Lingkaran Tanpa Jiwa (v1.2)

'Twas the Choco Latte Contest 2022.
Boom Boom
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Lingkaran Tanpa Jiwa (v1.2)

Postby Alagirez » Sun Jul 17, 2022 6:41 am

Previous name was "Blackmagiʞ Blaƹing", but I had to change because this lvl doesn't do anything with blackmagic stuff.
Meaning "A Soulless Circles", represents the circle boos, which is the main focus on this level.
Feedback is apprecisted, if there's some errors please let me know.
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Last edited by Alagirez on Sat Aug 20, 2022 12:49 am, edited 3 times in total.

Volcano Lotus
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Re: Blackmagiʞ Blaƹing - WIP

Postby cato » Sun Jul 17, 2022 7:11 am

A pretty solid level centered on trick rooms and Boo Circle dodging. The trick rooms don't do much on themselves if the players don't enter them after the first time playing. Not to mention that those rooms only contain chase sequences or quick reaction timing. I can't justify them having different music specifically for them as well. The Boo Circles, on the other hand, does have nice setups with its positions and coherence with the others for platforming and dodging. Other than that, it looks unnatural for some of them to be there since it takes place outside, together with other enemies.

The graphic and design choice pairs well with what you are going for, except for the level name (Blackmagic Blazing I assume). A bit weird for the Big Boo enemy, which clashes with the Boo Circle enemy. I also suggest limiting your enemy choices. Aside from the Eeries, Boo Circles, and moving furniture, I also see that you have prepared the Ghost Rope (from DKC2). Just ensure you don't overwhelm the player, like at the end of the 2nd section.

A few nitpicks as well:
You should tell the players to backtrack after entering the door that takes you nowhere.
In the room right before the 3rd checkpoint, it is easy to jump right onto the Eeries after the trick sequence.
In your credit file, all I see are names. On the safe side, be specific on who makes what, including where the music comes from.
I can not open the level without changing the folder name. Please ensure your level/folder name doesn't contain weird characters.

Boom Boom
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Re: Blackmagiʞ Blaƹing - WIP

Postby Alagirez » Sun Jul 17, 2022 9:10 am

cato wrote:
Sun Jul 17, 2022 7:11 am
Le review
Thank you for the feedback! I'll see what can I do with them, especially with the NPC variations and the "Trap" rooms.
About the level name being unfitting, honestly I don't have any name ideas for the level, so I decided to take some random names that contains some kind of "creepy/scary" stuff in it. For the name itself, I took the name from Camellia's album which has the same name. If you (or anyone else who see this) have a better name suggestions, please let me know.

I'm pretty sure I already removed the "special symbols" from the level name file. Maybe it comes from the zip name idk...

Boom Boom
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Re: Lingkaran Tanpa Jiwa (v1.0)

Postby Alagirez » Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:39 pm

Updated the level! Now it's finished.
Let me know if there's any issues or something.

Volcano Lotus
Volcano Lotus
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Re: Lingkaran Tanpa Jiwa (v1.1)

Postby cato » Wed Aug 17, 2022 9:22 am

Very well executed setups with lots of variety with the Boo circle speed, number, and formation. The parts (after checkpoints 2 and 3) are the best when it comes to setups and how you do the platforming. It requires timing, precision, and movement to avoid set Boo Circle patterns. Star Coins or some additional challenges would be nice. Though, I would like place an additional powerup in the vertical section. While at it, focus more on the main gimmick and remove any unnecessary trick rooms (from sections 1 and 2) if you want. They don't do much if the players decide to skip all of them and focus on dodging the Boo Circles.

Visual-wise, I wonder if you can add brightness for the atmosphere and visual purposes.

Boom Boom
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Re: Lingkaran Tanpa Jiwa (v1.1)

Postby Alagirez » Wed Aug 17, 2022 11:40 am

cato wrote:
Wed Aug 17, 2022 9:22 am
Le review Part 2
Thank you for the review (again)! I'll consider about the suggestions that you gave me. Glad that you enjoyed it c:

Boom Boom
Boom Boom
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Re: Lingkaran Tanpa Jiwa (v1.2)

Postby Alagirez » Sat Aug 20, 2022 12:49 am

Level updated.

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