A Bug Regarding the Intro Template

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A Bug Regarding the Intro Template

Postby sezixor » Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:38 am

I thought I'd make a topic for this considering that some people might not see this if I simply just posted it in one the existing topics.

Anyway, there is a slight issue with the Intro Template that people might not be aware of, which was discovered by Dark-Mecha77 when he was testing my level. The problem is, the event that starts the intro sequence is not only on auto-start, but the player's ability to move for a certain period of time is disabled to prevent them from moving around in the sequence and dying. The main issue with this corresponds with the midpoint. If the player dies after getting it, they will be unable to move for a brief period of time.

There is a way to fix this (which again, was suggested by Dark-Mecha77). You must place invisible axes on the starting points in section 21. The axes must trigger the start-up event by death. They also need to be put on a layer, and the layer must be hidden when the start-up event occurs, so the player can't step on multiple axes and trigger the event twice. And lastly, don't forget to unclick auto-start on the start-up event so the immobility won't happen in the first place.

You will only need to do this to the current template that you are using to make the levels. That way you will be able to use that template for all the levels instead of repeating the same process for each individual one.

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Re: A Bug Regarding the Intro Template

Postby zlaker » Sun Nov 09, 2014 12:05 pm

Great guide! I'll try follow this one! Good thing this was posted :P

Darkonius Mavakar
Torpedo Ted
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Re: A Bug Regarding the Intro Template

Postby Darkonius Mavakar » Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:33 pm

I think you should post an already fixed template to make things easyer!
(especially for me that i suck with axe events uhuh)

Lx Xzit
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Re: A Bug Regarding the Intro Template

Postby Lx Xzit » Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:18 pm

Posts: 187
Joined: Fri Dec 20, 2013 2:14 pm

Re: A Bug Regarding the Intro Template

Postby sezixor » Sun Nov 09, 2014 9:09 pm

Thanks, Dark-Mecha77. Everybody should now (if you haven't already done so) download that updated template and use it for the rest of the levels that you plan to design.

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