SMBX Beta Builds from 2009/2010

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SMBX Beta Builds from 2009/2010

Postby Quill » Tue Oct 08, 2024 1:00 am

Hi there. Quill here. I have unknowingly been collecting old SMBX builds since I was a hoarder as a kid (and franky, I still am).

So... here there are!

Download Link

I've cleaned each build and removed miscellaneous levels that weren't part of the builds, so they should represent their original installations.

I haven't checked out every build thoroughly, but I have catalogued what I believe the chronological order of the builds, based on the executable modification dates.

Creation dates will be inaccurate due to moving these builds over from my old hard drive, but the modification dates should be accurate.

It is possible that some of these builds have been made publicly available elsewhere, but I included everything I have, just in case. I do believe most of these builds have not been archived, however.

Lastly, I have included a "custom" folder which contains custom NPCs intended for build 59 that were created by Redigit as example NPCs. These are effectively the first custom NPCs made, at least with the traditional method.

Pre 1.1.3/1.2

--> smbx110b (10th July 2009)
--> smbx110b2 (22nd July 2009)
--> smbx-7-30-09
--> smbx-7-31-09
--> smbx-beta-17aug09
--> smbx-beta-18aug09
--> smbx-beta-19aug09
--> smbx-31aug09

SMBX 1.1.3/1.2 Beta Builds (1.1.3 became 1.2)

--> smbx-beta-23nov09
--> smbx-beta-28nov09
--> smbx-beta-29nov09
--> smbx-beta-01dec09
--> smbx-beta-05dec09
--> smbx-beta-07dec09
--> smbx-beta-10dec09
--> smbx-beta-12dec09
--> smbx12-beta-1 (15th December 2009)
--> smbx12-beta-2 (21st December 2009)
--> smbx12-beta-3 (27th December 2009)

SMBX 1.2+ Builds

--> smbx-6-jun-10
--> smbx1.2.1 (10th June 2010 - 18th June 2010. Multiple .exe files)
--> smbx-secret-army-version (20th June 2010) (Redigit named this version, but not the Link-related ones below. That was just me being excited, lol)
--> SMBX LINK BETA WOOOOAH (21st June 2010)
--> SMBX LINK BETA 2 WOO (22nd June 2010)
--> smbx57 (23rd June 2010)
--> link beta 3 (26th June 2010)
--> last-beta-before-13 (17th October 2010)

Although I haven't had time to comb through these builds thoroughly, I have checked some out and discovered some interesting tidbits.

Here is what I've found:

--> In earlier builds of SMBX (tested on smbx-7-30-09 and smbx-beta-17aug09) stars lack their twinkle effects and move slightly differently.
--> Collecting a SMB3 star would not end the level in smbx-7-30-09. This was fixed in smbx-7-31-09.
--> When kicking a shell against a breakable block in smbx-beta-23nov09, it will not ricochet in the opposite direction and instead bounce up and come to a halt. This behavior was fixed in smbx-beta-28nov09.
--> smbx-beta-05dec09 is the build that introduced custom graphics.
--> Link's climbing in link beta 3 had gravity, causing him to drop if there are no inputs while in fairy form while climbing.

There are obviously a LOT more things to find, and it'll be really cool if these finds can be documented. If you find anything interesting, do share in the replies here, or on the #archives channel on the SMBX discord.


- Quill
Last edited by Quill on Tue Oct 08, 2024 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SMBX Beta Builds from 2009/2010

Postby quack_chap » Tue Oct 08, 2024 1:36 am


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Re: SMBX Beta Builds from 2009/2010

Postby Pixelated_Perfection » Tue Oct 08, 2024 11:08 am

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Re: SMBX Beta Builds from 2009/2010

Postby vitzie629 » Tue Oct 08, 2024 12:50 pm

I wonder if somebody saved SMBX 1.0.1 and 1.1.0 full release versions on their older computers, now that these builds are now available for download…

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Re: SMBX Beta Builds from 2009/2010

Postby AToMIC » Wed Oct 09, 2024 2:34 pm

Everybody: *exists*

Quill: "I am in possession of numerous early builds of SMBx and I would like to share them with you :)".

Truly an awesome thing to share with all of us today friendo!

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