Bluigi tries finally out SMBX!

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Bluigi tries finally out SMBX!

Postby Bluigi » Mon Mar 30, 2015 11:52 pm

Hello! :)

I'm Bluigi, 13, from Bavaria, Germany and I downloaded SMBX today.
I played the episodes a bit but I've spent more time in the level editor so far.

Sorry if my English isn't always perfect, you know, my native language is German and so I often do mistakes in the english language. I hope that won't any matter...

But now, I'm really tired, it's near 6 o'clock here and I SHOULD go to bed I think xD

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Re: Bluigi tries finally out SMBX!

Postby Navi » Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:46 am

Hey there, welcome to this forum.
Have fun playing SMBX or whatsoever.
And enjoy your visit.

Squishy Rex
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Re: Bluigi tries finally out SMBX!

Postby Squishy Rex » Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:53 am

Hi Bluigi, welcome to the forums! Since you've just begun your SMBX journey, I would recommend downloading the NEW SMBX CGFX Pack here: ... f=31&t=508 to get you started with level making in the editor. It has a lot of cool stuff so be sure to check it out.
Anyway, I'm Squishy Rex and I basically just make custom graphics now for SMBX and the alternate SMBX Editor here: ... =69&t=1147. There's plenty to see and do here so have fun and enjoy your stay. :)

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Re: Bluigi tries finally out SMBX!

Postby PersonNamedUser » Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:55 am

Hello Bluigi, Welcome to the forums! Have a nice time here okay? :)

Lukas Old Account
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Re: Bluigi tries finally out SMBX!

Postby Lukas Old Account » Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:45 pm

Hello, if you read this, then you probably are wondering why i am saying this: Hello, and have a nice time.

Fry Guy
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Re: Bluigi tries finally out SMBX!

Postby RudeGuy » Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:59 pm

Hello and welcome, read the rules and have a nice stay.

Julia Pseudo
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Re: Bluigi tries finally out SMBX!

Postby Julia Pseudo » Fri Apr 03, 2015 1:46 am

Hi, Bluigi. You English seems fine to me, you have nothing to worry about. Read the rules if you haven't yet and enjoy your stay here.

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Re: Bluigi tries finally out SMBX!

Postby bossedit8 » Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:48 am

Hello and Welcome to the Forums. I am @bossedit8 who makes Levels, Episodes and even Videos based on SMBX and sometimes Mario Builder, Touhou, ZSNES Emulators and rarely more.

Have a very nice time and please follow the Forum Rules. Hope to get used here.

Pink Yoshi Egg
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Re: Bluigi tries finally out SMBX!

Postby MECHDRAGON777 » Mon Apr 13, 2015 2:51 am

I hope you have a noce time here, and goodluck on the forums! I am learning German by the way!

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