Any co-op episodes suggestions?

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Any co-op episodes suggestions?

Postby cheezer » Wed May 15, 2024 5:30 am

I've played SMBX for many years and I've always kinda wanted to play it in co-op, but I don't have any options to play it locally with someone, and as far as I know, the development for the online multiplayer was dropped many years ago and hasn't been tackled much since (at least I haven't heard about it).

Now, a friend of mine found a way to play SMBX multiplayer using a Steam remote play function, making online co-op possible. Unfortunately, not many episodes I've seen have the 2-player option available, and even if they do, not many of them are designed with co-op in mind.

That being said, I'd appreciate if someone linked me to some good co-op-oriented or at least co-op-supporting episodes here.

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Re: Any co-op episodes suggestions?

Postby Alagirez » Thu May 23, 2024 7:12 am

Sadly there aren't any notable episodes (Besides The Invasion 2) that supports 2-player mode, unless if I missed something.

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