Copy and paste this code into your lunalua!
Code: Select all
function onStart()
Graphics.setMainFramebufferSize(width, height) --Enter width and height here.
function onCameraUpdate()
camera.width, camera.height = Graphics.getMainFramebufferSize() --Don't change anything here.
Screen sizes you can use:
Gameboy Advance: 900x600
Classic Nintendo: 600x600
16:9: 1072x603
Don't make it too small, or it won't look good. You can use the handycam zoom. You also have to modify some stuff if the level size is 4:3 or vertical or you could use the handycam zoom to make things quicker, the world map design has the be changed to 4:3 but if you're a pro or something then keep the size.
Hope this helped, have a good time!