR type stuff to me.
I think it would serve you well to make this non canon so you could do pretty much anything.

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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby FireSeraphim » Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:23 am

FanofSMBX wrote:I get your intent, but I don't think limiting talking NPCs and RPG like talking is very TSRP2R-like. Remember
Spoiler: show
Catgoom Kingdom and Battle of The Mages? In fact, FPI changed the Power Supply activation from the changed Switch Palace message to a custom cutscene, a overdone change if I say so myself but that's the plot ideal for TSRPR type stuff to me.
I think it would serve you well to make this non canon so you could do pretty much anything.
There's a reason why I have the castle levels and the power supply level claimed by me. I'm still going to be doing TSRP-ish plot advancement but to be honest most of the potential LD haven't played TSRP from what I can honestly tell and may inadvertently fudge or come in conflict with the "canon" of the hack series. The reason why I'm exempt is because I played both TSRPR and TSRP2R and because I have discussed parts of this project with FPI ever since the first email. I'm generally aiming to do the best I can and ensuring everyone does the best they can as well. I will keep in mind what you have said though, I'm just the one handling the plot so that everyone else can make the necessary levels. I'm open to lifting the restriction on a per level basis if the level itself stands up on it own in quality.

Darkonius Mavakar
Torpedo Ted
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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby Darkonius Mavakar » Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:30 am

Silverdeoxys' redrawn pack would be extremely useful for this. It even has Palettes to help recolor stuff.

This should be sticky/non-global announcement.

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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby Axiom » Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:44 am

Wind wrote:
Spoiler: show
All right, let's roll!
that timer tho ;) ;)

Ripper II
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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby Wind » Tue Jul 28, 2015 12:29 pm

Darkonius Mavakar wrote:Silverdeoxys' redrawn pack would be extremely useful for this. It even has Palettes to help recolor stuff.

This should be sticky/non-global announcement.
That's why we're using it.
Luigifan2010 wrote: that timer tho ;) ;)
ikr ;) ;)

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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby m4sterbr0s » Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:03 pm

So looking forward to this. I'm a huge TSRP fan, and I'm glad it's made its way to SMBX.

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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby FireSeraphim » Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:31 pm

I just got done adding new screenshots to the opening post (first post of this thread). Open up the spoiler and take a look. (The reason why I put screenshots in a spoiler is because there are people on this forum who may suffer from a slower internet connect and keeping screenshots in a spoiler kinda helps alleviate their loading problems. I also do it out of habit due to my time on the ZDoom Forums.)

Darkonius Mavakar
Torpedo Ted
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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby Darkonius Mavakar » Sat Aug 01, 2015 5:54 am

The pc has finally been ordered, it should arrive soon so i can work on this project!
The new screenshots look great!

Ripper II
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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby Wind » Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:47 am

m4sterbr0s wrote:So looking forward to this. I'm a huge TSRP fan, and I'm glad it's made its way to SMBX.
You can join the team if you want to. :)

Volcano Lotus
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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby Shinbison-Kof » Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:03 am

This project seems promising, I like especially of world map. The graphics are great, the design like "smw hacks" and seems fun! Good job!

Ripper II
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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby Wind » Mon Aug 03, 2015 2:30 pm

Darkonius Mavakar
Torpedo Ted
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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby Darkonius Mavakar » Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:25 pm

That looks amazing!

uuhm, aren't there a bit too many paragoombas...?
(unless they're replacing the red smb3 praragoombas)

Boomerang Bro
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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby Imaynotbehere4long » Tue Aug 04, 2015 12:15 pm

Is this a staple of The Second Reality Projects? I've never been a fan of episodes that pad out their length by re-using official levels.

Ripper II
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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby Wind » Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:29 pm

Imaynotbehere4long wrote:
Is this a staple of The Second Reality Projects? I've never been a fan of episodes that pad out their length by re-using official levels.
TSRPR had a remake of a SML level so we decided to continue the trend here. The level consists of three sections (each recreations of levels from SML2) and I decided to make pretty major edits on some of them

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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby FanofSMBX » Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:21 pm

Wind wrote:
Imaynotbehere4long wrote:
Is this a staple of The Second Reality Projects? I've never been a fan of episodes that pad out their length by re-using official levels.
TSRPR had a remake of a SML level so we decided to continue the trend here. The level consists of three sections (each recreations of levels from SML2) and I decided to make pretty major edits on some of them
?!@?!@ that made me realize we don't have a multiple midpoint patch for SMBX* unlike TSRP2R!

*Someone made a weird lunalua solution that's so complicated not even I'm using it

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Re: The Second Reality Project X - The Official Thread

Postby Axiom » Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:22 pm

it's not even that bad eesh, be grateful it was done.

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