Wendy's Volcano Paradise

Levels that have good quality and are worth playing.
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Wendy's Volcano Paradise

Postby Alagirez » Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:28 pm

An old level that i submitted in TKCC2. This level is pretty hard (Insane) this level is hard as Floral Flirt Volcanic
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Reiuji Utsuho
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Re: Wendy's Volcano Paradise

Postby Reiuji Utsuho » Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:09 am

Review: Wendy's Valcano Paradise by Harvey36Dice
{Gameplay: 10Pts | Scenery/Music: 10Pts}

8 out of 10
I was very very surprised by this level because it somehow feels oddly familiar. Nonetheless it's easily one of my favourite levels so far! Before I get into the more general and specific topics I want to focus on what I usually take note of first: Enemy NPC and power-up placement.

I'll be brief with this and say that I have no issues with your NPC placement in regards to enemies and power-ups. There is a decent amount of both in all areas and it wouldn't overwhelm the player or leave them desiring something more. It feels clear consideration was taken and account for how long the level is in aggregate so this is perfectly fine. ~

Continuing on I love the design. You took a simple lava level concept and really put together something I consider different. The areas, for the most part are quite large and there's a lot to explore. The lava itself serves as barricades in their own right or as simple obstacles to avoid which does ramp up the difficulty in this level.

A very clear effort was put into this level and for hat all I can say is that what came of it is a challenging, fun, and pleasing level that I would recommend playing.

9 out of 10 {5Pts Scenery | 4Pts Music}
I have quite a bit to say here. First of all I do want to say that this is probably one of my favourite levels visual-wise. You made good use of BGOs and no area in this level feels any bit close to empty. You also took good use of lava BGOs and I would even count some of the lava (that can actually kill) as a plus visually for this level. Enemy graphics fit very well and I also love the hole effects on the ground platforums, that was what I noticed first and it's just a really cool effect. ~

Lastly for music, despite using two tracks I find it to be rather fitting and I have no complaints about it. Everything up until the final boss uses the same track while the boss uses the SMB3 mini-boss theme.

17 out of 20Pts {8Pts Overall {Rounded from 8.50}}
This level isn't bad in idea, and not terrible in execution, however .. there's just doesn't seem to be much here. I mean what's here is a good start but it feels empty. The secrets were a nice addition, but other than that I really cannot find myself trying to justify a higher score. ~

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