First and foremost, the scores amassed have contributed to a little community trophy to remember the contest. I've added all scores together and added 10 points per medal. After dividing by the amount of numbers, we got...
Neat! Awesome! Great! Let's move on to the results!
3rd Place
1st Place
Finally, there are a total of 39 medals I have come up with based on the qualities and quirks of individual levels. They're visible in the episode, and also exist as userbars for you to brag with! Below in the spoiler are all of them, arranged by user.
A lot of new things were tried in this contest, and it's very intentionally strange and new and unfamiliar. So I would love if you would take a couple minutes to hop through this little feedback survey I've prepared. It helps filter out what kind of stuff we should repeat or expand upon in future, more normal contests!
Thanks for reading, thanks for participating, thanks for sticking around and merry christmas to all! I hope you participants all had fun making your levels!